Friday, February 26, 2016



Americans have not done a good job of following this first of the Ten Commandments, have they?  Not just unbelievers, of course, but not even many believers, I would suggest.

No gods before God.  Our focus must be on him first and always.  Family, jobs, friends, hobbies, sports, whatever, even worthwhile causes, cannot come before God.

Jesus again made the same point when asked what was the greatest commandment.  He said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  Again, God is first.  Jesus in his statement went on to make loving our neighbor – i.e., all other people – in second place.  A close second he pointed out, but still second.  Notice again no job mentioned anywhere.  No work assignment.  Don’t think anyone will ever get any praise in heaven regarding how hard they worked at the office or store or plant or factory.

So no gods before God.

Look at America today.  How many gods can you name that Americans worship more than God?  Or put before God in their actions.  Remember, you can judge what a person believes or thinks by looking at his actions.  What he says means little, but what he does tells all.

How about money.  Income.
How about work.  Jobs.  Easy to see in some people’s lives that their jobs are the god of their life.  They sacrifice everything to getting ahead in that job (There really is a difference between having income as a god and having work as a god.  Some people just want money, they want more income, they focus on income in life.  And some others really do just focus on a particular type of work – their job really is them—they revel and live in that job.).

How about sports.  Watching sports, especially pro football.  Or playing golf.

How about good times – vacations, etc.

How about a spouse or love.  Putting a person higher than God.  Suppose you are having great difficulty in your marriage.   Suppose you go to all sorts of experts for help – spiritual experts as well as secular counselors, and nothing seems to work.  And you just keep at it and keep trying to adjust your own life, yet nothing you seem to do ever pleases this spouse.  You have made that spouse and your relationship with the spouse your top priority.  You have put that spouse above God.  You need to stop, repent, and put God back at the top of the list.

How about children?  Strange sounding, isn’t it.  We are all supposed to love our children, and I expect overwhelmingly most do.  But I suggest a strange thing has happened in recent decades.  For some reason young parents have become more devoted than ever to being sure their children have everything possible, experience everything possible.  And to being sure they are safe, protected.  Not only do they work tirelessly to do that, but they adjust their entire life schedules and activities to do that.  The children are the center of their lives…and I would suggest their god.  Not the way it was supposed to be.  Children are wonderful, but they are just part of the family.  Life most assuredly is not just about the children, although I expect if you are alert you know some young parents who live that way.

Still having trouble seeing this?  Just look at time – how much time you or others spend on various subjects.  Write it down.  Look at the time spent in work, in watching television for relaxation or vegging out, in driving about and going shopping or out to restaurants, in working on the yard or house, in going to school events, in going to social occasions.  You can do this for yourself and those you know closely.  You likely will be shocked.  Looking at where you spend your time is another indication of your priorities in life.

What if people put God first?  What would happen?  They would realize all the other blessings and promises of God, that’s what. Putting God first surely means you believe him and his words.  It means that you live and act according to his words.  If you don’t you are surely not putting him first.  That’s just like Paul’s famous words about confessing that Jesus is Lord of your life.  If he is your Lord, then you by definition obey and do whatever he says.

Never too late to start.  At least while you are still living and still on planet earth.  But it will be too late soon.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                        (February 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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