Saturday, April 2, 2011

Amazing Events in the Countdown to the Return

All of you who follow our ministry have heard or read my saying how Jesus several years ago suddenly began telling me to “tell them who I am and that I am coming soon.” As that was repeated over time with more specific guidance, it became the overall mission of the ministry – to tell all people this.

I have spoken on the many aspects of Jesus and his return that the Lord has brought me, from all he did and does now to the many facets of his imminent return to earth.

At times I have sensed many would like me to focus more on healing services and the like, and the Lord knows I love doing healing services. But in very clear terms, I have guidance that while I can certainly hold those programs, the focus right now is on Jesus and his return. He is coming back soon. Real soon.

This week we have seen an extraordinary number of amazing signs. Please ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in considering all that has and is happening as presented below:

1 – Plans of the Muslim World – This week a video tape recently produced by the government of Iran became public. Part is now available and I include a link later so you can watch it. I encourage you to do so. It has English subtitles. This video is produced for distribution throughout the Muslim world. It describes the current time from the Muslim perspective. As you may know, satan has counterfeited much of what is happening as regards Jesus and his return, and you can see this here. Basically, this tape presents the view that we are right at the point of the return of the Muslim “messiah,” the mahdi. The tape goes through Muslim prophecy and writings. Certain current individuals are identified as people prophesied in Islam writings. President Ahmadinejab, for example, and the “supreme leader” of Iran, Ayatollah Khameini.

Also, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The point is made that when Abdullah dies, the mahdi should come. There have been comments about Abdullah’s health over past years. He currently is in his upper 80’s.

This tape goes through the uprisings in Egypt and other Arab countries. It talks of wars and such. The mahdi obviously comes in a period of chaos.

The overall objective stated in the video and shown on the screen is the establishment of a new Islamic civilization.

Let me paraphrase a comment from Pat Robertson: When the cold war existed, the USSR and the United States did not use their nuclear weapons because neither side wanted to lose so many of their own citizens in a nuclear war. But that is not the case with Muslim leaders in Iran. If Iran were to attack Israel and in the process lose a huge number of its own citizens by Israel’s counterattack, that would be acceptable to the leaders there since it sets the stage for the return of this mahdi.

This is a chilling video. Many of the Muslim “prophecies” noted in it have already been fulfilled. And the time is short – the “Muslim end times” position filled by Ahmadinejad is to be filled 72 months before the return of the mahdi. He became president of Iran in August 2005.

Please watch the video and share it with others. You certainly cannot count on the US government or the current news media to get this out.

2 – Deception – Regarding the last days, Jesus warned us to watch that we are not deceived. Deception is rampant in our world, among political leaders, among the press, among well known entertainers, and so on. Many people are just deceived. If you do not have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you cannot and will not see the truth.

Examples of deception are all those examples of political correctness you see every day – not calling something truthfully what it is. For example, the great physical threat to America and the western world is from radical Islam, but we all see how many political leaders and reporters refuse to identify individual terrorists as Muslims when they clearly are. Jay Sekulow, head of the American Institute of Law and Justice, recently said that we have to stop kidding ourselves, that "The only religious group right now in the world engaged in international, coordinated efforts to kill civilians is Islam…." It is difficult to deal with issues unless they are approached with truth and open eyes, and deception prevents all that.

A good example of such deception just occurred. Lawrence McDonnell, host of a nightly news program on MSNBC, recently went on a rant on his program. He said,“The Book of Revelation is a work of fiction describing how a truly vicious God would bring about the end of the world. No half-smart religious person actually believes the Book of Revelation. They are certain that their God would never turn into a malicious torturer and mass murderer beyond Hitler’s wildest dreams.” ----Sad, isn’t it. Lost, that’s being lost, lost, lost.

3 – Egypt Air, an airline that I in the past have flown in Egypt and The Sudan, has issued a new route map which does not contain the nation of Israel.

4. – Uprisings in Many Middle Eastern countries: Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan - These nations are dictatorships, regardless of what the leader is called. Their citizens would not revolt normally, because they are aware of the swift reprisal from the government, the swift punishment. These are not democracies. So how do you think all this uprising and these public demonstrations came about? Do you really think this is just young people seeking freedom and better paying jobs? Does it really make sense that they would all be happening at the same time? How about considering this is a move to bring about a more united Muslim front. Consider that such as the Muslim brotherhood may be behind all this, and Iran. All these “uprisings” are an area where the deception Jesus warned about is rampant in the news media and the political/government world.

5 – Japan earthquake – Just another warning, another terrible event as we head toward the return and the tribulation. Japan is not a Christian country. About 1 % of the people there are considered Christian. Pray that there are sufficient Christian missionaries in Japan who speak in a way the Japanese people can understand, that the people will listen to them, and that God is using all this to get the truth of who Jesus is through to the Japanese.

6 – The US government – Sad, isn’t it. I remember when we were all so proud of the government, proud of the US . I think we still are proud of the history. But how lost and how desperate and even how dangerous is the current government of the United States? What are we really doing in Libya? Does anyone know? Why did we choose to help this particular group of people? The best the American people can do right now may be just to hold all elected people accountable and to seek to put persons who believe in Jesus in office.

Concluding Comment
Please be alert to what is happening. Considering all the above, and this is hardly all that we could have included here, it should be more and more evident how important it is to get the message out to people of who Jesus is and that he is coming soon. Please, please help us in this. It always astounds me how people contribute so much to secular causes like public television and school alumni funds, to medical causes like the heart association, and to good groups that bring temporary help like the Red Cross, but don’t give with the same gusto or amount to the spread of the real truth that saves people’s lives for eternity. Why do you think Jesus is guiding me to focus more on talking about him and his return than about healing? Here’s the answer: Divine healing is for a short time. Knowledge of Jesus and a relationship with him is forever.

Please help us if you can. If you were in my shoes and saw with Jesus’ eyes what is happening locally and worldwide, you would be amazed and you would be greatly saddened by the great numbers everywhere who do not know him and are not ready at all for his return.


Revelation 3:20-21 Revelation 22:20 John 14:6

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