Tuesday, April 18, 2023



We believers know the times we are living in.  We know that evil is rampant, that the evil one sees his days are numbered.  We know we are rapidly moving to the end of this human age, that there are evil forces at work laboring toward a one-world government, that evil surely is behind so many of the terrible things we see happening every day.  We are aware of that. 
But there is much more to think about.  What if all people, or the majority, were well versed in what is happening in the spiritual realm and were true believers in the Lord?  What if they knew the various protections that God has provided for his people?  What if they knew the authority the Lord has given them, how they can cast out demons and so much more?  Might the environment be different?  I’ll say.
And stepping away from the spiritual realm for a moment and just looking at the secular world in the US for example, think on this:  Consider the dreadful things happening in several large cities such as Portland and San Francisco and Chicago and states like Oregon and California and more.  In such places leaders have chosen not to enforce the law in many instances, leading to rampant disorder and danger.  It seems priorities have been given to criminals over victims.  Police forces have been weakened.  And more.  Or perhaps you want to think on a larger scale – consider the millions of illegal aliens crossing the southern border from a variety of countries, many perhaps seeking a better life but also quite a few being highly dangerous and members of drug gangs and smugglers and perhaps even potential terrorists.  All this happens with no enforcement of traditional laws regarding what is a nation and who is allowed to enter.
And then in these instances, think about this:  Who put the mayors and governors and district attorneys in the disastrous areas in place, and who elected the national government and the apparently terribly weak Congress?  Isn’t that the citizens of these areas?  Don’t the people have some responsibility.
Thus the final question:
Don’t citizens bear the responsibility for those elected officials now found so derelict in their duties? They apparently did not know who or what they were voting for. Why not?  John Adams warned against an immoral voting citizenry.  But what also about an uninformed or uncaring voting public?  Did they just want others to handle the problems and not to be bothered themselves?  If so, they are now suffering the consequences of not putting in the effort to make informed and intelligent votes.
Remember, if the head of the house was alert he would not have allowed his home to be broken into! (See Mt 24:43)
Americans, your homeland has been broken into and is being plundered.
April 2023
Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.
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P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Saturday, April 8, 2023



This is one of the great paintings from the Reformation.  Notice Christ on the cross being lifted up and put in place.  Notice the man at the foot of the cross wearing the beret.  That is Rembrandt.  He is putting Christ up on the cross.  He is putting it in place.

What is Rembrandt saying in this painting?  What is his message?  He is saying I put Christ on that cross.  My sins put him up there.  Rembrandt has recognized and painted the essential truth.  It is and was our sins that put Christ on the cross.  He went there to die for us, for you and me, to cover our sins. 

Because he lives – because he died the way he did and then rose from the dead - Jesus has earned for each true believer in him eternal life with him and his father.  He has earned forgiveness for each of us.  He overcame the world, and in him we do too.  Jesus did so many things I have written about before, but this is the key one – he reconciled human beings to God.  He took our sins upon himself and removed that unsolvable burden.  He gave us our lives again.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465      https://johnnewlinministries.org

           Email: info@johnnewlinministries.org       Twitter.com/johnnewlinmin     

                                        Blog:  johnnewlin.blogspot.com