Monday, November 25, 2019



Now remember, that is what most people are – nonbelievers.

Imagine not knowing Jesus, not knowing there is a future for you, not knowing that there is a God and that that God forgives you and loves you.  Imagine not knowing that that God indeed has a plan for you.

Imagine not knowing any of the truths of life, like the truths about death and resurrection, about forgiveness, about the Kingdom of God, about divine healing.

Imagine not knowing that God is real, that Jesus is real, that the Holy Spirit is real, that the Bible is true, that angels are real, that the devil and demons are real too.

Imagine not knowing how to protect yourself using the armor of God or not having God’s angels around to serve you.

Imagine that every day is basically a random events day, a day where the significance of things that happen is just not understood, where everything is considered an accident or coincidence or perhaps something you in your own strength and abilities have planned and scheduled that has worked out or not.

Imagine just not knowing and sitting on a quiet night and wondering where you are, what existence is, what is going to happen to you.  Imagine thinking the grave is the end, the only end.


Thank God that you don’t have to!

Thank God that you know Jesus!  Praise God!  Thank Jesus for his incredible sacrifice!  We cannot say thanks enough.  There are no words or actions that suffice. 
                                                                                            (November 2019)
                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Click on John's blog in the menu column on the website or just go to johnnewlin.blogspot,com in your Internet browser on your PC or your mobile phone or other device.   

Read hundreds of John’s writings on Jesus' imminent return, the gospel, the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, fighting evil, healing, protecting yourself, and more.  

Search for the subject of your choice.  Enter  your key word in the search blank at the top left of the block and click on the search icon (the magnifying glass). 

Sign up to be a follower of the blog!  Be sure not to miss anything!  These are important and challenging times and these articles contain truth and revelation and guidance for us all.  Many articles posted are not sent out any other way.

P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Monday, October 21, 2019


“Watch out that you are not deceived.” – Jesus in Luke 21:8

The secular world in the midst of which we are all living today is for believers an atrocious world.  That is true for nonbelievers too, although many do not realize that.

The rampant deception and delusion of so many is now obviously apparent.  Were it not for our faith and understanding of what is soon to come, we believers would be screaming like the person in the painting THE SCREAM that was on our last newsletter.  But we do know what is to come, we do know who we are in Christ, we do know the joy of having the Kingdom in us now and we will soon know the joy of having the Kingdom all around us.

Not so for the mass of humanity that populates the planet and produces the ghastly behaviors and gross deceptions we see every day.  There is not space to list them all but just look at some major examples of massive lunacy – and massive deception:

The NBA official organization as well as many of its biggest stars has just shown the world that it is money and money only they are all about.  They have thrown America under the bus.  They have supported this communist dictatorship that commits and has committed overwhelming gross human rights violations for decades.  It is astounding what money – and spiritual and intellectual blindness and basic ignorance – can do.  Because one of the staff of one team had the audacity to support those in Hong Kong demonstrating for personal freedoms, the entire league came out in support of this murderous regime, ignoring what it is and has been.  Just consider:
  • It is China that had the one baby per couple policy for so long, eliminating that just in 2015.
  • It is China that is working on a program of following citizen’s activities and thus determining who it will allow to travel and who it will not (within the country!). I have heard there are two million on the “not travel” list so far.
  • It is China that oppresses religion – Christianity, in our case. The formal Chinese church, the one that is visible, is a sham.  People are not allowed to attend until they are 18 years old.  And even then it is a church operating with the approval of the godless state.  Underground, hidden and struggling, are the true Christians there.  Estimates are at least 100 million are in the underground church, taking personal risks to live and worship as true believers in the Lord.  There are missionaries who travel in China and coordinate these underground churches.
  • It is China that will not tolerate demonstrations on the part of its citizens seeking individual rights. Remember Tiananmen Square?  Remember watching the tank roll right over a demonstrator?
  • This is the China of horrible environmental pollution that the green movement seems to conveniently ignore.
  • This is the China of government censorship and theft of intellectual property.
  • This is the China of massive oppression of people.
  • This is the nation that so oppresses the people of Tibet today.
  • This is the nation that currently holds 3 million Muslims in detention camps – That is their way of dealing with today’s radical Islam problem. (June 4, 2019 – THE NATIONAL INTEREST)
  • This is the nation that according to the latest Human Rights Watch World Report
    • “dramatically stepped up repression and systematic abuses against the 13 million Turkic Muslims, including Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs, in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region”
    • “hastened their efforts in 2018 to undermine people’s rights to free speech and political participation in Hong King”
    • increasingly deploys mass surveillance systems to tighten control over society. “In 2018, the government continued to collect, on a mass scale, biometrics including DNA and voice samples; use such biometrics for automated surveillance purposes; develop a nationwide reward and punishment system known as the “social credit system”; and develop and apply “big data” policing programs aimed at preventing dissent.”
    • tried to silence Chinese human rights defenders abroad by harassing and detaining their families in China.
    • And much more. You can read the report.
  • This is the China that sends a 200 million person army to Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation period.
  • This is the China that the NBA and its stars are applauding and upholding.
Remember now that basketball was invented in America.  Basketball is an American sport.  The NBA has grown and prospered in America, the land of opportunity.  This professional league has made multi-millionaires of hundreds of athletes.  The NBA has now thrown its support to the horrible government described above.  Americans can and should react by dropping all support to the league.  Whether they will is not likely, for remember so many Americans are deceived themselves.

