Friday, May 22, 2015


We need leaders who speak openly and boldly about the imminent return of Jesus and what Americans need to do to be prepared for this great event.

That’s it.  That’s what America needs.

Leaders like this in all fields – politics, government, education, business, entertainment, media, science, all fields.

There is nothing to compare with the significance of this monumental, imminent event and its impact on each and every living person.

In America people seem to look almost entirely to those filling the positions of president and senator for national leadership.  Also somewhat to appointed key cabinet positions like secretary of state, defense secretary, and attorney general.  And more locally to the position of governor.  Those are the big “official”  leadership positions in our society. 

With all the many Americans who are culturally so lost and have as their idols entertainment leaders, media celebrities, business CEO’s, and such, bold believing leaders in those fields would also be of enormous value and impact.

The time is now.  These positions need to be filled by people who know Jesus, who know the gospel, who know the truth about his imminent return. 

And not just know!!!  It seems we do have some in such positions who know the Lord, but we only find out about that on rare occasions.  They are not speaking out boldly.  We as a country cannot afford such behavior.

Born again, spirit filled believers must stop being so meek.  They must come out into the central focus of society.  They must step up to the plate. 

In all that you do, seek to encourage such bold men and women of God in whatever field they are in.  Support them with prayers, funds, encouragement, and whatever else you can offer.  Put your time and resources to work where they really count.

The Lord is coming soon.  Once he asked if he would find faith on earth when he returns.  Well, in the USA, will he?  Oh sure, here and there, he will find some.  But many?

I expect God to bring about an end time revival.  In other areas of the world such as Brazil, parts of Africa, India, and China, there are tens of thousands coming to Christ weekly.  That is not happening in America.  God will no doubt move in his own ways to bring about that revival.  I expect it will not be as people have experienced revivals in the past.  My sense is that it will be across the land, in the public square, in all facets of society.  Bold true Christian leaders in all fields should be of great value now and in such a revival.

It goes without saying such leaders will come under great attack from the evil one and his minions – both demons and human beings he has so confused.  And there are lots of them and lots of lost groups, associations, movements, false religions, and such.  So your support will be essential and likely not without personal cost.  The behavior and actions of these leaders we are calling for will certainly not be without personal cost.

So let’s go.  Let’s encourage people who seem to be the ones we would like as leaders.  And let’s get involved ourselves in all the opportunities God puts before us that we truly understand he wants us involved in.  Pray not to be distracted or sidetracked.  Not everything that appears good is.  The Holy Spirit is your guide here. 

It is time.  It is way past time. When the Lord comes don’t we want him to find as many believers in him here as possible?  People living in a right relationship with him? 

Believers have way too long left the advancement of Jesus’ message in the hands of the formal organized church, and in the US that is not working and has not worked for a long time.  It is time to take Christ to the public square.  That is where the mass of the people are.  It is time for you to be involved.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(May 2015)

Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

IN GOD WE TRUST (and in no one else)

“…let God be true, but every man a liar…” – Romans 3:4

Hard words, but wise ones.  They are indeed true.  (Romans 3:4 is not the only place in the Bible this point is made.  You can also read Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2, and 1 Samuel 15:29.

God is the one you can absolutely rely on, trust, believe.  His words and promises are true.  This is a truth you must know now and in the coming days.

But you do have to know Jesus to understand this.  You have to know God is real.  And you have to be guided by the Holy Spirit to be able to discern truth from falsehood, the right way to go from the wrong way. 

These are difficult, difficult times, especially so for God’s people – his believers – because we see what is happening.  We discern the times.  Remember, people who do not know God cannot do that.  When you hear some leader say things that sound to you as patently false and then you are shocked at how many seem just to receive this false speech, remember that they can’t discern the truth.  The Bible makes the point ever so clearly that the god of this world, the devil, has blinded the minds of unbelievers.  And unbelievers make up the great majority of society. 

Just because so many say they believe in God or that they are Christians does not make them Christians or believers.  In our society how many of the top leaders say they are Christians?  Yet look at their actions.  Look at the positions they take.  Look at the actions they advance.  I can say I am a nuclear physicist too, but you and I know I am not.  Going to a church occasionally does not make anyone a Christian.  Being born anew, born of water and the spirit as Jesus explained to Nicodemus, does it.  Or as Paul says, if you proclaim that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you are “saved.”  When Paul says believe, he means absolute belief, the type of belief you would give your life for.  And proclaiming that Jesus is your Lord means he is your boss, your leader.  It means you do what he says.  How many qualify under that explanation?

In this difficult, difficult time as we step every day down the path to the end of this age and the return of the Lord, there are so many conflicting and distressing actions and behaviors and such horrible news we are confronted with.  I heard someone say recently how shocked he was to see how rapidly the approval of the homosexual agenda in the US roared through.  You could say that about so many things, such as the taking of Jesus’ name out of government programs.  Or the extraordinary support given the muslim world by the government in Washington while increasingly oppressing Christians at home and barely recognizing the terrible horrors being inflicted on Christians abroad.  Yet the blind majority of Americans sits by and goes to work and to school.  They do not realize that soon there may be no work to go to, no school to attend.  This time is ending.  Their focus had better be on the Lord and what they should do in this time.

Back to the title.  Yes, God is the one you can trust – Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  Now we all I hope know a few close people we think we can trust, and likely we can in most instances.  I pray in all.  But we all know the pressures to which people are subject.  Haven’t you wondered why some people boldly run for office with some bold stands that you applaud, and then when they are elected suddenly they are silent and you scarcely hear from them again?  Were they just lying before when running for office, trying to get your vote?  Possibly.  But also consider this – you do not know what pressures have been brought to bear on them since they were elected.  I mean real pressures, the kind most people do not know about or want to think about.  And maybe these pressures were so serious they had to give up their campaign positions.  See, they are people.  They just couldn’t come through.

What if several terrorists with automatic weapons burst into a Sunday morning service and declared they would kill everyone who did not renounce Jesus?  Can you trust yourself in that situation to give the right response?  How many in  your church do you think would give the right response?  There is no living to the next day here – you cannot ever renounce Jesus.  Why do you think the early Christians willingly went to their death in arenas or elsewhere rather than renounce Jesus?  They knew he was real, that God was real.  They knew it was all true.  They knew they couldn’t renounce him.  One weakness of many who say they are Christians and attend weekly church services is that they really do not know God is real – they haven’t encountered the Holy Spirit, they haven’t been born again.  They don’t know Jesus.

Well, a lot to think about here.

One last point – the gift of discernment is extraordinarily important in this time, as well as the other gifts of the Spirit.  They come with being filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit, as happened throughout Acts as God used the disciples to bring the Lord to new believers.  The Holy Spirit is for you who are near and for you who are far away, for all whom God will call, as Peter said in Acts 2:39.  He is someone you should earnestly seek.  If you don’t know the Holy Spirit, seek him.  Ask God for this gift.  Attend services of Spirit-filled ministries if you can find them.  Ask a born again, spirit-filled person to pray for you to receive and be baptized with the Spirit.  Spend time with God.  Get in a right relationship with him.

May God bless you and protect you and hold you in the palm of his hands.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                             (May 2015)
                                                                                             Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465