Wednesday, July 24, 2013



Thirty-three years ago on a hilltop on a farm field north of Elberton, Georgia a bizarre set of large granite stones appeared.  Their message was even more troubling. 


Recently we visited the site.  Elberton is a small town not near any interstate highways.  It is the center of a granite industry, which explains in part the location of what is now known as the Georgia Guidestones.


In the late 1970’s a mysterious person with the phony name of R. C. Christian appeared in Elberton.  He went to the head of a local granite company and told him of his desire to put in place the structure now known as the Georgia Guidestones.  That executive, now deceased, remarked later he thought he was in the presence of a nut and was thinking how to get him out of his office.  But as the conversation continued, it was clear Christian was serious, and the executive directed him to a local bank where the financial arrangements could be made. 


The local banker, Wyatt Martin, remembers how this was all arranged.  Funds were sent by Christian, and communications also, from various diverse places.  Everything was kept confidential, and the banker had to agree to that.  Nothing has ever been divulged.


Christian in later years did contact the banker from time to time, and they would meet in Atlanta as Christian was passing through.   As I understand, Christian has not been heard from since about 9/11.  My estimate is he would be in his mid-nineties if still alive, based on what I’ve read.


Christian only divulged he represented a group he did not identify.  Nothing more is known.


And so the granite sculpture.  You can see much about it on the internet.  There are four giant slabs upright in a pinwheel fashion, nearly twenty feet in height.  On each are ten “commandments” written in eight different languages – English, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Swahili, Arabic, Chinese, and Hebrew.  All are wide spread languages other than Hebrew.  Across the top of the slabs is another slab with a statement on each side in four ancient languages – Babylonian cuneiform, sanscript, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and ancient Greek.


Then, on the ground not far away is a granite slab with more information.  It points out a time capsule is six feet under the slab, to be opened on ____(no date given).  It details the monument.  It points out even several astronomical features of the monument, and we did see various holes and such in the structure.


Anyone who knows the Bible and the prophecies concerning the return of the Lord will immediately be troubled by the commandments.  Quite apparently this structure is meant to stand no matter what happens on earth.  And quite apparently the group behind this has very clear opinions as to how humans are to live on the planet.  Regardless of what R. C. Christian’s specific group might be called, it is readily apparent that it has to do with the dark side of the end times.  No matter how it is set up or connected, it is part of the anti-christ spirit that characterizes the last days. 



(This is what is inscribed on each of the eight faces in the various languages.  My comments are given under each in brackets)


1.     Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

[Currently there are over seven billion people on earth.  So a population under half a billion is a reduction of around 93%!  More than six and a half billion people would have to be eliminated for this to happen.] 


2.     Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

[Arranging reproduction has been experimented upon in the past.  The Third Reich was into that.  Modern DNA knowledge seems to make this possible.]


3.     Unite humanity with a living new language.

[Certainly this accommodates a one-world government to which the later commandments seem to be heading.]


4.     Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.


5.     Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.


  6.   Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

[So one world court for the entire world – fits the one-world government scenario.]


  7.   Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

            [Sorry – this will never happen as long as people are filling the positions.]


  8.   Balance personal rights with social duties.


  9.   Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.


10.   Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

[Note the commandment says “Leave room for nature” twice.  The implication is that people can be a cancer on the earth; also, that the earth itself is what is important.  This view is sometimes seen in extremists in the environmental movement.]


A great surprise to me is that the stones were not torn down by the local people.  This is a traditional small Southern town.  We saw Baptist churches and a Methodist church.  The reports say some people were horrified when they saw it.  But others (and others from elsewhere) seem not to have been frightened.  Reportedly, a witches coven from Atlanta adopted the site as a second home, and even held a wedding there.  Yoko Ono included the site in a song she wrote. 


There has been mild defacement of the monument (by paint), and perhaps because of that there is a television monitor inconspicuously placed on a pole nearby.  There is no defacement now. 


Evidently, amazingly, the mysterious R. C. Christian deeded the monument to the local government! 


Acording to one web site, this is one of the ten great mysteries on earth.





For all those people who have been deaf to warnings of the imminence of the coming return of the Lord and the end of this age, this “American Stonehenge” serves as a giant wakeup call.  For all those who seem to have difficulty comprehending the activities of the evil side on earth in the planning of the coming one-world government, this monument in Georgia points out in no uncertain terms  that somewhere there exists a covert – e.g., secretive – organization that has as its objectives and ideals a dramatic reduction of the population of the world, the establishment of a world government, some type of new humanist spirituality, biological engineering of future generations, and a great overemphasis on environmentalism.  That should send a chill down your spine. 


As you consider this and all other signs of the times, the key for your peace and joy as always is to

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!


                                                                                                                                       (July 2013)

                                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin




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