Monday, February 29, 2016


Our society is in a type of free fall as far as relationship to God is concerned.  Morality and civility and even basic decency are falling like a stone.  And if you are alert, you can see a great decline even in wisdom among many people.   Many seem to be operating with blinders on.  Decisions and concepts such as these inane political correctness issues that threaten to destroy freedom of speech and the ability of people to use their minds are now rampant.  Minority groups, some even very small groups, are ever more seeking not only freedom and more rights for themselves but also to impose their beliefs on the society as a whole.  Selfishness and narcissism is at an all-time high.

And then we have the presidential election campaign this year, which is so very deflating to anyone who knows the Lord and who knows the history and basis of the United States.  I have spoken so often about the deception Jesus warned us of – “Watch that you are not deceived.”  It was his first warning of events of the end times.  He later warned of false prophets as well.  The political world and the media world, along with all other elements of society seem full of this deception today.  Many Americans throughout the country are highly upset and angry.  Most likely do not know what we write on in these recent publications, but they know something is horribly wrong in our society.  They are right.  Much of America has forgotten God. 

I along with you have seen some of the candidates for office debate.  Such atrocious behavior.  Maybe some are just panicked by the apparent failure of their message to get through.  But consider what is going on.  Initially many were seeking to run, and there was a general feeling that not in recent memory had so many qualified candidates run for office.  But their message just did not resonate as in recent years, and they have fallen away.  Now we have candidates that are bizarre to say the least in both major political parties.  And behavior we have not seen in candidates for the highest position in the secular world.

I looked back recently at past debates among the candidates for president.  I saw some remarkable political lines that won debates uttered by Ronald Reagan in his debate with Jimmy Carter, by Jimmy Carter in his debate with Gerald Ford, by George W Bush in his debate with Al Gore, and so on.  I even looked at a picture of Jack Kennedy with Richard Nixon together, and they were really smiling together.  None of these exhibited the gutter level behavior and mouths we have seen this year, although surely there were real differences and some sharp criticism.

Are any of these candidates for president today really believers in the Lord?  Any?  For that matter, will the country even get to an election?  Time will tell, and if it does, you have to decide for yourself who to vote for.  I suggest you ask God for guidance, ask the Holy Spirit to show you.  Try to apply all you have learned from the Lord to the election and to the present time.

Jesus spoke so many words that apply now.  “When the son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?”  Well, will he?  In you and your family?  In the leaders of the country?  “Whoever disowns me before others I will disown before my father in heaven.”  How do you act around others when they are disparaging Jesus or demonstrating outrageous ungodly behavior? 

Once again, we are living in the last of the last days, the time of the Lord’s return.  Remember, two will be together.  One will be taken and the other not.  He said that.  I didn’t make it up.  Many like to ignore all this or pretend it doesn’t happen.  Some like to say there is no rapture in the Bible.  They just ignore the scriptures.  The word rapture may not be there, but the events certainly are.  Soon the Lord will gather his believers.  Soon the horrible seven year tribulation will unfold.  Soon he and his holy ones will be back to win Armageddon and establish his kingdom rule from Jerusalem.  Soon.  Soon.  Soon.  Like everything else in the Bible, it is all real.  And it is happening now.  You are among the most blessed people of all time to be living to see this play out.  A great deal around you is highly unpleasant to be sure, but if you know the Lord and his word you know what is happening, you can protect yourself and your family, you know what to expect. 

Seek the Lord and his guidance at all times.  Don’t get out of bed or go out the door without putting on the Lord’s armor and thanking him for his angels’ protection (God sends his angels to serve all those who will inherit salvation.  That serving surely includes protection.). And use the mind and intelligence God has given you together with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make the best decisions.  You need to be open eyed as you look forward.  And you need to prepare as you should, physically and spiritually.

Remember, no matter what happens on the secular front, in God’s overall plan what has been determined must take place and the time of the end will still come at the appointed time.  You cannot change that and neither can I.  Neither can any of the candidates for president or any of the news media or any of the political parties.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                        (February 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465          

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Friday, February 26, 2016



Americans have not done a good job of following this first of the Ten Commandments, have they?  Not just unbelievers, of course, but not even many believers, I would suggest.

No gods before God.  Our focus must be on him first and always.  Family, jobs, friends, hobbies, sports, whatever, even worthwhile causes, cannot come before God.

