Thursday, February 19, 2015


The official government of the United States today is either monumentally naïve, terribly incompetent, or extremely evil.  Regardless of which is correct, it is putting the US and the world in extreme danger.

The official position of the government regarding the horrible violent actions of the various terrorist groups in the world today defies belief by anyone.  Even the average man on the street knows it is muslim terrorist groups that are doing the horrible killing in so many nations today.  They are muslim terrorists.  They shout muslim slogans when they attack and kill.  And their targets most clearly are non-muslims – Christians, Jews, others – and even some muslims who do not adhere to their rigorous interpretation of the koran.

This is a serious, serious issue and a major part of the end times in which we are living.  And the refusal of the formal government of the USA to recognize these groups by name as muslim terrorist groups is outrageous and unconscionable and not to be accepted by any thinking person.  Lately I have heard widely respected news commentators call this refusal to acknowledge as being pathological.  Franklin Graham said recently he thinks the leader of the US cannot see what is happening because he sees from a muslim perspective (his father was a muslim, his step-father a muslim, he grew up in a muslim country, he went to a muslim school). 

Whatever the cause, my dear friends, you must recognize how wrong and misguided and evil it is.  These muslim terrorist groups are not just evil people, or out of work evil people, or just bad guys seeking gain.  No.  They are adherents to their strict interpretation of islam.  From the beginning islam spread through violence.  As I wrote recently, shortly after Mohamed’s death islam spread by the army of its adherents sweeping throughout the Mediterranean countries, finally to be stopped by the French army of Charles Martel in Tours in 732 AD. 

The actions of the various terrorist groups are not just to win some local gain.  No, overall there is a much more sinister objective.  This statement by the leader of ISIS itself gives a good understanding of where the overall islam terrorist activity is heading:

“A day will soon come when the muslim will walk everywhere as a master.”

Also this one by the leader of Hamas:

“We say this to the West – by allah you will be defeated.  Tomorrow our nation will sit on the throne of the world.”

Are you getting that?  It’s pretty clear, isn’t it?  Where have you heard such statements before?  Hitler?  Back in the 1930’s some tried to ignore him too.

This radical muslim movement is a serious, wildly violent and evil movement that justifies its actions by the koran and their interpretation of what they are to be doing.  There are branches with various names in many countries today now – ISIS, Al Qaida and its many variations, Boko Haran, and more.  It has at its core a religious fervor, and a belief that they are doing what is right, what they are called to do.  It is a religious conflict.  In their own words, a jihad, which means a religious war. 

Yes, I know we are in the last days, and there are all sorts of frightening things going on.   But is not the behavior of the US government here puzzling, wrong, dangerous, threatening to the very safety of the American citizens?  Should not only believers in Jesus but really all people be standing up against this aggressive, horrible evil?  The answer here is a resounding yes.  The comments of the US government about dealing with all this by finding jobs for the terrorists shows an ignorance or an evil that is frightening itself.  These terrorists have a much greater objective in mind than jobs!

In reality, it makes better sense to call the actions of all the radical muslim terrorist groups a movement.  A war.  It is a jihad, a war against what they consider to be unbelievers, which is everyone on earth who does not believe as they do.

So I encourage you all to be in prayer, to seek God on all this, and not to be lulled into any false sense of security.  This is the enemy in action in a big and threatening way.  The US government is acting like an ostrich, or the leader like the president of the US who preceded Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War.  Or maybe it and he are acting much more subversively.  What do you think is happening?  What do you think you should do?

I do not think the Lord expects his followers to just lie down and be destroyed or let others be destroyed by the evil one without a fight.  Prayer is a great weapon to use.  And so too is taking real military action like the allies took in WWII.

As a last comment, from the end times perspective, this appears clearly to be a move to that one-world government that is part of the end times.  Certainly that is what these jihadists are aiming at, whether you ever hear that on the news or not. 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(February 2015)

Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


No time anymore to put it off.  We’ve now come too far into these last of the last days.  You probablyknew this time was coming.

It’s time to separate yourself from anything and any activity that is not of God or is opposed to God!  And part of this is repenting and asking God for forgiveness that you have been involved in any such activity. 

It’s time to seek God with all your heart.

It’s time to pray for the lost – in your family, in your circle of acquaintances, in the world.  Pray for God the Father to lead them to Jesus.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to orchestrate appropriate meetings and encounters that they will hear and receive the truths of the Lord.  Ask God to use you in this however he will.

And it’s time to stand up for the Lord as best you can in all circumstances.  Remember the Lord’s words in Luke 12:8-9:
Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God:  But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.
And remember, you are living in a world where a huge number currently cannot see the truth.  
…the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not (2 Corinthians 4:4)
That “god of this world” is of course the devil, satan.

Look at the world today:
  •           Where are the true believers of God in the body of government and politics?  Are there any?  Why are they so hidden?

  •          The entertainment world – certainly the visible majority – continually engages in horrible behavior.  The recent grammy awards broadcast seems to have been looked at as an occasion to do and present all sorts of occult and evil behavior and symbols.  Do these people know what they are doing?  Remember, the devil has blinded the minds of unbelievers.  I think this idiotic and evil behavior by some of these young and energetic singers and dancers probably reflects no knowledge whatever.  They probably think it is cool.  They probably think it helps them get to the top.  They are lost people.

  •         So often in recent years we see the US government taking positions that are just wrong – as regards Israel, as regards the Bible, as regards the Christian faith, and as regards the basic roots of the USA.  As an example, look at the rampaging growth of approval for LGBT behavior in the US.  Are you aware the leader of the US is appointing a “gay” ambassador to go out to the world to press for LGBT rights in other countries?   The US officially therefore is squarely on the wrong side of the issue that God so clearly condemns.

  •          Years ago the Lord spoke a puzzling parable to me that fits our time now.  He said:  If a person does a small thing and he does it over and over and you do not pay attention to it, soon you will not notice it.  Is that not what has happened and where we are in the gradual fall of the US, in the gradual move of islam throughout the Western world, in the step by step dismantling of the US and its law and constitution and place in the world, in the gradual creep of immoralilty into modern music and television programs and movies and life to the point that it pervades all activity, in the gradual fall away from the full power gospel and its truth by so many.  Notice how the media and much of the population does not notice or see any of this at all.  

The world is rapidly coming to the point that each person must truly make the great decision – yes, I believe in the Lord, and yes I will follow him no matter what – or no, I will not go forward in that absolute belief, preferring to continue in a superfluous cultural faith that adapts to current social trends and beliefs.  We are at that time, dear friends.  As of now it is clear that the number of true believers standing with Christ no matter what the cost is indeed a remnant, to use that famous word.  So many of those who say they are Christians are not in that camp.  And so many others are just flat out already in the outer darkness.

Regarding his return, here are a few words the Lord has said to me about this time, about his return.  I thought I should begin sharing some of these and will share more from time to time:

It will be like a beacon, like a dagger, a moment.  Suddenly.  No light surprise. When I come, things will change.
My church is not of bricks and mortar.
My church is not choirs and fine robes.
My church is those who have given themselves to me.

Wake up, America!  Wake up, people of all lands!  This atrocious current world around you will not stand.  It will not endure. 

The time for your decision is now, while you can clearly think about it and pray about it.  You need to have this resolved before the events of life become so severe and pressing that you find yourself reacting just by impulse on the spur of the moment to threats and pressures and lack and such, and you take the wrong step.

And lastly, in all things, be alert! 

… when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? – Luke 18:8  
Make sure he finds you.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(February 2015)

Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email: