Monday, August 29, 2011


We are living in the midst of an increasingly troubled world while we anticipate the Lord’s imminent return to collect his Church. Organizations and institutions that people have depended on are not working, and public leaders clearly do not know what to do. Fear is setting in as an ever present partner of many on earth who do not know the Lord.

Often I write about all this when considering aspects of that coming return. But even if the world is a mess all around us, all who know the Lord should be focused on him! It is God’s great love for his creation that has given us the opportunity to look forward to eternal life with Jesus and the Father and to wonder just what is about to unfold. So, focusing on Jesus and not on the events in this world, I offer this vignette from a couple weeks ago for your meditation.

Recently I sat in a quiet private session with just a few others and a precious little girl who was fighting a dreadful disease. For a few minutes I talked about divine healing, about God’s great gift. And then I prayed for healing. As God’s truths came out, as we moved forward to the key point, I suddenly began to say: "Standing in for Jesus here, I say …”

Now I have said that before. This time as I looked into her wonderful little face, at those precious innocent eyes, and as I said, “Standing in for Jesus, I…” there was a sudden rush of the Holy Spirit all over me. I could scarcely speak. I had to take a moment to be able to form words. His amazing presence just took over.

Standing in for Jesus…Representing Jesus…Speaking for Jesus… Several times I have sought to explain that in meetings. Sometimes I have said simply, do you realize that when I stand here speaking what I am led to say, I am in reality standing in for Jesus. This is the Lord through me speaking, healing, doing what he wishes. The Holy Spirit takes over. Always my silent prayer: Take over Holy Spirit. Lord, your will here tonight. Your words.

Years ago once when praying the Holy Spirit told me, “John, if you don’t have time to prepare, I’ll speak for you.” I have always counted on that. I always spend time seeking and searching and praying before meetings and services. And I always count on the Holy Spirit.

It is really true. Whenever I am preaching before a group the anointing comes. There is a strong anointing on me whether people in the audience experience that or not. It took me a while to realize that sometimes those listening experience the presence and sometimes not.

But that is what it is – standing in for Jesus. The Lord through me. The Holy Spirit handling things. That’s the way it works.

That’s the way it can work for you too when you step out and stand in for Jesus.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the gospels I have always been interested and surprised by Jesus at times being upset and angered by the unbelief of people around him. Remember
- “you will never believe unless you see signs and wonders”
- “you do not understand because you are not my sheep”
- his ordering the money changers out of the temple – “tear down this temple and I will rebuild it in three days”
- the preaching about the Jews being the descendents of those who murdered the prophets
- all he preached to the religious leaders in the temple and their not understanding
- his reference to people wanting food after they saw him feed the 5000

and much more.

Jesus is the son of God, a member of the Trinity. He walked the earth as the son of man. He knew what was in man, as the gospel of John tells us at the end of chapter 2.

So he certainly knew many would never understand, would never see. When he was talking to the crowds, he knew many could not grasp. He knew Isaiah 6, that many would not perceive, could not understand. So why so upset?

Well, I know all those things too. I’ve read the scriptures. And I’ve read Jesus’ words about how few actually find the way to life with him and the father, eternal life. So I too know that many don’t get it.

And I see when we hold what I think are really valuable programs on important subjects – especially focusing on the fullness of who Jesus is and all the aspects of his imminent return – how few are seriously interested and attend. There are some, to be sure, strongly focused on God and the truth. But so many others?

A friend who often ministers in music at our programs once said after a program that we could just as easily have done that for 10,000 as for the number that came. That’s true. Same effort.

The cities are full of brick building churches. And each teaches some truth. But most never get into the fullness of Jesus nor warn with the urgency needed of his imminent return and present all the prophecies relating to his return now fulfilled. Not many ever go over all that Jesus said about those who would be in the kingdom:
- must be born of water and the spirit
- be like little children
- believe
- narrow is the road that leads to life, and few are they that find it

One of the great gifts of Jesus is divine healing. By his stripes we are healed and made whole. Direct, divine healings happen, they really do, some dramatic and some not so dramatic. Yet even when they happen to people who are members of church bodies, most in those bodies still never come to a healing service even though many of them are sick. Even when we hold a full day of healing program, people who have expressed interest will suddenly go elsewhere – to work on some project at their church, to do something else. While our program is offering the opportunity to health and life, they have chosen a mundane work task. And at those programs people see God operate right in front of their faces and have their lives changed forever.

