Wednesday, September 30, 2015


One very early morning not long ago Cathy and I were in the house of a young man who had died surprisingly in the wee hours of that morning.  He was a vibrant, active, bright, charming, seemingly in-shape man who was well liked by all, and his shocking death was devastating to the family and all who knew him.

So very early that morning, as I comforted his wife, suddenly I found myself saying to her a really strange phrase:  “Sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would.”  I hadn’t planned that sentence.  It wasn’t a thought I had pondered.  It just came out.  I have to believe it was the Holy Spirit speaking through me.
The truth of that sentence is overwhelming.  Here was a young family with friends and plans and good jobs and a bright future.  And all of a sudden in the middle of the night, life was changed drastically forever for those left alive.  The words I heard neighbors say who came that morning were “terrible,” and “this is terrible.”  The deceased man’s boss was there, and he said he had an office full of crying people.  I don’t doubt it.  We tried to comfort.  We wondered what more to do.  And in the end of course we all could do little.  A surprising death is like that.

Now, yesterday we were in a funeral service for a young woman and mother of three.  Cathy and I had gone to her wedding not too many years before.  Her husband and his parents had lived near us.  She had been in a car accident and had suffered a broken leg.  But then, two days later in the hospital, suddenly she had died.  Devastating.  The church was overflowing with people who had come.  An enormous number of family had come, because it was such a shock, perhaps also because just two weeks prior they had had a funeral for the woman’s father in the same place. 

So we sat there and heard some music and some words from the pastor, who correctly stressed he had no answers for what had happened.  Some spoke personally about the woman in short eulogies.  There were pictures shown.  I looked over all the heads, all the people.  And I thought here now we have a young husband left with three young children, and a larger family and group of friends and co-workers whose life has been changed drastically forever. 

“Sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way we thought it would.”  I remembered that sentence.
And as I looked over all the people, all the mourning people, I thought about how little people know of what is going on here.  How little we all know, even those of us who are so blessed to know the Lord.  And many of those there certainly did.  I thought about how people really are sheep.  As Jesus said to me once in a service, they really are sheep, aren’t they, John?”  The answer is yes, they are.  Yes, we all are (Sheep are animals that very much need a shepherd to thrive and even survive.).

If we ever get deep enough in our contemplations to think about life and where we are and what is happening, goodness, yes, people are sheep.  Thank God for those who believe and know the Lord.  We have the peace of knowing where our loved deceased are and where we will eventually be – with the Lord!  Thank God for that peace.

But why these surprising deaths of such apparently good people at the prime of their lives, deaths that so hurt so many?  Oh, certainly, yes, God will and does use their deaths to work in the lives of those impacted.  But doesn’t the Bible say why die before your time?  Yes, it does.  In Ecclesiastes 7:17.  It also says over in Isaiah 57:1 that God may take a good man away early to spare him from what is coming.  Difficult thoughts to fully grasp. 

Imagine the terror of those who do not know God at all when they confront something like these two deaths!  Imagine their horror.  And anger.  And fear.  And panic.  And pathos. 

This is a strange strange world in which we live, dear friends.  I have said that more than once, and as the years go by and I see and experience more and more, I see that is so more and more.  We have a wonderful God – Father, Son, Holy Spirit – and we know all he reveals to us and all we are open to receive.  And even with all that, we know so little. 

In recent months I have been pressed somehow to consider more and more just how beyond our comprehension God truly is.  Imagine if you can (you really can’t fully) just how and who this God is.  Imagine a being who can construct a world, planets, people, a universe, a solar system, a galaxy.  The mind reels just thinking about it.  And this Jesus is his son, his first son, his only son.  We too are adopted in as sons of God.  How wonderful is that.  But imagine who and what we are talking about.
If we spend much time reflecting on that, speaking about that, praying about that, we will be staggered.  We just don’t know.  What is truly going on?  Well, we do have some knowledge, the guidance that there is a mammoth battle between good and evil that is soon coming to a culmination.  We are indeed even living in the last of the days before that time.  We do understand there is a huge spiritual world out there that we really don’t see or comprehend.  Only once in a while, those who are truly in touch with God, with the Holy Spirit, sense some depth of that.  Sometimes people see an angel or two.  And yes, sometimes real believers see God’s miraculous work right in front of their eyes.  We do.  I hope you do.  We certainly also see marvelous divine healings of people with serious problems.

But the fullness of God?  Wow.  Remember Paul’s great prayer that we would comprehend the length and width and height and depth of the love of Christ?  God.  Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit.  Even our most serious churches sometimes speak too flippantly in referring to them.  Awe is the word.  Awe is the feeling.

One famous pastor of old, Oswald Chambers, says that the closer we get to God the more we realize how little we know.
Well.  One thing we do know – that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). 

