Friday, December 20, 2013


We are now approaching the day we celebrate the entry of God into our world as a real human being, not just in a temporary form of a person as indeed angels have from time to time appeared.  We cannot begin to truly understand this other than as God has revealed small parts of his truths to us. 

Let’s be honest.  We have no complete, detailed idea of just who God is, other than that he is indeed God – all powerful, all knowing, all seeing.  We learn about him by studying how he has acted in various situations in the Bible and also how he interacts with us as individuals in prayer and our daily lives.  And he has revealed to us several personality traits, just as people have personality traits.  Although with God, they are absolute.  He is loving, really loving.  And he is truth, real truth.  He doesn’t vary from any of that.  And he is ever patient or long-suffering as sometimes said. He hates sin, anything which is rebellion against him and the truths and commands he has passed on to us.  Absolutely hates it.  Can’t stand it.  Will not tolerate it.  And he is indeed a jealous God.  He will not put up with his people having any other idols or gods before him, whether they are little wooden idols or excessive devotion to some sport or team or other person or cause or whatever.  He must be first in the eyes and hearts of people.  This is very important to God.  People do not have an alternative if they are to be his people.  He also is a vengeful God.  He will take care of the evil doers, those rebelling against him.  Imagine how horrible that will be.  And there are still more personality traits given in the Bible.

That is God.  Our God.  We can’t fully conceive who he is.  We can’t.  Oh I know, flippant Americans like to think they can, just like flippant Americans often give lip service to loving others and caring for others and serving others and so on.  But we just can’t.  How can little human beings possibly understand someone who can make planets and stars and people and so on?  How?  And by speaking things into existence? 

For that matter how can we understand all the spiritual beings truly?  Angels, God’s messengers, God’s spiritual servants and workers who strictly carry out his assignments.  Some of us have at times seen angels, and how wonderful has that been.  They have been seen sometimes in the shape of human beings which somehow they have assumed for a short time.  They have also been seen as translucent spirits.  Once in a service while sitting on the front row during the praise and worship portion, I suddenly saw three such angels at the front of the room.  One giant one, about seven feet tall or so, stood by the podium and with his arms motioned for me to come up to the podium, or showed me it was my podium.  Something like that.  They were gigantic.  The one at the podium was smiling.  Later I received a message from a couple that their young daughter in the room had seen the angels too.

So we have these angelic beings who work with God and help him in caring for and running his creation.  They are all ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.  That’s all believers.  Angels do the Lord’s bidding.  They obey his word.  The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

We know that some time in the past one-third of the angels then followed a beautiful top angel today called Lucifer, or satan, or the devil, or the evil one in rebelling against God.  How could this have happened?  We can’t fathom an answer.  How could a perfect all powerful, all seeing, all knowing God have made a being who rebelled against him and led a third of the angels away from him, themselves rebelling?  Well, we don’t really know do we, although we see that God also made people, and millions upon millions of people have rebelled against God.  Even the first man Adam, who had an intimate relationship with God in the Garden, rebelled against him.  So we do have some insight.  God evidently created the angels with some of the free will that he gave people, so they had the freedom to decide to rebel. 

And then there are these strange spirit beings on earth called demons.  These are terrible things.  They torment mostly unsuspecting people.  And even though the Lord gave his believers the ability to cast them out in his name, very few are bold enough to try.  In our ministry, people occasionally will come for help who really are or who think they are being attacked by demons.  I remember one couple mentioning that the pastors in town (obviously just the ones they had contacted) had no idea of what to do or didn’t want to get involved.  But these demons are real.  Once in a while in a service we will suddenly be ministering to someone who has been attacked by demons, and we must deal with that.  And yes, it is true, we can cast them out in Jesus’ name.  Sometimes it takes some time as they don’t initially want to leave.

But what in the world are demons?  Some have thought they are fallen angels.  But there is no evidence in the Bible that angels want to inhabit human bodies, and that is what demons seem to want to do.  Failing that, they will inhabit animal bodies.  They have been called disembodied spirits.  Let me tell you, it is a bit unnerving the first time you encounter these beings in ministering or otherwise.  They have names, they have emotions, and they are intelligent.  And they will talk to you, out loud!  These are not to be laughed at.  Thank God for Jesus giving us the ability to cast them out.