The fact is, most people really do not know. They just don’t know. All their lives church and the Bible and Jesus and God are just tradition and subjects in a book. They have missed God. The truth is Jesus is coming very very soon. His return is imminent. That means any day now. In Luke, he says after listing events to happen before the return, that when these events begin to happen, look up. Well, those events have long ago begun to happen – wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, frightening oceans, nation against nation, false prophets, deception rampant, etc.

There is nothing to stop the Lord from coming while you are reading this – maybe he will have come before you receive it.

Get the point?

Maybe. Maybe. If you are one of his sheep, one of the elect, you do. I’ll pray you do.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Those are the questions you hear the newsmen and the meteorologists ask.

All these horrible tornados. Incredibly powerful! We’ve never seen so many so powerful. And look where they go, at times right into the hearts of cities.

Well….now for the answer.

You will never find it in meteorology books or records. The answer is a spiritual one.

Way back, about four thousand years ago, God told Abraham – the father of the Jewish people and in fact the patriarch of all believing Christians as well – that I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.

He also told Abraham that he was giving him and his descendants all the land from the river in Egypt to the Euphrates River (which we all know is in Iraq).

And he told Abraham this gift was forever. In fact, we know from another scripture that the gifts of God are without repentance. They are forever.

So God gave the Jewish people the land of Israel from the river in Egypt to the Euphrates, a much, much larger piece of land than the current nation of Israel occupies.

But what is the current attitude of the government of the US? Of the man who lives in the White House? You heard it all very recently. Pressure on Israel to give back from the little land it now has --- even to consider going back to the lines before the 1967 war.

The truth is that the US government has been pressing Israel to give up territory for a long time.

One problem – this is not in line with God’s plan for Israel. And remember, those who bless you I will bless and those who curse you I will curse.

Well, get ready for some serious cursing, United States. Serious.

God does not mess around. He is devoutly to be feared. Yes, loved, people like to talk about that. But feared too. His words are true.

It is obvious that the leaders of the US do not know this God truly. They are either absolute unbelievers or just Sunday morning believers. Actually knowing him and believing and understanding the Bible? Hardly.

Maybe there are one or two. I don’t know them all.

By public appearances and actions in Washington, it certainly appears we don’t have believing leaders. They are not aware that what they are doing will incur and is incurring God’s wrath. They just don’t know. Certainly the resident of the White House does not know. And those preachers brought in for prayer breakfasts don’t know either, or they aren’t telling the leaders. The Bible warns against false prophets too.

There have been people who have traced many horrible events in US history to actions the US took that were against God’s plan for Israel. Do you know that? You can even buy books about that. But certainly that is a subject that will not come up on the news programs because - get serious now - the reporters and producers and media in general just don’t get it.

But the US is getting it now, isn’t it? Some serious punishment. And the getting is going to get worse.

Is this all part of the events leading up to the return of Jesus? Probably. But more specifically it is certainly in direct response to the actions of this country through its “leaders” that oppose Israel and the will of God for Israel. That is the wrong side to be on.

Israel is the apple of God’s eye. Do you know that? The Bible says that too.

You may say you do not agree with the views expressed by the US leaders. Well, that is good for you. But you do live here. So you are at risk here. The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Pray protection over your family and your home and your neighborhood. And to the extent you can, change the views of the leaders of this country. Or through the democratic process that for now is still operative, change the leaders.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Sometimes God calls you to go “this” way. But another way – “that” way – would be more comfortable, more convenient.

Going that way would line up with the expectations of family and friends. It is where they think you are heading, now they see you have been called. It is what they naturally expect. It fits well with the traditions of the church your family attends. It would be logical.

That way seems like what you naturally would want to do. But Jesus has called you to go this way - - - this way is the call. Perhaps less adulation, less praise, less public recognition. Maybe more hardship and less remuneration. Loneliness in human terms. Strange, even to friends and family.