Regardless of your political preferences, you must recognize the terrible deception playing out in Washington and on the news channels:  Ever since the election of the current president in 2016, and even before, large numbers of people have somehow blindly ignored the election and have sought to overturn it.  This is unlike all previous elections in our lifetime.  One of the examples of American’s greatness has been the peaceful passing of authority over time. 

These opponents of the government proceed in all avenues and take extreme behaviors.  Lying, breaking rules, interfering as much as possible in normal government operations – important issues of the day are ignored so that this crusade might continue.  For two years we were all subjected to a sham story of Russia collusion that turned out to be nothing.  So now the group has moved on to pressing for impeachment.  All of this is an overwhelming example of both deception and delusion.  We who know the Lord and are able to discern truth recognize this for what it is, but millions do not. 
I do not know how this will all play out.  There is so much to say and so much to write.  We are so close to the Lord’s return.  So many leaders and even so many institutions long highly regarded have now been brought into this deception.  Maybe the disarray that is Washington and the national media is indeed America’s lot for the end time period.  Maybe not.  We can still hope and pray.  But I remind you that America is not anywhere to be seen in Scripture in these last days.

This has been going on for some time but it is too important not to include here.  It is a disaster for American culture, our system of government, and individual freedom and rights. Over and over again all types of accomplished persons from various fields of activity are brazenly stopped from speaking on these campuses by deceived, intellectually blind students and professors.  Freedom of speech is trashed.  The idea of listening to various points of view in order to come to a wise decision on an issue is not understood and totally ignored.  This behavior is the complete opposite of the concept of America that was forged through so much effort and sacrifice by the original founders so many years ago.

These are the last hours.  I do not know specifically when the Lord will return but I know it is soon.  Very soon.  Sometime between now and a few years.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  Always.  And use all the tools God has given you  to protect yourself.  Put on his armor as described in Ephesians 6.  Thank God for his angels and for their protecting you (see Hebrews 1:14).  In his name cast out demons, evil spirits always, especially before and after you are around persons and places that surely have many nonbelievers present.  For example, going into and out of a hospital, shopping in a mall, anywhere you go in this secular world.

Please send copies of this article or forward the email to all you would.  How are people who do not know Jesus or do not know of his imminent return to come to the truth without someone telling them?  You can and should be part of that.

It is all as Jesus said about our day, that it would be just like the days of Noah and Lot.  What of those days?  Highly sinful, with people going about normal activities – marriage, business, and so on.  They were oblivious of what was about to happen.  So too with so many today.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you always in all encounters and all situations.  Represent the Lord as possible and as the Holy Spirit leads you in every situation.  To the extent possible, seek to help God the Father lead others to Christ.  And always pray for the lost.  Pray that God will draw them to Jesus.  Remember, you cannot make anyone believe.  But you surely can help in all this.