Jesus again made the same point when asked what was the greatest commandment.  He said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  Again, God is first.  Jesus in his statement went on to make loving our neighbor – i.e., all other people – in second place.  A close second he pointed out, but still second.  Notice again no job mentioned anywhere.  No work assignment.  Don’t think anyone will ever get any praise in heaven regarding how hard they worked at the office or store or plant or factory.

So no gods before God.

Look at America today.  How many gods can you name that Americans worship more than God?  Or put before God in their actions.  Remember, you can judge what a person believes or thinks by looking at his actions.  What he says means little, but what he does tells all.

How about money.  Income.
How about work.  Jobs.  Easy to see in some people’s lives that their jobs are the god of their life.  They sacrifice everything to getting ahead in that job (There really is a difference between having income as a god and having work as a god.  Some people just want money, they want more income, they focus on income in life.  And some others really do just focus on a particular type of work – their job really is them—they revel and live in that job.).

How about sports.  Watching sports, especially pro football.  Or playing golf.

How about good times – vacations, etc.

How about a spouse or love.  Putting a person higher than God.  Suppose you are having great difficulty in your marriage.   Suppose you go to all sorts of experts for help – spiritual experts as well as secular counselors, and nothing seems to work.  And you just keep at it and keep trying to adjust your own life, yet nothing you seem to do ever pleases this spouse.  You have made that spouse and your relationship with the spouse your top priority.  You have put that spouse above God.  You need to stop, repent, and put God back at the top of the list.

How about children?  Strange sounding, isn’t it.  We are all supposed to love our children, and I expect overwhelmingly most do.  But I suggest a strange thing has happened in recent decades.  For some reason young parents have become more devoted than ever to being sure their children have everything possible, experience everything possible.  And to being sure they are safe, protected.  Not only do they work tirelessly to do that, but they adjust their entire life schedules and activities to do that.  The children are the center of their lives…and I would suggest their god.  Not the way it was supposed to be.  Children are wonderful, but they are just part of the family.  Life most assuredly is not just about the children, although I expect if you are alert you know some young parents who live that way.

Still having trouble seeing this?  Just look at time – how much time you or others spend on various subjects.  Write it down.  Look at the time spent in work, in watching television for relaxation or vegging out, in driving about and going shopping or out to restaurants, in working on the yard or house, in going to school events, in going to social occasions.  You can do this for yourself and those you know closely.  You likely will be shocked.  Looking at where you spend your time is another indication of your priorities in life.

What if people put God first?  What would happen?  They would realize all the other blessings and promises of God, that’s what. Putting God first surely means you believe him and his words.  It means that you live and act according to his words.  If you don’t you are surely not putting him first.  That’s just like Paul’s famous words about confessing that Jesus is Lord of your life.  If he is your Lord, then you by definition obey and do whatever he says.

Never too late to start.  At least while you are still living and still on planet earth.  But it will be too late soon.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                        (February 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465          

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Monday, February 22, 2016


Several weeks ago early in the morning my wife Cathy came into the room.  What about wineskins, she said.  She had been getting ready for the day when God led her to think about the passage about wineskins. It was a message for both of us.

One of the more difficult to understand of Jesus’ parables is his warning about not putting new wine into old wineskins (Luke 5:36-39; Matthew 9:17).  Simply stated, old wineskins have already been used, already been stretched to their maximum extent possible.  If newly made wine is poured into an old wineskin, the ensuing fermentation process will burst the old wineskin.  The old wineskin cannot contain the new wine.

Jesus brought truth and grace into the world.  He brought the gospel message.  He brought forgiveness, the new life in Christ, and all the many blessings attendant to that.

His wonderful new message could not be contained in the religious organization at that time, the organization run by the Pharisees, dominated by thousands of rules and regulations, by form and procedure over substance.

The message for us today?  The same as Jesus’ day.  His message, his gospel is one of new life, of hope and a future, of manifold blessings in him, of the imminent coming of the Kingdom of God to earth, of miracles and healings.  That message cannot be contained in many of the established churches of today with all their rules and regulations, their carefully scripted services which allow little or no time for God, some of them with a contemporary approach focusing on entertainment and current events.  As some of you well know, a large number of our churches today do not even believe healings and miracles are for today, thinking erroneously that all that ended in the first century with the death of the disciples.  Similarly, many do not truly teach and preach the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.  There is no time or openness for the Spirit to minister there.  Even further, today many do not teach the imminent return of the Lord.  And far too many falsely believe that the modern church organization replaced the nation of Israel in importance to God! 