This is the way you have been called, and this is where you know you must go. And as you go this way, they are watching. They see you heading in a strange direction. They do not understand, at least most of them. A few may. And you, you just keep going… this way.


If you are going to be a disciple of Jesus, if you are going to follow him, then you cannot simply choose an attractive course and action. You have to go where he calls you to go and do what he calls you to do. Otherwise, you are following yourself or the interests of others.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Amazing Events in the Countdown to the Return

All of you who follow our ministry have heard or read my saying how Jesus several years ago suddenly began telling me to “tell them who I am and that I am coming soon.” As that was repeated over time with more specific guidance, it became the overall mission of the ministry – to tell all people this.

I have spoken on the many aspects of Jesus and his return that the Lord has brought me, from all he did and does now to the many facets of his imminent return to earth.

At times I have sensed many would like me to focus more on healing services and the like, and the Lord knows I love doing healing services. But in very clear terms, I have guidance that while I can certainly hold those programs, the focus right now is on Jesus and his return. He is coming back soon. Real soon.

This week we have seen an extraordinary number of amazing signs. Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in considering all that has and is happening as presented below:

1 – Plans of the Muslim World – This week a video tape recently produced by the government of Iran became public. Part is now available and I include a link later so you can watch it. I encourage you to do so. It has English subtitles. This video is produced for distribution throughout the Muslim world. It describes the current time from the Muslim perspective. As you may know, satan has counterfeited much of what is happening as regards Jesus and his return, and you can see this here. Basically, this tape presents the view that we are right at the point of the return of the Muslim “messiah,” the mahdi. The tape goes through Muslim prophecy and writings. Certain current individuals are identified as people prophesied in Islam writings. President Ahmadinejab, for example, and the “supreme leader” of Iran, Ayatollah Khameini.

Also, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The point is made that when Abdullah dies, the mahdi should come. There have been comments about Abdullah’s health over past years. He currently is in his upper 80’s.

This tape goes through the uprisings in Egypt and other Arab countries. It talks of wars and such. The mahdi obviously comes in a period of chaos.

The overall objective stated in the video and shown on the screen is the establishment of a new Islamic civilization.

Let me paraphrase a comment from Pat Robertson: When the cold war existed, the USSR and the United States did not use their nuclear weapons because neither side wanted to lose so many of their own citizens in a nuclear war. But that is not the case with Muslim leaders in Iran. If Iran were to attack Israel and in the process lose a huge number of its own citizens by Israel’s counterattack, that would be acceptable to the leaders there since it sets the stage for the return of this mahdi.

This is a chilling video. Many of the Muslim “prophecies” noted in it have already been fulfilled. And the time is short – the “Muslim end times” position filled by Ahmadinejad is to be filled 72 months before the return of the mahdi. He became president of Iran in August 2005.

Please watch the video and share it with others. You certainly cannot count on the US government or the current news media to get this out.

2 – Deception – Regarding the last days, Jesus warned us to watch that we are not deceived. Deception is rampant in our world, among political leaders, among the press, among well known entertainers, and so on. Many people are just deceived. If you do not have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you cannot and will not see the truth.

Examples of deception are all those examples of political correctness you see every day – not calling something truthfully what it is. For example, the great physical threat to America and the western world is from radical Islam, but we all see how many political leaders and reporters refuse to identify individual terrorists as Muslims when they clearly are. Jay Sekulow, head of the American Institute of Law and Justice, recently said that we have to stop kidding ourselves, that "The only religious group right now in the world engaged in international, coordinated efforts to kill civilians is Islam…." It is difficult to deal with issues unless they are approached with truth and open eyes, and deception prevents all that.

A good example of such deception just occurred. Lawrence McDonnell, host of a nightly news program on MSNBC, recently went on a rant on his program. He said,“The Book of Revelation is a work of fiction describing how a truly vicious God would bring about the end of the world. No half-smart religious person actually believes the Book of Revelation. They are certain that their God would never turn into a malicious torturer and mass murderer beyond Hitler’s wildest dreams.” ----Sad, isn’t it. Lost, that’s being lost, lost, lost.

