Tuesday, January 30, 2018


In the last couple years many people who inhabit New York City, Washington DC, Hollywood, and the government, entertainment, and media world have been shocked to encounter this truth:  There is a real country out there in the rest of the United States.  In fact, that is where the real country lives.  And that country has had it with the government of the nation, with the extreme liberal elites, with the career politicians in both parties that forgot why they are elected in the first place, with the government bureaucrats who earn high salaries in safe jobs in an ever increasing number, and with the entertainment and media world that in no way represent their views.

These people from primarily New York City, Washington DC, Hollywood,  and the government, entertainment, and media world have been unable to conceive that they do not represent the people of the United States, that their interests are not that of the country, and that the people of the United States do not agree with their views,.  They persist in pressing on.  Many national media on television and in elite newspapers such as the NY Times and the Washington Post tirelessly present their stories and editorials as if they represent the country.  But they do not.

The people of the United States - the mainstream Americans who built the country and keep it running and defend it in wars and are shocked to see their culture and faith and beliefs so attacked - have now finally realized the power they have.  They have once again discovered the wisdom of the founding fathers.  They can throw the rascals out, and they have.  Every day more of the rascals and their views are gone.  Frequently another of the torturous, really illegal and inappropriate executive actions of the past is erased.  Every day past actions to take America down, to reduce it to the level of the world’s countries, to bring in European socialism, are removed.  Every day efforts are taken to return the nation to a land of law and order rather than a land where all sorts of unsatisfactory behavior and beliefs are not only tolerated but even promoted.

We are truly living in the last of the last days, the time so very close to the return of the Lord.  In this time we know from Scripture how things get tougher, how things get more and more confused and difficult.  Jesus himself gave as his first warning of this time in Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21 to “watch that you are not deceived.”  He also talked about false prophets.  Paul points out in 2 Thessalonians 2 how in these times God sends delusion to all these lost people who do not believe the truth but have delighted in wickedness.  It is obvious today that large numbers of politically correct lost people are deluded.  It is obvious.  Listen to their comments on almost any subject.  Irrational.  Make no sense.  But virulent, vicious, angry.  They are angry because they just don’t know and don’t understand and are gradually, let’s hope, realizing their views have been and are being rejected.

The Lord is coming back soon.  Let’s hope and pray this turnaround for America continues and more importantly spills over into the realm of a true Christian awakening.  Let’s pray for a real revival, one that will sweep the country and bring countless new people into God’s Kingdom!  Wouldn’t it be grand that when Jesus gets here he finds a nation working tirelessly to get his Word out to the world, a nation standing on his Word and his truths?

About two hundred and fifty years ago a small collection of people in the American colonies stood up and rebelled against what they viewed as wrong.  They rebelled and stood firm and eventually took forward a new form of government that has done nothing but shock and amaze and become the envy of the world.  Now today mainstream Americans have once again been called to stand up for what is right, to rebel against the tyranny of an elite that has controlled the government and the media and the entertainment world and has put forward a set of views that do not tie to that of the American culture or history or beliefs.  It is clearly a tough fight.  Pray for the health and safety of all those out there standing up for right and truth in this important battle.

May God bless you all.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
                                                                                                                        (January 2018)
                                                                                             Copyright © 2018 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465     
           Email: info@johnnewlinministries.org       Twitter.com/johnnewlinmin    
                                                  Blog:  johnnewlinblogspot.com

Thursday, January 18, 2018

* GOD MOMENT: 9/11

Scheduled for months to be in the New York area for an important meeting on September 11, 2001, I began to hear these words in prayer about six weeks ahead when I prayed about the coming meeting: “Don’t make any plane reservations, don’t make any hotel reservations, don’t drive.”

These words came several times during prayer over the weeks as September 11 approached, sometimes in abbreviated form: ‘No airplane reservations, no hotel reservations, don’t drive.” 

Since the appointment was so important, involved many people, and could not easily be changed, I asked my minister and his wife to come to the house to discuss and to pray.  All seemed dumbfounded at what might happen if I did not show up at the meeting.  One said, “You can’t go!”  And the other said, “You have to go!”

Finally, Cathy and I made the decision to fly up several days ahead so as to already be in the area on September 11.  The morning of the 11th, we went to the sight of the meeting.  As we walked on our way through the lobby of a building across the street, we were drawn by a stranger’s alarm to a television set in the lobby lounge.  And we stood there, silent, watching on the television the horrible scenes of airplanes striking the World Trade Center.  A man at a nearby table prayed, thinking this was the end of the world.

We just stood watching for several minutes.  Once in a while we would look at each other and nod.  After a while we walked on to the building of our meeting.  In short order a plane crashed into the Pentagon.  Our meeting was canceled for the day.

God had warned us.  We weren’t even supposed to be near.

Copyright © 2018 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]                     
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

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P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465        www.johnnewlinministries.org
Email: info@johnnewlinministries.org       Twitter.com/johnnewlinmin       
Blog:  johnnewlin.blogspot.com