About two thousand years ago in the event we now celebrate as Christmas God came down in real human form and lived among us for about 33 years.  He came in the form of his son, Jesus Christ.  He came to take upon himself all that separated people from God and to overcome that, thereby creating a way for people to be reconciled to God.  Jesus accomplished that by making himself the perfect sacrifice for the people and going to and through the cross.  Why did he have to do this?  Because there was no perfect sacrifice on earth.  Only God is perfect.  It is surely difficult to conceive that the creator would put his son through such torture in order to redeem people.  But he did.  That’s the truth.

And now we are rapidly moving to the time of Jesus’ return to earth.  Jesus told us we could tell the season of his return, and we can.  We see the signs everywhere that he pointed out, and we know it is imminent.  We also know that a precious few human beings have joined his kingdom already, which he called the kingdom of God.  To do that one must be born again, or born anew, in Jesus’ words.  In brief, a person must truly repent – or change - from his past actions, ask God’s forgiveness, ask Jesus to be the Lord of his life, and receive a new spirit.  This in essence is a spiritual rebirth.  As it says in John 1, God himself becomes the person’s true Father.  The apostle Paul described this as professing that Jesus is Lord and believing God raised him from the dead.  Professing Jesus is Lord means making him the Lord of your life.  You believe him.  You obey his commands.  Jesus himself said that if you obey his commands you are his friend.  He also said he will love you if you obey his commands.  One last observation.  After his resurrection, Jesus had the disciples wait before beginning their work until they had received power from the Holy Spirit – e.g., had been baptized in the Spirit.  And throughout the book of Acts, whenever the disciples ministered to other groups and prayed for them to receive Jesus and be born again, they also prayed for them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.  And the people were, gentiles and Jews.  Peter himself said the Holy Spirit was for everyone, every believer of course.  The Holy Spirit is the form of God that is on the earth today.

So really the key is to be born anew and baptized in the Holy Spirit.  It is this infilling and then receiving of the power of the Spirit that brings God’s clear guidance to a person, his anointing, his gifts such as the gifts of healing and prophecy and faith and miraculous works and speaking and interpreting in tongues.

I still remember when my wife and I decided to step out publically in faith and act on this anointing and Jesus’ commands and the gifts, specifically in healing people.  And the signs and wonders that followed and still do. 
Who is this God we are talking about?  Well, God the Father, God the son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.  One God, operating in three forms.

Quite a powerful ramble, this discourse on God, is it not.  I could write more about why did he create people, but of course we don’t know.  Or what is going to happen to those that go with the Lord when he returns?  Well, he does give some indications but not much detail and I’ll save that for another time.  Perhaps in the end we will help him not only in running his kingdom but also in establishing civilizations on other planets?  Who knows?  We certainly don’t.  Likely he has much in store for us we just don’t know about.

For now we believers have to live physically in a dangerous and uncomfortable world system where most in charge seem often to make decisions not based on the Lord’s guidance and truths.  It is where we physically are for a moment.  Spiritually, believers are already in the Kingdom of God.  We can dream and be thankful and wait and do whatever he asks us to, or already has asked us to in the Bible and in prayer and however else each of you hear from the Lord.  Remember always Peter’s words when he and John were ordered by local leaders to stop doing what they were doing.  He replied that these leaders should judge for themselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey them rather than God.  He then concluded by saying that they (Peter and John) could not help speaking about what they had seen or heard.  Another verse in the Bible makes the point clearly:  Let God be true and every man a liar.  Pretty straight, isn’t it.  God is always truth.  And men?

Christmas.  Can’t begin to truly celebrate and worship him as we should, can we.  But we should try.

                                                                                  Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408, USA              Tel 910 395 1465           Email:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Some years I have written a thanksgiving message.  Some years not.

I thought this year to be succinct.  Straight to the point.

Thanksgiving is to God.  I know, our modern Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays become ever more secular, and many likely think little about God at this time.  But it is to God we owe all our thanks – he is the provider, the healer, the protector, the deliverer, the comforter, and much more.

It is helpful to note what Americans in the past thought about Thanksgiving.

Throughout the 1700’s individual colonies evidently held periodic days or times of thanksgiving.  Thomas Jefferson did this while governor of Virginia.

In 1777 right in the middle of the Revolutionary War the Colonial Congress recommended a day of thanksgiving.