We put ourselves in Jesus’s hands.  He is our shepherd and we his sheep.  We keep our eyes on him.  He is our hope.  Our only hope.  Without him, no hope.  Thank God he came two thousand years ago and went through with the plan his father and he had to redeem humankind.  And thank God he is coming back soon! 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                      (October 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:         Blog:

Monday, September 28, 2015


Signs and their implications are everywhere.  Even many non-believers see them now, and they are frightened, terrified of how things are breaking down.  But they don’t know what is happening.  You do.  Or at least you should. 

From their very narrow political perspective, even former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright, and George Schultz warned before Congress in January this year that the world has eroded more in the past 15 years than any time since WWII.  And that was back in January.  The situation is far more than they recognized then.   

Here are some dramatic signs that are right before our eyes, events of perilous times and steps moving us all more and more into position for the playing out of the final events of the final days.  I’ve written so often elsewhere of the prophecies fulfilled.  Here let us just look at what is happening right now.  I’ve included a few scripture references.

Just look:

Who can blame them?  Most at present are fleeing from Syria and areas around there, seeking to escape the horrors of the Syrian government and of ISIS, seeking to keep from being killed.  Still others this year have fled from Libya and surrounding areas.  I saw a news article that said 350,000 refugees have come into Europe this year just through August.  Many hundreds of thousands more are expected this year.  It is a shock to the small European countries into which they initially enter.  They are encouraged to go elsewhere, and they are, to Germany and others.

Initially with good hearts the Europeans accepted these refugees.  The German leader even announced Germany would take in half a million.  But then calmer heads noted what was happening.  One warned they needed to think, that what was happening would change the culture of the country forever!  And that warning is correct.

Now step back and think.  What is going on?  For years now muslims have immigrated to Europe.  Once there they have settled and had children at a much higher rate than the native population.  And now there is already a great muslim impact on the countries.  The French are alarmed.  There has been pressure to administer Sharia law in places there. 

What do you think is really going on with this massive exodus from the Middle East into Europe?  Yes, I know the people are fleeing evil.  That is surely true.  But then, instantly, this brings hundreds of thousands of muslims into European countries.  Instantly the population zooms up.  Once settled there will likely be the same high birth rate as has been seen already.  Remember, islam is a false religion.   Who do you think is really behind all this move of hundreds of thousands of muslims?  You should be able to answer that question.

Yes, it really is.  Clearly in opposition to the US, to the West.  Russia is a strong ally of Syria.  And it has a close relationship with Iran.  I would remind you of the Ezekiel 38-39 war, in which Israel is attacked by a nation to the north (Russia likely, maybe Turkey), in coalition with Iran, Libya, and The Sudan.  Looks like things are moving into place for that.  I personally have expected that war to happen in the first half of the Tribulation.  This is a war that I think God will use to wake up the Jewish people, for he wins the war, he stops the attack in a very visible and undeniable manner.

Speaking of Syria, do not forget the prophecies in the Bible about the destruction of Damascus in   Isaiah 17:1, Jeremiah 49:23-25, and Amos 1:3-5.  Things look pretty ripe for that, don’t they?

Almost every day we can read about this if we choose.  Fires have destroyed thousands of homes.  Look at a map of all the fires.  Amazing.  On top of that is the great puzzling drought of this year in California.

This has become a regular feature of America today.  This is horrible and unacceptable to any sane and civilized society.  Another sign of perilous times (II Timothy 3:1-5).

In the US today the people object to this deal by a two to one majority.  Yet it is going forward.  I recently read before that never in the history of the country has the country moved forward on an issue while such a large portion of the populace was in opposition.  In my earlier career I was involved in negotiations throughout the world and a great deal in the Middle East.  The muslims are strong negotiators and to succeed the Americans or others negotiating have to be strong too.  That has not been the case here.  Any thinking person can see this is an atrocious deal.  Why is the government insistent on going forward?  This deal is insane.  But then, we live in an insane world.  Listen to  leaders of the country speak in support of this deal. That is calling evil good (Isaiah 5:20).   And woe is what comes to people who do that.

Back on June 26 the United States Supreme Court in its ruling in favor of homosexual marriage took the country over a cliff.  This formal ruling is directly in conflict with God’s prescribed definition of marriage.  (See Genesis 1:24, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:23, Romans 1:18-27.)  It opposes God, and there is no other way to look at it.  That position of course means nothing to those who do not know God, who do not know the Bible, who do not believe that the words of the Bible are true.  But they are.  And there will be repercussions.  God is a patient God, but he also will not be patient forever in the face of massive sin.  And that is where the US is today.  Over the cliff.
Last week an extraordinary meeting occurred at the White House involving two key people on earth:
  • The pope, identified as the last pope by a centuries old prophecy from a catholic archbishop in the thirteenth century.
  • The secular leader of the world’s historically greatest nation. 
Much has been written about these two, some by me.  For now I just point out that who these two apparently mesmerizing people (mesmerizing for some) are in these last days is still debatable and not fully known.  They obviously are playing major roles even now.  

Look at the things above.  Look at all that is accepted by the government in Washington even though the people are in opposition. Step by step, forward and downward, the country has been led the wrong way and the American people, who really don’t like to get involved, have let it happen.