Today?  Pour new wine into these old wineskins?  Hardly!  The old wineskins can’t handle it.

But how are we going to wake up all the sleeping people of our age, those so oblivious to the truths of Jesus and his imminent return.  Or more accurately, how is God going to do it, using us as he needs us?

It seems apparent that any significant spiritual revival, or awakening, will likely not happen in the “religious” church structure of today laden down with man’s rules and regulations.  Any large scale awakening will have to happen by using new wineskins.  But what are those new wineskins?  Where are they?  How do we find them?
Consider this:  The only thing that is important now in our time is Jesus Christ and each person’s relationship with him, and the fact that he is coming soon.  It is all about Jesus.  The Father’s design was to send his son that the world might be saved through him.  That is still the design.  Jesus is the King of the Kingdom.  He is coming soon.  When he comes he will not come as the teacher and preacher and healer he came as initially.  He will come as the King of everything.  The ruler.  The commander in chief.  The government will be on his shoulders.   

In the past several years we have seen serious believers leave traditional churches and form small groups, usually meeting in the homes of members.  Well, that is a form of a new wineskin, but it’s not reaching nearly enough lost people.   Basically it is just providing a safe place for people already serious about God to meet with some freedom and peace.

We need a new wineskin that will reach the world!  One that people will pay attention to in this difficult time.  I send this message now so you can be praying about that.  I do have some thoughts on how we might proceed, but right now I ask you to join me in praying for exactly what is the new wineskin God would have us use for him to awaken the sleeping population of our day to the fact that the Lord of all creation is coming and that unless they wake up they will miss him. 

One thought for sure: we need people who truly know the Lord to be in leadership in all areas of life – in the government, in the media, in the entertainment arena, in the business world, in the education world.  We have turned so many key positions over to lost individuals who are leading society over the cliff.  Maybe you are one of those persons who should be out there in a leadership role.  Certainly, in this election year in America do your best to support and vote for those who you believe truly know the Lord, who will stand up for Jesus and the gospel.  And do not stay home from voting because you can find no candidate who perfectly expresses what you are looking for.  There has only been one perfect human to ever walk the earth.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                        (February 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465          

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Thursday, February 18, 2016


All the excitement and hope of the upcoming elections in America notwithstanding, the Lord is coming at the appointed time.  That is just the truth.  Period.

The inescapable facts
For years I have written, spoken, appeared on television and in person to deal with all the aspects of the imminent return of Jesus.  You can follow much of what I’ve said on our CDs or television programs, all of which you can get to through our web site.   After almost nineteen hundred years of nothing of note happening, suddenly early in the last century and continuing up to today the many prophecies of things to happen before the Lord’s return began happening.  Some obviously, some not so obviously.  If you want to read a list of these go to our newsletter of August 2013.
Jesus referred to many of these prophesied happenings as birth pains.  We have moved past the birth pains now into the deeper of the prophecies and warnings.  Jesus’ primary warning to the disciples and all of us regarding these times was to watch that we are not deceived.  I know of no time in American history when there has been such deception among the leaders and key players in government, media, entertainment, business, and more.  And Paul gave the great statement that the Day of the Lord would not happen until the apostasy, the falling away from God took place.  Well?  What kind of a country and world do you live in?  The American population and culture is falling away from God faster than an Olympic downhill skier moves.  Europe is way ahead of us in this.  Some other nations that really haven’t been strong Christian nations are seeing breakthroughs and revivals, fulfillment of the wheat and tares comment by Jesus.

And then there is the troubling warning of Jesus that his coming will be like a thief in the night.  It will just happen.  Boom.  Two people will be together – one will be taken and the other not.  I’m speaking of his gathering his true church here, of course.  Those who are alert, as he has also warned us to be, will not be so surprised.

When is this going to happen?  While he was on earth he noted he did not know the specific day.  I expect now that he is with his father and is no doubt preparing to come, he surely knows.  My warning to all of you is that it is soon, real soon.  When I say that some people think I mean in the next day or two.   That could be, but remember we are talking about God’s timing.  Everything will be just right for the return.  I just mean in the next few months up to a very few years.

