Thursday, October 31, 2019


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Monday, October 21, 2019


“Watch out that you are not deceived.” – Jesus in Luke 21:8

The secular world in the midst of which we are all living today is for believers an atrocious world.  That is true for nonbelievers too, although many do not realize that.

The rampant deception and delusion of so many is now obviously apparent.  Were it not for our faith and understanding of what is soon to come, we believers would be screaming like the person in the painting THE SCREAM that was on our last newsletter.  But we do know what is to come, we do know who we are in Christ, we do know the joy of having the Kingdom in us now and we will soon know the joy of having the Kingdom all around us.

Not so for the mass of humanity that populates the planet and produces the ghastly behaviors and gross deceptions we see every day.  There is not space to list them all but just look at some major examples of massive lunacy – and massive deception:

The NBA official organization as well as many of its biggest stars has just shown the world that it is money and money only they are all about.  They have thrown America under the bus.  They have supported this communist dictatorship that commits and has committed overwhelming gross human rights violations for decades.  It is astounding what money – and spiritual and intellectual blindness and basic ignorance – can do.  Because one of the staff of one team had the audacity to support those in Hong Kong demonstrating for personal freedoms, the entire league came out in support of this murderous regime, ignoring what it is and has been.  Just consider:
  • It is China that had the one baby per couple policy for so long, eliminating that just in 2015.
  • It is China that is working on a program of following citizen’s activities and thus determining who it will allow to travel and who it will not (within the country!). I have heard there are two million on the “not travel” list so far.
  • It is China that oppresses religion – Christianity, in our case. The formal Chinese church, the one that is visible, is a sham.  People are not allowed to attend until they are 18 years old.  And even then it is a church operating with the approval of the godless state.  Underground, hidden and struggling, are the true Christians there.  Estimates are at least 100 million are in the underground church, taking personal risks to live and worship as true believers in the Lord.  There are missionaries who travel in China and coordinate these underground churches.
  • It is China that will not tolerate demonstrations on the part of its citizens seeking individual rights. Remember Tiananmen Square?  Remember watching the tank roll right over a demonstrator?
  • This is the China of horrible environmental pollution that the green movement seems to conveniently ignore.
  • This is the China of government censorship and theft of intellectual property.
  • This is the China of massive oppression of people.
  • This is the nation that so oppresses the people of Tibet today.
  • This is the nation that currently holds 3 million Muslims in detention camps – That is their way of dealing with today’s radical Islam problem. (June 4, 2019 – THE NATIONAL INTEREST)
  • This is the nation that according to the latest Human Rights Watch World Report
    • “dramatically stepped up repression and systematic abuses against the 13 million Turkic Muslims, including Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs, in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region”
    • “hastened their efforts in 2018 to undermine people’s rights to free speech and political participation in Hong King”
    • increasingly deploys mass surveillance systems to tighten control over society. “In 2018, the government continued to collect, on a mass scale, biometrics including DNA and voice samples; use such biometrics for automated surveillance purposes; develop a nationwide reward and punishment system known as the “social credit system”; and develop and apply “big data” policing programs aimed at preventing dissent.”
    • tried to silence Chinese human rights defenders abroad by harassing and detaining their families in China.
    • And much more. You can read the report.
  • This is the China that sends a 200 million person army to Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation period.
  • This is the China that the NBA and its stars are applauding and upholding.
Remember now that basketball was invented in America.  Basketball is an American sport.  The NBA has grown and prospered in America, the land of opportunity.  This professional league has made multi-millionaires of hundreds of athletes.  The NBA has now thrown its support to the horrible government described above.  Americans can and should react by dropping all support to the league.  Whether they will is not likely, for remember so many Americans are deceived themselves.

Regardless of your political preferences, you must recognize the terrible deception playing out in Washington and on the news channels:  Ever since the election of the current president in 2016, and even before, large numbers of people have somehow blindly ignored the election and have sought to overturn it.  This is unlike all previous elections in our lifetime.  One of the examples of American’s greatness has been the peaceful passing of authority over time. 

These opponents of the government proceed in all avenues and take extreme behaviors.  Lying, breaking rules, interfering as much as possible in normal government operations – important issues of the day are ignored so that this crusade might continue.  For two years we were all subjected to a sham story of Russia collusion that turned out to be nothing.  So now the group has moved on to pressing for impeachment.  All of this is an overwhelming example of both deception and delusion.  We who know the Lord and are able to discern truth recognize this for what it is, but millions do not. 
I do not know how this will all play out.  There is so much to say and so much to write.  We are so close to the Lord’s return.  So many leaders and even so many institutions long highly regarded have now been brought into this deception.  Maybe the disarray that is Washington and the national media is indeed America’s lot for the end time period.  Maybe not.  We can still hope and pray.  But I remind you that America is not anywhere to be seen in Scripture in these last days.

This has been going on for some time but it is too important not to include here.  It is a disaster for American culture, our system of government, and individual freedom and rights. Over and over again all types of accomplished persons from various fields of activity are brazenly stopped from speaking on these campuses by deceived, intellectually blind students and professors.  Freedom of speech is trashed.  The idea of listening to various points of view in order to come to a wise decision on an issue is not understood and totally ignored.  This behavior is the complete opposite of the concept of America that was forged through so much effort and sacrifice by the original founders so many years ago.

These are the last hours.  I do not know specifically when the Lord will return but I know it is soon.  Very soon.  Sometime between now and a few years.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  Always.  And use all the tools God has given you  to protect yourself.  Put on his armor as described in Ephesians 6.  Thank God for his angels and for their protecting you (see Hebrews 1:14).  In his name cast out demons, evil spirits always, especially before and after you are around persons and places that surely have many nonbelievers present.  For example, going into and out of a hospital, shopping in a mall, anywhere you go in this secular world.

Please send copies of this article or forward the email to all you would.  How are people who do not know Jesus or do not know of his imminent return to come to the truth without someone telling them?  You can and should be part of that.

It is all as Jesus said about our day, that it would be just like the days of Noah and Lot.  What of those days?  Highly sinful, with people going about normal activities – marriage, business, and so on.  They were oblivious of what was about to happen.  So too with so many today.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you always in all encounters and all situations.  Represent the Lord as possible and as the Holy Spirit leads you in every situation.  To the extent possible, seek to help God the Father lead others to Christ.  And always pray for the lost.  Pray that God will draw them to Jesus.  Remember, you cannot make anyone believe.  But you surely can help in all this.

                                                                                                (October 2019)
                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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