                                                                                                (October 2019)
                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27512
tel 910 395 1465

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


This is a really important document.  I ask you to read it through and to think and pray about it.  Our September newsletter touched just a bit on what you are about to read, but by no means the whole account.  This is important for all of you and your families.

Some of you have known me a long time.  Some of you I think know pretty clearly how I have been called by God and given certain assignments.  Some of you have seen the healings and miracles and heard various revelations regarding all Jesus is and who we are in him and his imminent return.  Some of you, probably most, know how dramatically God stepped into my life years ago and called me to this new life we have led for so long.

Over the years the Lord has spoken many things to me in various ways – direct words, Holy Spirit guidance, words spoken to others, dreams, visions, circumstances.  And he has done so many healings and miracles.  Among the words he has shared are many concerning his return and specific prophecies sometimes that I have considered just for me and for Cathy.  Then there are those that clearly I was to share with all and I have done that.  And the third category is those that perhaps should be shared but when …?   I needed guidance on that.

In this writing I am sharing some startling things, one from years ago and the others from just the past few days.  After you read this, and as you consider all written here, please pray about it all.  Seek God’s guidance for yourself on the matters covered. 

With that background here we go:

Last fall Cathy and I, after 20 years of living down on the shore really close to the beach, had a real sense, and understanding, that we needed to move.   So we began to write down the reasons why we should move.  When we got to number 8 we said, wow, and we realized it was time.  There were several good reasons.

We prayed about the move and about putting the house on the market to sell.  And the Holy Spirit guidance was clear.
Now pay special attention:

As we went through the process, our minds turned back to a prophecy, a word, the Lord gave me several years ago.  In fact it was in December of 2005.  I have only shared this with a few of those closest to us, but now I am sharing it with all.  These are the Lord’s words:

“This whole island will be covered with water.  The coastlands will be covered with water.  But I will move you and your family before then.  Put it all in my hands.”

We had thought about this over the years but the Lord had not moved us.  Now it was happening.  And it did.

We lived along the shore, very close to the ocean, and as we thought of moving off the island on which we lived, we thought we would move to the nearby large city which was a few miles from the shore.  But then those words from the Lord came back to mind and it was obvious we needed to move more inland.  So we did, to a wonderful place more than a hundred miles from the coast.

Now we are away – from a place we loved living but also from a place the Lord himself said would be covered by water, along with the coastlands.
While you are recovering from all this, I want to go quickly to another subject that relates directly.  A few days ago I had a dramatic dream/vision, clearly a message from God.  Maybe you have had such a thing, or maybe not.  In such a dream/vision, you feel you are really there, and the words and actions are real.

I will not summarize all, for it is a long account.  But you need to hear the main part.  Cathy and I were walking along the shore in a town just north of our beach town.  Another couple was with us.  As we walked and talked we looked at the water close beside us.  It was full of ships – of all sizes.  Full, like none of us have ever seen before.  They were sitting pointed this way and that.

As we walked I suddenly said: Look at the tugboats!

There were three tugboats sitting together.  Suddenly as we looked, one sank – instantly, quickly. 

And we continued walking.  As we went, from time to time, a ship would sink.  As we neared our town a large ship sank!  The largest so far. 

We rounded a building and the man walking with me said, “You boat is still out there.  It’s riding the waves.”

I turned and faced him.  And in one of those stark moments in such a dream/vision, I (my character in this dream/vision) said:

“You know what this means! 
It’s hours!
We’ve only got hours!”

And at that I woke up startled and highly upset and agitated.  It was perhaps 4:30 AM.  I went downstairs and thought about sending out a warning to all our ministry partners and friends.  I knew that was a message from God.  But as I thought and prayed, I realized I still have not finished one of the assignments God has given me.  So that “hours” must be more than a handful. 

I didn’t send out the immediate warning.  I thought and prayed more, and spoke to Cathy who came downstairs right away.  Later I shared with a few close ministry friends.  