3 – Egypt Air, an airline that I in the past have flown in Egypt and The Sudan, has issued a new route map which does not contain the nation of Israel.

4. – Uprisings in Many Middle Eastern countries: Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan - These nations are dictatorships, regardless of what the leader is called. Their citizens would not revolt normally, because they are aware of the swift reprisal from the government, the swift punishment. These are not democracies. So how do you think all this uprising and these public demonstrations came about? Do you really think this is just young people seeking freedom and better paying jobs? Does it really make sense that they would all be happening at the same time? How about considering this is a move to bring about a more united Muslim front. Consider that such as the Muslim brotherhood may be behind all this, and Iran. All these “uprisings” are an area where the deception Jesus warned about is rampant in the news media and the political/government world.

5 – Japan earthquake – Just another warning, another terrible event as we head toward the return and the tribulation. Japan is not a Christian country. About 1 % of the people there are considered Christian. Pray that there are sufficient Christian missionaries in Japan who speak in a way the Japanese people can understand, that the people will listen to them, and that God is using all this to get the truth of who Jesus is through to the Japanese.

6 – The US government – Sad, isn’t it. I remember when we were all so proud of the government, proud of the US . I think we still are proud of the history. But how lost and how desperate and even how dangerous is the current government of the United States? What are we really doing in Libya? Does anyone know? Why did we choose to help this particular group of people? The best the American people can do right now may be just to hold all elected people accountable and to seek to put persons who believe in Jesus in office.

Concluding Comment
Please be alert to what is happening. Considering all the above, and this is hardly all that we could have included here, it should be more and more evident how important it is to get the message out to people of who Jesus is and that he is coming soon. Please, please help us in this. It always astounds me how people contribute so much to secular causes like public television and school alumni funds, to medical causes like the heart association, and to good groups that bring temporary help like the Red Cross, but don’t give with the same gusto or amount to the spread of the real truth that saves people’s lives for eternity. Why do you think Jesus is guiding me to focus more on talking about him and his return than about healing? Here’s the answer: Divine healing is for a short time. Knowledge of Jesus and a relationship with him is forever.

Please help us if you can. If you were in my shoes and saw with Jesus’ eyes what is happening locally and worldwide, you would be amazed and you would be greatly saddened by the great numbers everywhere who do not know him and are not ready at all for his return.


Revelation 3:20-21 Revelation 22:20 John 14:6

Friday, March 11, 2011


Today the worst earthquake in Japan ’s history followed by a giant tsunami has hit the country. We still do not know the extent of the devastation and loss of life and likely will not for days. Because this is a technically advanced country, we have television images of the disaster – pictures of the tsunami and of trucks and cars and boats rolling along carried by the tsunami.

Earthquakes are one of the signs of the impending end of this age and the coming return of Jesus, as those who red the Bible and follow our ministry know. We have had an extraordinary number of devastating such events in the last few years.

It should be noted that Japan is overwhelmingly not filled with Christians. There is a very small percentage of believers in Jesus there, although that number has been reported to be on the rise.

I usually do not make this point, but it is time to make it – please notice that the greatest natural disasters in history have occurred in non-Christian nations. So here is my point – I believe the US and Europe too may have been spared such giant disasters in the past by the intercession of the number of true believers in Jesus who have lived in these areas.

But now Europe has a very small percentage of Christians. And the US steadily has been falling away, with much of its formal/organized religion only having a form of godliness but denying its power.

God called me long ago to “tell people who he is and that he is coming soon.” Well, I cannot pass by this moment without warning people that HE IS COMING SOON! Time to make sure you really do know him, that you are living in the right relationship with him.

We all should pray for the Japanese people. We also should pray for ourselves and all those we know, that all who do not know Jesus would be drawn by the Father to Jesus.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Before God called me in such a dramatic fashion many years ago, I worked and traveled in and through many countries. Most of those places were what we might today call third-world or developing. Some were not developing at all. As I went to several of the countries in the Middle East, for example, I remember seeing and telling others that the people there were held back by their own religion. I didn’t know how true that was then, but of course it is obviously true. Following a false god, believing incorrect things, is disaster for humans. So too is taking harmful actions against Israel (remember God’s words - I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you). And all the strange and unpleasant restrictions placed on people in Islam, especially women, are just that, strange and unpleasant.