The world we live in 
None of us have lived in a world so confused and violent and full of evil as the current one.  The level of the evil coming out of the violent groups like ISIS, AL QUEDA, BOKO HARAN, and others is beyond the comprehension ability of most Americans.  I saw an interview of someone recently in which the interviewer asked what should be done about ISIS.  The person replied we should go talk to them.  No concept at all of the evil we are dealing with.  Talking is not what ISIS does.

Americans are so secularized that many in this once strong Christian nation cannot even conceive of absolute evil.  That is what we believers are up against.  It is the devil and his assistants operating through these horrible groups.  The American churches have become so watered down and so removed from the full gospel and the entire Bible.  Many of the traditional churches just like to focus on God’s love and forgiveness.  Yes, those are wonderful.  But God is also truth and justice.  He cannot stand evil.  At times in the early days of Israel God ordered the Israelites to kill everyone in an enemy group of people, including the children and the animals.  Hard to understand for Americans who are not spiritual, who do not understand the Bible and the spiritual side of life.  Why kill the animals?  Because God knew the evil demonic spirits guiding those evil people could inhabit animals too.  Remember when Jesus cast demons from a man to a herd of pigs?  God did not want any evil spirits coming to his people.

Americans have not realized just how bad all this evil is.  Most truly do not have a clue.  They will find out, unless Jesus comes first.

We have an election going on in the US, and people are getting all excited about the candidates.  Some declare they are going to deal with the areas in which the country has fallen so in recent years – with building up the military, with protecting the homeland, with rebuilding the economy, and more – and people seem to be really excited about some of the candidates.  But I ask you this:  Will any of their behavior affect the date of Jesus’ return?  Quick answer – no.

Have you heard any of the candidates saying or doing anything that will turn around the spiritual fall of America, the rebellion against God?  Quick answer – no.

Recently I listed just three enormous areas of behavior of the nation that are totally opposed to God.  We know his views on these because the Bible is clear about them.  Here they are again:

-          A country that endorses a homosexual lifestyle is far outside the plan of God.  The Bible is clear: that behavior is abominable.

-          Abortion – in America over fifty million babies have been aborted.  Murdered.  Yes, I know that some individuals who have had abortions have repented, and yes surely the Lord has forgiven them if their repentance was serious.  But the USA has a legal national policy of abortion on demand.  That is a policy of murder, and murder is not acceptable to God.  See the Ten Commandments.

-          And then there is Israel and the relationship and support and protection of this country by America.  Historically, the USA has been a great protector of Israel.  In fact, the very recognition of the nation of Israel in 1948 as a legitimate member of the community of nations was accomplished by a bold personal step by President Harry Truman even when advisers were pressing him not to act.  But in recent presidential administrations the support has waned.  The US has pressed Israel to give back land.  The US has pressed Israel in so many ways and has even not put the American embassy in Jerusalem.  Remember, God will bless those who bless Israel.  And curse those who curse Israel.

Do you see any of the candidates correcting any of this?  Only in the relationship to Israel do I see any hope for change.  Nothing these candidates from either party do will affect the appointed time of the return of the Lord.

And there are many more issues of course, specifically in the individual lives and behavior of Americans.  The increasing lack of interest in God.  The wide open sexual life style.  The profligate drug culture.  The wide open availability on television and in movies and elsewhere of occult images, music, behavior.  The complete lack of understanding that it is God first and everyone and everything else second.  The widespread pervasive use of deception in society.  I dare say that most Americans, even many who think they are Christians, cannot recognize occult behavior or actions.  Many so-called Christians do not even think the devil is real (50% according to one survey not long ago). 

The Bible talks about a remnant.  That is what we have today, a remnant.  When Jesus comes to collect his true CHURCH, how many will he be taking?  Percentage wise, not a large number unless there is some awakening before his coming.

How many people do you know who even in your own knowledge meet the criteria Jesus or Paul set down for being in the Kingdom of God?

It is time to get in a right relationship with the Lord.  Time to be ready. 

As for the coming election, to the extent possible vote for those who you believe truly know the Lord, who will stand up for Jesus and the gospel.  Shouldn’t we all be doing as much as possible for the Lord even right up to his coming?  And certainly do not stay home from voting because no candidate perfectly expresses what you are looking for.  There never has been a perfect person on earth….other than the Lord.  Throughout the Bible we see examples of God’s using unbelievers to further his plans.

Lastly, keep your eyes on Jesus, stay focused, don’t lose your joy despite all the attacks of the evil one and all you see in the world.  Jesus overcame the world, and in him you do too.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                        (February, 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465

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