In 1789, the first year of the first presidency of the US under the new Constitution, George Washington issued a proclamation establishing a day of thanksgiving that year.  Here are a few of his words from the proclamation: 
-          it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour…
-          I do recommend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be…
-          we may … unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions
Abraham Lincoln finally established legally the annual holiday we observe on the fourth Thursday of November each year.  Here are a few words from his proclamation:
I do …invite my fellow citizens …to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and the others establishing such days in our history had no difficulty understanding who the thanksgiving is to.  It is to God. 

So this Thanksgiving, even if you are a guest at a dinner with others where little serious thanks to God is offered, you yourself can somehow and sometime that day express your thankfulness to God for all he has done and does for you on a regular basis.  And if possible you can influence others perhaps to be thankful as well.  Actually, thanking and praising God should be something we do daily, a part of our prayers or time of devotion, or really just whenever we feel like it!

Remember, you and I are only alive because he allows us to be.  In fact, our every breath takes place because he allows it.  The Bible notes that Jesus Christ holds the entire creation together (Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:3).  What do you suppose would happen if he decided not to do that?

For me, I am thankful for so many things.  And I am thankful he is coming soon.  Thank God.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (November 2013)
                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin


[NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


There is no doubt that in the past God has blessed the United States of America in amazing ways.  From the initial exploration to the establishment of the country to the struggles through the growth of the 1800’s and the Civil War and the world wars and on and on, we can find countless national and individual examples of God blessing America.  Soldiers and sailors back from wars have specific examples of his amazing action on their behalf.  And consider the astounding individuals who led the founding of the country, like George Washington and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and on and on.  Amazing.  We could use some of them today!

But that is the past.  Where are we now?

For several recent decades it should be pretty apparent to any serious believer that the country has been on a steady path down.  The country has gotten away from its foundational rule of the majority while protecting the minority, and has turned things upside down.  Going against the will of the majority, the court of the land has tossed God out of public schools and the public forum.  Approaches to life that are unacceptable to the majority have for some reason been pushed into the law of the land as acceptable.  And in daily behavior of many leaders and citizens everywhere, there is a drastic fall in personal morality and integrity.  

Now many citizens seem to realize that something is drastically wrong.  Focusing only on their jobs and family and house and cars and sports teams is not working – their lives and possessions are slipping away.  But most don’t seem to know what is going on, despite some serious believers and preachers getting the truths out in various ways. Unfortunately many of the traditional churches that the masses have attended have been asleep themselves and have not preached a powerful gospel nor pointed out boldly the terrible ways of the modern life.

And here we are.  The enemies are clearly out there for people to see, but so many can’t see them no matter what happens.  Some of the enemies are internal to the country and the people. 

Some people, even those who are not so serious believers, pray for God to protect them and the country, pray for help.

But should God bless America?

You can’t just ask for blessings.  That’s not the way it works with God.  My experience over the years is that usually you have to be in a right relationship with him in order to receive his blessings.  Are you?  Is America?

The same question was asked before World War II by the preacher Peter Marshall.  While Britain was fighting valiantly and at great cost in lives, the US had not entered the war.  In fact, while Japan was attacking China and brutally handling the people, the US - or parts of the US - was evidently supplying materials to the Japanese.

Marshall gave a powerful sermon on this subject speaking to people of the 1940 period.  After talking at some length about the behavior of Americans then, about how Americans do things they know they shouldn’t do and say things they have no right to say, about how their dispositions are not those of children of God, he said:

“We cannot fool God…let us not be deluded into thinking we can fool ourselves.” *

Then Peter Marshall quoted the wonderful hymn God Bless America and concluded with these words:

“But God says:
‘If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways:  then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’”  (I added the bold print.) *

What is the chance the American people will do that?  Is there any national leader who will do that and lead the people to do it? 

Let me simplify all this - Are there any major leaders who have a clue?

*quotes taken from page 19 of THE WARTIME SERMONS OF DR. PETER MARSHALL, copyright 2005 by Rev. Peter J. Marshall, published by Clarion Call Marketing Inc.; scripture is from 2 Chronicles 7:14

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
(November 2013)
Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin.

NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.
P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408, USA * 910 395 1465 Email:

Monday, October 28, 2013

Signs of the TImes: HAVE YOU NOTICED?


·         so many television programs and movies have spiritual angles today – mostly not Christian spiritual angles, but spiritual angles nevertheless. 

·         so many people are looking, searching, complaining – they’re not getting answers in traditional churches, and they don’t know where to look

·         so many people are  making up their own interpretations for Christianity – such as “I just can’t believe a loving God would send anyone to hell, so I think everyone goes to heaven .”   (Sorry, not true.)