But the message of this dream/vision to me was unescapable:  My instant sense upon awakening was that the time to the Lord’s return is very very short and that the ships sinking was a sign of things falling apart as they indeed are now in our secular world.  I was comforted by the remark by the man that my boat is still out there and is riding the waves.

I need to add that as I sat and prayed I suddenly fell asleep and was again in the same dream.  This time Cathy and I were continuing to walk to where we live, although in this dream/vision it wasn’t a house but rather a second floor apartment in a two floor apartment building along the shore.  We went up to the apartment.  I went in and suddenly I saw through the window facing the ocean a wave as high as the window.  I grabbed Cathy and left quickly.  And I woke up.

I think that coda was just to add emphasis to the primary dream.

Several comments need to be made:

·            We don’t know how many hours we have until the Lord returns.  None of us ever have.  It could be thousands.  But whatever it is, obviously it is a short period.
·         Ever since the Lord called me to begin focusing on his return, all his words – received directly, through dreams or visions, through perhaps others he has spoken to about me – have used terms like days to refer to this time before he returns.   The last days.  Now the term is hours.  I think the message is clear.
·         A few close to us have offered insights they have received regarding the ships, but I think the interpretation I have shared here is the one that most fits.  If you have some guidance from the Lord on this, please forward to us.

·        Pray about it.  Seek God’s guidance for yourself.  Seek God’s confirmation for yourself.
·      If you are living at the coast or on an island, I think it’s time for you to think again about that, to consider where you live and continue to live and to seek God’s guidance.  And looking a bit more broadly, maybe also those of you who live in some other area frequently subject to really violent weather like tornados or earthquakes should do the same.
·     Certainly I don’t know each of your situations and what you need to do or not, but it is time now for you to seek God’s guidance on this.  Pray.  There are just too many signs and too much guidance of how close we are.  And again, the environment both natural and human gets tougher and tougher as we approach that hour of the Lord’s return. 
·        And once again as I say so often, tell others about the Lord and his imminent return.  Give them whatever you think they will listen to on this.  Give them our book WAKE UP AMERICA! or give them some of our CDs or newsletters.  Some people send our newsletter and other writings to others, by email or in paper form.  Pray for all you know do not know Jesus.  Pray for God to lead them to Jesus.  Remember in the end you cannot force anyone to believe.  God must lead them to that point.

    (September 2019)
                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

 PLEASE:  Get copies of the new book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON now!  Give copies to those you care for.  So many don’t know anything about how close we are to the return of the Lord!  Help wake them up!
Click here to order from our ministry:  JNMI

Click here to order from Amazon:  AMAZON

Or directly contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. 

And if you are ordering ten or more copies all to be sent directly to you, contact our office for a greatly reduced price!  Anyone who has already purchased ten or more copies will receive this low price for all future purchases.
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27512
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

* THIS IS 9/11

A date that will live in infamy.  Franklin Roosevelt said that about Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, the day the Japanese military surprisingly attacked the US military based at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

But for us today, 9/11 is the day that will live in infamy.  That was the day 19 wildly evil madmen killed 3000 American civilians who were going about their normal daily activities – at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, and on a plane that crashed in Pennsylvania because of the valiant efforts of passengers to keep it from hitting the White House or the Capitol.  It was absolute evil on display, shocking the American public who have such great difficulty understanding and believing there is a true living force in the universe that is absolute evil.

2000 have died since that day because of health problems caused by the attack, the fires, the smoke, the chemicals ingested.  Firemen, policemen, emergency workers, and just regular people.

This was an attack from 19 radical Muslim jihadists.  Never forget that. It was not an attack from some unknown group.  America and the world are still dealing with that general evil group which has so many names.

In these last hours before the return of the Lord, there is massive deception, breakdown of institutions and values once treasured, falling away from God, a coming apart at the seams, all at the same time believers in the Lord and even some good people who do not know the Lord seek to hold things together.

Never forget, despite what some news media might choose to ignore and not report or what some politicians want to forget and sweep under the rug.  The horrors of that day clarified for the country who the primary enemy in the secular world was and is.  That has not gone away.

