Monday, May 9, 2011


Sometimes God calls you to go “this” way. But another way – “that” way – would be more comfortable, more convenient.

Going that way would line up with the expectations of family and friends. It is where they think you are heading, now they see you have been called. It is what they naturally expect. It fits well with the traditions of the church your family attends. It would be logical.

That way seems like what you naturally would want to do. But Jesus has called you to go this way - - - this way is the call. Perhaps less adulation, less praise, less public recognition. Maybe more hardship and less remuneration. Loneliness in human terms. Strange, even to friends and family.

This is the way you have been called, and this is where you know you must go. And as you go this way, they are watching. They see you heading in a strange direction. They do not understand, at least most of them. A few may. And you, you just keep going… this way.


If you are going to be a disciple of Jesus, if you are going to follow him, then you cannot simply choose an attractive course and action. You have to go where he calls you to go and do what he calls you to do. Otherwise, you are following yourself or the interests of others.

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