·          so many focus on the “God is love” part of the Bible but ignore the hundreds of pages on other subjects that define God as well, such as his commandments.  (Unless you are God, you cannot decide to drop a page of the Bible, or ignore a phrase or command.  You can’t make it up as you go, or pick what verses to believe and what not to.)

·         the number of serious believers in Jesus Christ – born of water and the spirit, confessing Jesus is their Lord  – is small.

·         plans are just about ready to build the next temple in Jerusalem, which is where the a/c sets himself up as god.

·         there is an explosion of homosexuality in the US and world – maybe not in numbers but in publicity and political clamor.  The “gay rights” movement and national liberal politicians and judges push this minority group ever forward.

·         Israel as a political entity is still a lost nation, spiritually lost.  A large “gay” celebration was held in Tel Aviv this summer.    Most citizens still do not know or recognize who Jesus is, although there are breakthroughs with individuals.

·         Syria is about to implode.  Damascus is destroyed in Bible prophecy ( Isaiah 17).  Is that about to happen?

·         Russia continues to line itself up on the wrong side, working with Syria and Iran.  What is about to happen here, a la the Ezekiel 38-39 war?  Prophesied key attackers of Israel in that war are Russia and Iran.

·         the US government is more troubling than ever to a large majority of Americans.   It seems steadily to be putting forward positions not desired by many, moving toward being a socialist state.  Surely the move to the one world government is well underway.

·         the absence of moral, spiritual, Jesus-believing political leaders?

With all this going on, is it not time for the prophesied signs in the heavens to happen?  Have they in fact already begun (Remember the reports in the last year or two of people hearing trumpets playing from the heavens in several areas; also mysterious huge blasts or explosions or clashes of metal that are inexplicable – are these signs of spiritual battles underway?)?

Where are there true believers who might get together in every community for serious prayer and support – a significant number who believe the Bible, are filled with the spirit and born again, who follow God’s guidance?  

Are there any people like that in the national government? 

Just some thoughts to consider.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (October 2013)

                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin


[NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

Monday, October 21, 2013


This is darkness. 

Right now.

Right here.

You can see it.  You can feel it.  You can almost cut it.

If you know God.  If you know Jesus.  If you know the Holy Spirit.

Many leaders of this world are as lost as they can be.

In the United States, so many leaders of the country are just lost.  And confused. 

We are in the last of this period of human history.  I can use all sorts of different words to describe it – the end times, the last of the church age, the days just before Jesus’ return, the time just before the horrible seven year tribulation and the move into Jesus’ thousand year rule from Jerusalem – his kingdom literally being on earth and not just inside each believer.

We really cannot always know whether the actions of some leaders – government, political, even media and entertainment “celebrities” that occupy the minds and focus of so many people – are intentionally evil or just the result of being lost and confused and plain not knowing what to do.  But all believers can and should with the guidance of the Holy Spirit discern when they are not of God.

And in the same way, we can and should discern and recognize deception impacting our lives, whether from some national leader or policy or some local person with whom we have contact, just someone in our lives, our paths, maybe even a family member.

In these very days people in America are falling away from the Lord rapidly.  Deception is rampant.

And the United States of America (and so many of its people)?

·         Lost

·         Suffering greatly from its attitudes and pressures on Israel

·         Suffering greatly from its acceptance and increasing endorsement of behavior and lifestyles that God himself condemns

·         Suffering greatly from not knowing the Lord, not knowing the Word, not knowing what is happening and is about to happen in God’s plans and timetable

·         Suffering greatly from not knowing the absolute truths of God available readily through the Bible.  Everything is not relative.  That is a lie of the devil.

·         Suffering greatly from not knowing God’s commands and how he intends for people to live (not knowing God’s promises and the inherent great blessings that come from following and living in those promises)

You if you indeed are a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ are not of this world.  This current system is not your home.  Yet you do find yourself living in the midst of the quagmire, and you do suffer daily from all you see and experience.  I know you do.

In this situation you must maintain your connection with God and to the extent possible with other like believers.  Being in the presence of other true Spirit filled believers in the Lord is a support and comfort and joy. 

You must maintain your joy.  You must.  Others who may be close to turning to the Lord need to see your faith and peace and inner strength and joy and perseverance. 

Yes we live in the midst of this all.  Yet we know the truth.  We know who wins in the end, as some like to say.  We know that in the Lord we have already won. 