Those who know the Lord have long known who the true spiritual enemy is.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27512
tel 910 395 1465

Friday, August 30, 2019


We are approaching the end of summer and the Southeast United States is again being threatened by an approaching hurricane, this time named Dorian by the meteorologists.  It is still far out to sea but is on a course towards Florida, with possible impacts on Georgia and other neighboring states.

But we believers know what Jesus said about all this.   In John 14:12-14 Jesus said those who believe in him will do the same things he had been doing, even greater.  He said that he would do whatever we ask him in his name.  He also said over in John 16:23 that Father God will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus’ name.

In Mark 11:22-23 Jesus made the point that anyone who has faith in God can say to their mountain “go and throw yourself into the sea,” and if they believe and do not doubt, it will be done as they have said.  The mountain for those living along the Southeast coast today is the harsh and strong storm named Dorian.

It’s time right now once again to focus on these verses and to put your faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just word!  It is these verses and others that lead us to realize that in Jesus all things are possible.

What did Jesus do?  He healed the sick.  He also changed the weather.  And much more.    And he says we can do the same things as he.

Well, we do.  People do receive their healing!  And the weather is changed!

We have certainly seen hurricanes turn aside in the past and/or diminish in power when we and others took that bold stand and action in Jesus’ name, and we have faith and expect that now.  Remember last year when hurricane Florence dropped from a category 4 to a category 1 almost immediately just before hitting land!

So I ask now everyone wherever you are to use these truths to pray against this storm, to take a stand.  (I personally like to step outside and face southeast in this case, raising arm and hand with palm to the southeast, to the Atlantic ocean.)

All of you should declare:

In Jesus’ name, I order the hurricane named Dorian to turn aside from land, to go out to sea and to diminish and disappear.  In Jesus’ name, I order that storm to touch no land and harm no people and no boats!

Be bold!  You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we could do.  Remember, he changed the weather.  He stopped storms.

Do it now!

Thank you all and God bless you all.
                                                                                              (August 2019)
                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Absolute evil.  That is what we are seeing so blatantly in America today.  Of course, most believers in Jesus have recognized evil all about in this world on an on-going basis.  And probably most nonbelievers surely see some aspects of evil.  But overall the secular world just doesn’t comprehend it or understand it.

Attempting to explain the horrible violence such as happened in El Paso and Dayton, various politicians and media reporters focus on gun control again and again or look into individual problems like mental illness.  Or drugs.  Or just turn to such catchall phrases as racism.  The fact remains, what we are seeing is a very visible, undeniable display of out and out plain absolute evil in all its perverted glory.

The mayor of El Paso got it right in an interview when he described what had happened as absolute evil.  That’s it.

The devil is running amok these days.  His time is limited.  We are nearing the end. 

So many who do not know Jesus are easy prey for his talents.  Remember, he is the father of lies        (John 8.44).  People who do not know about the spiritual realm and about how to use God’s tools for protecting themselves have no defense against the wiles of the evil one.  No unbeliever can stand against demons and evil spirits and most certainly against the devil.  No believer can either, except by standing in Jesus, by exercising faith and using the tools God has provided.

Look at how empty unbelievers are:
·         They don’t know God has sent his ministering spirits – his angels – to serve those who will inherit salvation.  That service certainly includes protection. (See Hebrews 1:14). 
·         And they don’t know about all the protective armor God has given us as described by Paul in Ephesians 6.
·         They don’t know that a true believer in Jesus can, in Jesus’ name, cast out evil spirits, as Jesus said in Mark 16:17. 
·         And they don’t know that a born again, spirit filled believer can discern spirits, can discern when there is danger about, can discern which way to go.  The gifts of the Spirit, the extraordinary guidance of the Spirit, are of indescribable value to the born again, Spirit filled believer (see John 14-16; 1 Corinthians 12, 14).
So many things God has done to equip the believer.  So much he has for us. 

And you as a believer, a born-again, Spirit-filled believer, have those skills and can take advantage of all this in this world.
For more on all this get our CDs The Holy Spirit, Fighting Evil, Your Authority in Christ, and more.  Watch our videos on these subjects on our website or on YOUTUBE.  Read the past newsletters that focused on this, such as the March 2018 one.

