Wednesday, October 19, 2022


A momentous election is upon us in the United States.
Far more important than that of course is the imminent return of Jesus.  But surely all believers want Jesus to find us out there working for him and the gospel right up to the time he comes.  And don’t we all want to be living in as good and decent a place as possible these remaining days?
This election gives us all that opportunity.  It gives us a chance to take a stand against the out and out evil and wrong-thinking of many politicians in our government these past months.  It gives us all a chance to vote for what we can perceive are the best candidates, the ones who are true Christians or at least have basic Christian values and who have the backbone to stand up for honesty and decency and truth.
On the local and national level we have seen action after action supporting issues that bring the country down, destroy the economy, damage the basic fundamental values of America that come from the Bible and the Constitution.  We have seen apparently confused or flat out evil politicians take stands that support criminals over the victims of crime, with the result that in many cities today citizens fear to go about the city, to ride public transportation, basically just to live.  We have seen local district attorneys elected who will not support law and order but over and over release terrible criminals onto the streets. 
Throughout the land many good citizens are volunteering to take positions such as poll observer during the election in the hope of having fairer and more honest elections than we have seen in recent years.  Let’s pray that indeed happens.
The goals right now should be to turn around many governments at all levels – governor, mayor, local school boards and councils, and Congress itself.  Many Americans throughout my lifetime have tried to focus on working to support their families, on having a home and a car and a vacation and perhaps going to sports events or some other recreation.  Those are all good things in themselves.  But these Americans have not wanted to focus on issues of politics and government, with the result being we have ended up with the atrocious leaders the nation and many cities and states have now.
There are still people who think the nation is doing well, and we only have to wonder how they think.  We still even have some Christians who just seem not to be aware of all that is happening.  Well, we know from prophecy and scripture what I have written often about, how Jesus warned us not to be deceived in these last days in which we are living.  Deception is rampant on earth today. 
I just write to encourage you to vote and to think seriously about each position.  Seek God's guidance.   It is not about whose personality you like the most.  It is about who you think would do the best for you and your family, for your children, for your community, and for the nation.  We all should try to make these last days as good as we possibly can, instead of a steadily deteriorating society heading toward an apparent lawless, godless, out of control hell on earth.  We know from the Bible that times get tougher and tougher as we near the return, but surely we can stand against that tide to the extent possible and be doing so when the Lord returns.  And of course, always, we surely can and should be representing Jesus in all opportunities and as the Holy Spirit guides.
                                                                        OCTOBER  2022
                                                                        Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
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Friday, October 7, 2022


I recently saw the above phrase in the heading of a news article.  The author was referring to the terrible truly random acts of atrocious violence in NY City.  Really crazy violence is occurring steadily there, such as groups suddenly beating up teenage girls on subways or an individual suddenly punching an old lady in the face or sculling some man with a hard object. 

Well, something is profoundly wrong is an obvious conclusion from any rational person looking at such acts there and in many other large cities.  It makes no sense.  Where did all these truly evil people come from?  What is going on?

You know there is more of an answer to this.  We are in the last days before Jesus’ return.  The devil is running amuck.  His time is limited.  People who are not born again and do not have the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit have no discernment of truth versus falsehood – they are ready prey for the evil one and his demons.  They are easily led astray.  They are easily deceived.  That’s who these people are who are committing these atrocious acts. You are not going to be able to sit down and reason with them.  I think you and any sane person know that.  These are people who truly need to be dealt with by serious law and order steps.  They need to be arrested and taken off the streets so they will not be in a position to harm others.

Yet there are people we know on the far left of the political spectrum and occupying seats high in government and in media and elsewhere who think  that enforcement of law and order needs to be diminished.  They think a move in favor of the criminal is called for – less punishment, free violent people on bail, and so forth.

How can anyone think like that in light of what is happening?  Well, I write again – people who are not born again and do not have the Holy Spirit and his gifts cannot discern truth from falsehood.  They are easily deceived and led astray.  Who specializes in doing that?  The devil of course.  And thus these people are truly deceived.  You are not going to be able to sit and have a rational discussion with them either.  They are just as dangerous, maybe more than the individuals committing the violent acts.

As the Bible states, people who refuse to accept the truth – God’s truth – are eventually given over to delusion.  That’s where many of these bizarre people are today.  We have never seen this before have we?  No we haven’t.  It is frightening and terrible.  And it is amazing so many have achieved such positions of power.

These are the last days.  Jesus is coming soon.  Believers wish he would come tonight.  Well, maybe he will.  We don’t know the specific time, just that obviously his coming is soon.  Of course, believers also hope and wish more would see the light and become true believers in Jesus.

All of us still must represent Jesus on this earth.  We must stand up for him.  We must help the Father in his leading others to Jesus by speaking to them anytime the Holy Spirit draws us to do so, anytime he arranges his divine encounters.  And all of us must pray to the Father that he would draw these people – specific ones by name, more general ones by group – to a saving knowledge of Jesus.  No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws that person to Jesus.  But we can help in this.

                                               October 2022                                                                                                                   
                                               Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin

Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 

To get  copies of our book   WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON! :
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


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