Keep your eyes on Jesus.  There can be no more important advice to give.  Stay focused.  Do not be distracted from your faith and the path God has called you to.  Praise God.  You know the truth.

                                                                                                                                                (October 2013)

                                                                                                                           Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin

[This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers].

Monday, September 30, 2013


It is scarcely conceivable that Jesus Christ – God – would come down from heaven, spend time with us, and then let himself be crucified, suffering horribly, at the hands of beings he created.  Maybe it’s not conceivable at all - just something to accept.  Because it is true.  It did happen.

God.  There is such a gap between God and people.  Yes, I know.  A person who has been born again and filled and baptized with the Holy Spirit has God with him always.  Not only is the Holy Spirit there, but Jesus and the Father live in him and he lives in them. 

Still, what a gap.  God – the creator of everything.  All powerful.  And then people.  Human beings.  Flesh with a spirit.  On Earth.

How and why do you love us so, do you care so?

What is a man, that you are mindful of him?

The son of man, that you care about him?

Yet you made him a little less than God.

You have given him dominion over the work of your hands

You have placed all things under his feet –

All sheep and oxen

And beasts of the field,

The birds of the air and fishes of the sea

And all that passes along the paths of the sea.

                                                                                (a paraphrase of part of Psalm 8)

What is a man, Lord.  What is a man?  And why do you care so much?  Oh, there are limits.  We found that out in Noah’s day when you eliminated everyone on earth except righteous Noah and his family.  But you still kept the design, the thread alive.  Eight people survived. 

There is something about this current human design, isn’t there.  Something that has your heart.

Something angels keep trying to look into, to understand.

Help us, Lord.  Help us to be who you envisioned us to be.  Help us not to fail.

You alone can do it.  Without you we are sunk.  We’ve proved that over and over, individually and collectively.  Humanity proves that countless times every day.

Thank you for your love and your care.  And for the opportunity to be with you and the Father.


Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                               (September 2013)

                                                                                                              Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin.






NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


We are living in the last of the last days, the season of the return of Jesus, the season of the Day of the Lord.  Numerous things have been prophesied to happen in this time, and as those who read our newsletter and other communications know, many have.  The coming of the Lord is near.

Now we are moving forward at a rapid rate.  While concrete physical prophecies have been and are being fulfilled, the prophecies of the falling away from the Lord and deception are also happening.  Jesus’ first response to his disciples when they asked him about the signs of his return was that they should watch that they not be deceived.  Shortly thereafter he warned them that people would come claiming they are the Christ.

As our Lord has warned us all, I want to re-emphasize now:  deception is extensive in our day – in the leaders of our governments, in the media, in the entertainment world certainly, and even in our personal interactions with others.  With that in mind, consider for a moment what could be the great deception of the evil one in these last days.

We have read the Bible.  We know the end of the book.  We know believers win.  But that does not mean the time leading up to the tribulation period will not be increasingly difficult for believers.

What if the evil one somehow could convince a large number of people that a particular individual is Jesus, is the Messiah, and thereby totally mislead that huge block of people?  Jesus has already warned us about this.  And just consider - there are so many who do not know scripture, do not know Jesus, do not know the Holy Spirit, and they would be easy prey for such a dramatic deception.

Believers must be alert and sensitive to all that is going on.  Keep your eyes on Jesus and also be alert and sensitive to the actions of the evil side.  To the extent possible, if it is possible and if believers will still be here and not already collected by the Lord, it surely is our responsibility to use all our best efforts with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to warn people that they are being misled if and when such a giant deception occurs.

I expect this may happen.  This surely fits with all we know about the evil one, who is after all the father of lies.   Jesus has in his own words warned us although he has not given us the details.  How are you going to respond if huge numbers believe Jesus is here, if even some prominent world church leaders announce they recognize this false messiah as Jesus, and yet you know from scripture and from the guidance of the Holy Spirit that this is a false messiah, that Jesus has not yet come?

The end times will likely not be easy, even for those who will hear the call and the trumpet blast and join Jesus in the air when he collects his CHURCH.  So much may yet happen before that point.

So be alert.  You have been warned again.

And may God bless you all always.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                     (August 2013)

                                                                                                              Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin.






NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013



Thirty-three years ago on a hilltop on a farm field north of Elberton, Georgia a bizarre set of large granite stones appeared.  Their message was even more troubling. 


Recently we visited the site.  Elberton is a small town not near any interstate highways.  It is the center of a granite industry, which explains in part the location of what is now known as the Georgia Guidestones.