But then all these Muslims are lost and will stay that way until they realize who Jesus is and accept him as their Lord. That does happen, usually with great pressure on Muslims making the conversion, often with the need to get away from where they are, often with resulting persecution, even sometimes death. I heard at a missions meeting back in the mid-1990’s of how Jesus had been appearing in dreams/visions to some Muslims, even Muslim religious leaders, leading of course to conversions of those people. Some in the mission field call that a power play. It certainly is, isn’t it! That continues. I don’t know how many have received such power plays, but it has happened and is happening.

In a similar way, when I was in many of the sub-Saharan African nations I experienced the wretched poverty of the areas and saw the results of corrupt governments and just lack of funds and lack of knowledge and education. A question that frequently came up was what it will take to get Africans out of this, referring of course to the economic level and quality of life. The answer should be obvious – knowledge of and faith in God. They needed true Christian leaders who would not be corrupt. All the people themselves needed to know Jesus, to know the truths of the Bible, to know how to go forward in living and applying the truths of the Bible.

I remember at one program in the US when I mentioned something about God’s provision, perhaps the verse that God provides all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus, a woman sarcastically said, “tell that to the Africans!” But she missed the point. All that God wants people to have will not come to them unless they know him, unless they accept Jesus as Lord, unless they know the various truths and principles in the Bible and actually apply them to their daily lives. That has now begun to happen, with really great changes afoot. Some giant missionary efforts have brought great numbers coming to Christ, and Africa like China is at least in some areas a hotbed of new and serious Christians.


The commands, the promises, the rules given in the Bible are not there because God wants to be harsh on people or because he wants them to have a hard time. No, God knows the behaviors that will bring hardship and heartbreak, and he has given us there truths of his kingdom that will enable us to avoid such behaviors if they are obeyed and followed in our actions. Sadly, most people have either not known the Bible at all or have treated it as a general guidebook or an interesting ancient book kept on a table. But the Bible is full of God’s truths, and also warnings about what is to come. It was written by God through people as a gift to people. It is not a guidebook. It is the policy manual and the book of laws for the Kingdom of God. You could say also it is the policy manual and the book of laws for a truly successful life now and in that Kingdom. One more point - these truths and promises of God work if they are actually applied to your life, if you actually act on them.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


[Some items are too important not to post. This article was sent out February 9 to all on our ministry newsletter list. I wanted to be sure that those who come to this blog would see it as well.]

A minister friend of mine has recently been active in missionary work in Africa, and I along with others am thrilled as we hear reports of God working through his actions there.

From time to time our ministry has been invited to partner with startup and existing churches in Africa, in India, in Pakistan, and elsewhere, and to come and hold crusades there. But when I some time ago prayed about going to minister in one of these places, I received clear guidance that our ministry is here, in the US (at least the “in person” ministry for now. Our CDs and newsletters and the web site of course go around the world.).

And that has all led me to thinking. So many of the serious believers correctly get very excited and also concerned about all those around the world who have not heard the good news. Some become active in international missions, whether going themselves or supporting the efforts of others. But one thing people forget – a huge number of Americans are also not currently in line to join God in Heaven, in the Kingdom, whether in the rapture or through death. Large numbers of Americans are just not genuine believers. Now of course you know that about people who clearly just don’t know God at all. But I’m here to tell you that huge numbers of others as well are certainly not currently lined up for Heaven.

We all see or hear those polls that say large percentages of Americans believe there is a God. So people like to say that a high percentage of Americans are believers. Large numbers also say they are Christians, and large numbers go to brick building churches on Sundays. But saying there is a God or that you believe in God does not get you into the Kingdom of God, into Heaven. Saying you are a Christian or going to church on Sundays does not get you there either.