And get out there and do all you can to help others find the Lord.  Give them our book WAKE UP AMERICA! – JESUS IS COMING SOON.  Tell them about good and evil, about Jesus and what he has done for them.  Tell them about all the authority a believer has. 

These are the last of the last days.  As the angel said to Daniel in the last chapter of the book of Daniel in the Bible, the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.(Daniel 12:10).

True believers operating in the gifts know what is happening.  They can take action.  And they keep their eyes on Jesus. 




Those killers in El Paso and Dayton did not know Jesus.  They did not know his limitless love, his forgiveness, his caring.  They did not know his and the Holy Spirit’s and God the Father’s guidance for life.  They did not know the words of the Bible are true and real and full of life.  They did not know there is more to life than what they were experiencing, more than the great darkness and loneliness and emptiness. But they did know this – they knew the devil, whether they recognized him or not.  They knew darkness, they knew evil, they knew the direction of the evil forces.  And they acted on that. 

The devil is real.  So too demons and evil spirits.  But God is far more powerful.  Everything ever made is under Jesus’ feet.  In him, we can prevail.  Do that.  Prevail.

Remember again what I am always saying – be alert, be ready for the Lord to come.  In his words to me years ago, be alert, pray for the lost, seek him with all your heart.



Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!         

                                                   (August 2019)
                                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin


[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]



Order from our ministry.  Click here: JNMI  

Order from Amazon. Click here: AMAZON 

Or directly contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465.  If you are ordering ten or
more copies sent to one address you will receive a special low price! Anyone who has already purchased ten or more copies will receive this low price for all future purchases.

Giving this book to others is one way to reach those around you.  Most people will take a book.  They may read it later, but at least you will have a book in their hands!

So many don’t know anything about how close we are to the return of the Lord!  Help wake them up!  Jesus did not tell me to write this book so long ago and then bring it all the way through publication at this time for no reason.  It is here to inform all those who would read it about where we are in time, what is coming very soon, what happens next, what it takes to go with Jesus when he comes, and what all should be doing right now. 


Contributions to John Newlin Ministries are greatly appreciated and needed!  All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.

P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512       910 395 1465

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


All of us have seen over recent days and past years how the leaders of Iran have steadily ratcheted up the conflict between Iran and the US and the rest of the West.  Considering the difference in size and physical might, this seems highly irrational.  Yet it continues, with the recent shooting down of an American drone and the seizing of a UK ship and the holding of the ship’s crew.  Iran continues as a constant threat to the world regarding its potential development of nuclear weapons.  As is well known, Iran is the key state sponsor of terrorism throughout the Middle East. 

I now suggest what very likely is going on.  Some of you may know this already.

Much of Islam believes in a return of a person called the Mahdi, also referred to by some as the twelfth Iman.  It is said this Mahdi was born many years ago – in the 800’s – but disappeared.  When this Mahdi returns he will bring justice and peace.  There is much more to the story but I am focusing only on the key points as it relates to us and our time.  The Mahdi is said to return with “Jesus.”  Remember, that Jesus is a figure in Islam, not Jesus the Son of God that Christian believers know.

Now consider these important points:
·        Most important: The Mahdi returns at a time of great upheaval, of chaos, of injustice, of corruption.
·        The great majority of the Shiite Muslims believe in this Mahdi.  (Islam has two major groups – Shiite and Sunni).  So too do some Sunni Muslims.
·        Iran is a Shiite Islamic Republic, a Muslim nation with most citizens being Shiites.
·        A majority of these Shiites are Twelvers – they believe in this Mahdi, this twelfth Iman.  The founder of modern Iran was in this group.  So too the current Supreme Leader there.

So is this fervent belief a cause for the nation’s leaders to take really extreme risks for their country, to put themselves in an adversarial position against the world’s greatest nation and Western civilization in general?  Is it possible Iran’s top leaders see themselves as paving the way for the return of this Mahdi?  A former president of Iran – Ahmadinejad – said a few years ago at the United Nations that the main mission of the Islamic Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam.