In the late 1970’s a mysterious person with the phony name of R. C. Christian appeared in Elberton.  He went to the head of a local granite company and told him of his desire to put in place the structure now known as the Georgia Guidestones.  That executive, now deceased, remarked later he thought he was in the presence of a nut and was thinking how to get him out of his office.  But as the conversation continued, it was clear Christian was serious, and the executive directed him to a local bank where the financial arrangements could be made. 


The local banker, Wyatt Martin, remembers how this was all arranged.  Funds were sent by Christian, and communications also, from various diverse places.  Everything was kept confidential, and the banker had to agree to that.  Nothing has ever been divulged.


Christian in later years did contact the banker from time to time, and they would meet in Atlanta as Christian was passing through.   As I understand, Christian has not been heard from since about 9/11.  My estimate is he would be in his mid-nineties if still alive, based on what I’ve read.


Christian only divulged he represented a group he did not identify.  Nothing more is known.


And so the granite sculpture.  You can see much about it on the internet.  There are four giant slabs upright in a pinwheel fashion, nearly twenty feet in height.  On each are ten “commandments” written in eight different languages – English, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Swahili, Arabic, Chinese, and Hebrew.  All are wide spread languages other than Hebrew.  Across the top of the slabs is another slab with a statement on each side in four ancient languages – Babylonian cuneiform, sanscript, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and ancient Greek.


Then, on the ground not far away is a granite slab with more information.  It points out a time capsule is six feet under the slab, to be opened on ____(no date given).  It details the monument.  It points out even several astronomical features of the monument, and we did see various holes and such in the structure.


Anyone who knows the Bible and the prophecies concerning the return of the Lord will immediately be troubled by the commandments.  Quite apparently this structure is meant to stand no matter what happens on earth.  And quite apparently the group behind this has very clear opinions as to how humans are to live on the planet.  Regardless of what R. C. Christian’s specific group might be called, it is readily apparent that it has to do with the dark side of the end times.  No matter how it is set up or connected, it is part of the anti-christ spirit that characterizes the last days. 



(This is what is inscribed on each of the eight faces in the various languages.  My comments are given under each in brackets)


1.     Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

[Currently there are over seven billion people on earth.  So a population under half a billion is a reduction of around 93%!  More than six and a half billion people would have to be eliminated for this to happen.] 


2.     Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

[Arranging reproduction has been experimented upon in the past.  The Third Reich was into that.  Modern DNA knowledge seems to make this possible.]


3.     Unite humanity with a living new language.

[Certainly this accommodates a one-world government to which the later commandments seem to be heading.]


4.     Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.


5.     Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.


  6.   Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

[So one world court for the entire world – fits the one-world government scenario.]


  7.   Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

            [Sorry – this will never happen as long as people are filling the positions.]


  8.   Balance personal rights with social duties.


  9.   Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.


10.   Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

[Note the commandment says “Leave room for nature” twice.  The implication is that people can be a cancer on the earth; also, that the earth itself is what is important.  This view is sometimes seen in extremists in the environmental movement.]


A great surprise to me is that the stones were not torn down by the local people.  This is a traditional small Southern town.  We saw Baptist churches and a Methodist church.  The reports say some people were horrified when they saw it.  But others (and others from elsewhere) seem not to have been frightened.  Reportedly, a witches coven from Atlanta adopted the site as a second home, and even held a wedding there.  Yoko Ono included the site in a song she wrote. 


There has been mild defacement of the monument (by paint), and perhaps because of that there is a television monitor inconspicuously placed on a pole nearby.  There is no defacement now. 


Evidently, amazingly, the mysterious R. C. Christian deeded the monument to the local government! 


Acording to one web site, this is one of the ten great mysteries on earth.





For all those people who have been deaf to warnings of the imminence of the coming return of the Lord and the end of this age, this “American Stonehenge” serves as a giant wakeup call.  For all those who seem to have difficulty comprehending the activities of the evil side on earth in the planning of the coming one-world government, this monument in Georgia points out in no uncertain terms  that somewhere there exists a covert – e.g., secretive – organization that has as its objectives and ideals a dramatic reduction of the population of the world, the establishment of a world government, some type of new humanist spirituality, biological engineering of future generations, and a great overemphasis on environmentalism.  That should send a chill down your spine. 


As you consider this and all other signs of the times, the key for your peace and joy as always is to

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!


                                                                                                                                       (July 2013)

                                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin




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