Monday, October 28, 2013

Signs of the TImes: HAVE YOU NOTICED?


·         so many television programs and movies have spiritual angles today – mostly not Christian spiritual angles, but spiritual angles nevertheless. 

·         so many people are looking, searching, complaining – they’re not getting answers in traditional churches, and they don’t know where to look

·         so many people are  making up their own interpretations for Christianity – such as “I just can’t believe a loving God would send anyone to hell, so I think everyone goes to heaven .”   (Sorry, not true.)

·          so many focus on the “God is love” part of the Bible but ignore the hundreds of pages on other subjects that define God as well, such as his commandments.  (Unless you are God, you cannot decide to drop a page of the Bible, or ignore a phrase or command.  You can’t make it up as you go, or pick what verses to believe and what not to.)

·         the number of serious believers in Jesus Christ – born of water and the spirit, confessing Jesus is their Lord  – is small.

·         plans are just about ready to build the next temple in Jerusalem, which is where the a/c sets himself up as god.

·         there is an explosion of homosexuality in the US and world – maybe not in numbers but in publicity and political clamor.  The “gay rights” movement and national liberal politicians and judges push this minority group ever forward.

·         Israel as a political entity is still a lost nation, spiritually lost.  A large “gay” celebration was held in Tel Aviv this summer.    Most citizens still do not know or recognize who Jesus is, although there are breakthroughs with individuals.

·         Syria is about to implode.  Damascus is destroyed in Bible prophecy ( Isaiah 17).  Is that about to happen?

·         Russia continues to line itself up on the wrong side, working with Syria and Iran.  What is about to happen here, a la the Ezekiel 38-39 war?  Prophesied key attackers of Israel in that war are Russia and Iran.

·         the US government is more troubling than ever to a large majority of Americans.   It seems steadily to be putting forward positions not desired by many, moving toward being a socialist state.  Surely the move to the one world government is well underway.

·         the absence of moral, spiritual, Jesus-believing political leaders?

With all this going on, is it not time for the prophesied signs in the heavens to happen?  Have they in fact already begun (Remember the reports in the last year or two of people hearing trumpets playing from the heavens in several areas; also mysterious huge blasts or explosions or clashes of metal that are inexplicable – are these signs of spiritual battles underway?)?

Where are there true believers who might get together in every community for serious prayer and support – a significant number who believe the Bible, are filled with the spirit and born again, who follow God’s guidance?  

Are there any people like that in the national government? 

Just some thoughts to consider.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (October 2013)

                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin


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