Jesus and others such as Paul very specifically pointed out the requirements to be in the Kingdom. For example, Jesus said a person must have a spiritual rebirth (“born again”) just to see the Kingdom of God and must be born of water and the spirit in order to enter the Kingdom. Large numbers of churches in America never get into focusing on the spirit at all. It’s a part of the Bible they have overlooked.

Paul said that if a person confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart that God raised him from the dead, then he is saved. Saying that Jesus is Lord means you have made him Lord of your life. That means that you obey what he says. What does he say? As a minimum, all he said in the Bible. For example, I recently saw a prominent poll that said that half of all people who say they are Christians don’t believe the devil is real. But Jesus talked about the devil. He warned about the devil. He knew the devil is real. If a person does not believe that, then they are not believing Jesus. They certainly haven’t made Jesus Lord of their lives.

Elsewhere Jesus talks about just believing. Believe he is who he says he is and that he did what he did. That type of belief is absolute, like your believing there is enough air in the room in which you are reading this now so that you will stay alive (otherwise you would run out!). Absolute, genuine belief.

Jesus really is the Son of God. He really did come to earth and be born as a human being – actually his mother was a human but his Father was God himself. Jesus is alive, really alive. Currently he sits at the right hand of the Father. All things are under his feet. He is the King of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus himself made the point that few are they who find the way to life (e.g., to be in the Kingdom of God, to life eternal with him and his father). This point is made more than once. Few. That is way less than half. Few.

Clearly there is great room for ministry and mission work to those who live in the United States as well as elsewhere. Watch what happens around you in your town, neighborhood, city, nation – on TV and in person. Scan the front page of the local newspaper. Lots of lost and confused people. Listen to the entertainment celebrities, the politicians, the reporters. How many of those people have any idea who Jesus really is? Talk to ordinary everyday people. Let’s face it - huge numbers of Americans are not genuine believers in Christ.

You can try this test yourself. Go ask random people in your neighborhood or business or school how people get to Heaven. Jesus said he is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by him. Jesus is the only way. In this confused age of political correctness, you will hear many say they believe there are many ways to God. And you will see they are accepting of many false religions. Right away you know those people are lost.

Or you might ask people who goes to Heaven. You will hear some say that everyone goes to Heaven. Again, lost people.

A few years ago a man came to our office. He asked about our ministry. After some discussion, I remarked that he was not from the US. He replied that he was from Africa. I said I had been to Africa. After some discussion we found I had been to the city he had come from. So we had a good relationship. He mentioned that in his country people are healed by God. I said that we had divine healings in our ministry. He found that hard to believe, but I assured him it was true. He finally came out and said that he was a missionary sent from his country to the US, a Christian missionary. And he offered his views on why so many in America don’t see such things as healings by God. Since then I have found there are other missionaries from other places here to speak to Americans.

The US is a mission field. Yes, there are thousands upon thousands of big and small church buildings. The country does not need any more church buildings. Those funds could be used for far greater works. What the country needs is people to present the full power gospel of Jesus, whether in buildings or in home groups, and for people to actually believe and act on the truths of the gospel. People need to know and to obey the words of Jesus. What is being presented in many churches is a narrow and watered down gospel, a cultural gospel of no power. Jesus took care of everything that separated people from God. Yes he served as a substitutionary sacrifice for us, to pay the debt we all owed God for our sins. And he overcame that so that if we truly accept him we are forgiven and we have life eternal with him and his father. But he also took upon himself all our pain and sicknesses and disease, and by the horrible beatings he suffered, we are healed and made whole. He became a curse for us on the cross, so that we are free from curses of the law. He overcame evil, overcame death, overcame the world. And in him we do the same. He became poor that we might be rich. And on and on. So much more than is taught almost anywhere. Most people who say they are Christians have never heard most of what Jesus did, and they are not aware of who they are in Christ or that they have a power gospel. Rather so many sit like bored sheep on Sunday mornings and hear narrow, limited sermons, leaving with no revelation and no power. And they are lost.

Jesus Christ is coming soon to collect his CHURCH, that body of people who truly believe in him no matter where they are in the world.

Will he find faith on earth? Will he find it in you, in your house, in your neighborhood?

Just who is he really going to take with him?