Thus is it possible that creating world or regional chaos, even bringing about massive war and confusion, is something the top religious leaders who run Iran would see as a positive thing - creating the environment for the return of the Mahdi?

I know this is not a new idea, but it may be new to some of you, and I thought I should send it out, especially noting the events of the day.

In light of all the above, I have a warning for all:  This is a time for all of us to be alert, to watch, as our Lord Jesus said, so that we might be ready to go when he returns.  Luke 21:36 is specific to this.  Be alert. 

    (July 2019)
                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

It goes without saying that we are living in the last days before the return of the Lord.  It goes without saying that most people on earth, including a great many who attend churches on Sunday, don’t know at all about this.  They just aren’t aware.  They have never been taught.  They don’t spend any time themselves to study the Bible or seek out more information on the subject.

For your family and friends and really anyone you care about, please get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! now!  Give copies to those you care for.  Help wake them up! Most people will accept a gift of a book, even if they are difficult for you to speak to about such important matters. 

Order from our ministry.  Click here:

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Or directly contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465.
And if you are ordering ten or more copies all to be sent directly to you, contact our office for a greatly reduced price!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Every day any alert person can read or hear countless stories of abject evil.  Kids shot in schools by unthinking lost persons of various ages.  Drive by shootings.  All sorts of physical assaults.

In the bigger picture of course there is disastrous evil everywhere, such as in so many politicians who cannot discern truth, cannot speak truth, live in lies.  Reporters and television announcers who act the same in their environments.  Even some so-called religious leaders.  And on a still grander scale, how about the apparent move to overrun Europe and no doubt eventually the US as well with more and more Muslim immigrants.

What is happening?

Simple.   The last of the last days.  Satan knows that and his forces are out in wild abandon.

All these many people in our world who do not truly know Jesus, who are not born again, have no defense at all against the evil one and his minions.

God has given believers the ability to fight against evil.  In Jesus’ name we can cast out demons, order away evil spirits.  No one else can do that.  No person can fight an attack of evil forces without the power of the Lord operating through them and as needed the assistance of God’s angels.

This carries on to much more.  God has given us his great armor described in Ephesians 6 to protect us.  And he has sent us his angels to serve us.  That service includes protection.  Those angels are for true believers in Jesus Christ, persons who are in and will be in the Kingdom of God.

When our military encountered all sorts of evil in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, do you think they were ready to counter that spiritual opponent?  To fight the spiritual fight?  Of course not, unless they themselves were true believers who know who they are in Jesus.  So we got all sorts of news stories of terrible things…of course…the devil in action.

The government, the media, the military, even many of your neighbors have no idea of what they are dealing with today or how to fight such evil.  Only true born again Christians know.  And only those operating in the gifts of the Spirit can readily discern all that is happening in a situation and the right way to go.  That guidance is one of the infinite benefits of the Holy Spirit.

Do not let yourself be deceived.  I share with you that great advice of Jesus regarding these last days, his first and primary piece of advice for these times (Luke 21:8).  So easy to be misled if you are not alert.  The devil is a liar and the father of lies, remember, along with being a murderer.  He presents himself as an angel of light.  You have to be alert and discerning.  I know that is frightening and some just don’t want to even put forth the effort.  But do you want to live confused, deceived, misled?

Remember the angel’s guidance to Daniel near the end of that great prophetic book.  Regarding these last days, he said:

Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. – Daniel 12:10

Did you get that last sentence?  None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.  Wise here of course refers to true believers operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Make sure that is you.
                                                                                          (May 2019)
                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

PLEASE:  Get copies of the new book WAKE UP AMERICA! now!  Give copies to those you care for.  So many don’t know anything about how close we are to the return of the Lord!  Help wake them up! .
Order from our ministry: click here JNMI LINK
Order from Amazon:  click here AMAZON LINK 
Or directly contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. 
And if you are ordering ten or more copies all to be sent directly to you, contact our office for a greatly reduced price!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O BOX 15797

tel 910 395 1465