Only God can help this situation.  True serious believers – born again, spirit-filled believers – should stand up for God, stand up for the Lord whenever possible.  They should clearly oppose wrong, incorrect, immoral decisions and actions.  As long as there is time, they should seek to elect into office born again, spirit-filled believers who will approach their position and life from a believer’s perspective.

Will there be a revival of the people?  Will there?  Yes, sometime.  Maybe not until into the days of the seven-year Tribulation period.  Back after the horror of 9/11 many went back to their churches for a few weeks.  And that was that.  There was no revival.  If there cannot be a revival after such a horror and the wanton murder of 3000 innocent Americans, there can be no revival just by people hoping for it.  Or I think now, not just by serious people praying for it, although they surely should do so as they are led to.

We need – the world needs – an end time revival!  We need, or at least we hope for, more people to realize and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord.  But I think a true end time revival will only come about when God brings it about in some new way we cannot now comprehend.  And according to his timetable.  I think that is the only way it will happen.  I’m of course more than willing to speak out and to do all he calls me to in this area.  But ultimately God has to do it.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                      (September 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:         Blog:

Friday, September 11, 2015


Amazing and troubling days we are living in.  You are well aware of many happenings in the last days of the end times period.   But I ask, looking beyond all these many things, from an overall perspective what is really going on during the last of the last days, the seven year period called the Tribulation?

Let’s step back a moment, take a deep breath, and look at the big picture.

Just before the beginning of this period, or perhaps even right at the beginning, the Lord Jesus comes in the clouds to gather his believers.  This is in line with the several scriptures that declare believers were not appointed to suffer wrath.  From the time of Jesus up to now, the true spiritual world of God on earth has moved in what might be called the church age.  It has been a time of God’s drawing people to Jesus, often working through people.  Missionaries.  Evangelistic efforts of all types.  From time to time the pouring of the Holy Spirit on a particular area or group.  After Jesus’ time on earth two thousand years ago, it is apparent that the evangelistic focus on earth shifted to the gentiles, the non-Jews (Paul writes about all this in Romans chapters 9-11.  See also Isaiah 65:1).  But now in the Tribulation period that focus shifts back to the Jews, to Jacob, to Israel.  I will come back to this later. 

So the seven year Tribulation begins.  This is a time of God pouring out his judgement on the world.  That is what most of Revelation chapters 6 – 19 are about.  The opening of the seven seals, the blowing of the seven trumpets, and the pouring out of the seven bowls bring terrible things on the earth and terrible suffering for those living here.  God’s judgement.  These seals, trumpets, and bowls are all from God.  Make sure you understand that.  They are from God.

At the same time this is happening, as described in Revelation 13 and elsewhere, two dreadful individuals are active - the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth.  To put this in more popular terminology, the anti-christ – or man of lawlessness as Paul referred to him - and the false prophet.  In the midst of God’s pouring out his judgment on the world, they undertake to build what some have called a one-world government.  As described in Revelation 13, the anti-christ is set up as the big ruler, and the false prophet does all sorts of things to support him and that view of him.  He is like the prime minister under the anti-christ.  And he is a religious leader.  This is when the requirement is established that people must have the mark of the beast on their right hand or forehead in order to engage in commercial activities. 

The activities of this dreadful pair are guided by the devil, by satan.  In fact this evil one is referred to specifically at the beginning of Revelation 13.  So while the judgements of God on the earth are being poured out, the evil one, the anti-christ, and the false prophet seek to capitalize on the terrible situation and put together their own world empire.  When the Lord leads his Holy Ones down to the battle at the end of Revelation 19, the battle at Armageddon, he vanquishes this evil trio.  The anti-christ and the false prophet are thrown in the lake of fire and early in chapter 20 the devil is imprisoned in a deep pit.

As mentioned, the Tribulation period is also a time of God focusing on the Jews.  Time for their restoration, for them to wake up.  Over all the hundreds of years since Christ was on earth the first time, only a tiny number of Jews have realized who he was and is.  The overwhelming majority have lived in the dark waiting still for their messiah.  During this Tribulation period God will work to restore the Jews.  That will no doubt utilize the suffering brought about by his pouring out his judgement on the earth as well as his working through the 144,000 specific Jewish individuals called into his service during this period (see Revelation chapters 7 and 14).  Again see Romans chapters 9 – 11, in particular Romans 11:25-27.

One last observation:  It seems we are entering in September into a Jubilee year, that year that comes along only once every fiftieth year.  The Jubilee year as established by God is a year of restoration.  In light of what I’ve written above, this timing now leads to all sorts of possibilities, doesn’t it?

In closing, please be sure that you can say with ease and truth that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.  That is who you are in Christ.  And do not overlook the Lord’s great warning in Luke 21:36 spoken by him after giving his comments on the times we are living in.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                      (September 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

PS – Please do be alert in September to the many happenings discussed in last month’s newsletter.

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P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:         Blog: