Friday, February 25, 2022



Recently, to my surprise, I discovered that in just a few hours 8 people had gone to an article I wrote way back in 2015 that is stored in our blog.  I was shocked!  I don’t have links anywhere to lead anyone to that specific article.  How did they ever find it?  How much time did they search in that blog before getting there? 
What was the articles title?  The very words I put as the title above.
Evil is soaring in these days, together with its friends deception and delusion.  And we believers in the Lord Jesus are living in increasingly morally bankrupt nations with atrocious governments and lost godless leaders, people who just don’t know what to do.
I have been thinking about the latest bad news, the attack of Russia on Ukraine, a type of action we might have expected Russia to take way back in the 40’s or 30’s under Stalin but certainly not today.  It’s the same old terrible principle that “might makes right,” a principle King George VI of the United Kingdom declared could not be allowed to stand in his speech to inspire his subjects at the beginning of WW II.  But to the dismay and I expect shock of most people on earth now it is standing today in the Ukraine where a big bully is stomping on a bold and courageous smaller nation.  This all reminds me of the playground bully who beats up on a smaller kid while all the other kids stand watching.  The US government and much of NATO today stand and watch. 
Right now we are living in the most difficult times most of us have ever seen, an atrocious world system that seems to be moving ever more into the pit of disarray and evil.  Most people I am sure never saw this coming.  We are right now in the last remaining short time before the Lord returns.  We see evil being called good and good being called evil every day.  We see apparently godless people in leadership positions in government and other fields.  We see truly inane comments and actions by leaders, such as the remark of a formal presidential candidate that he hopes the Russia invasion of the Ukraine does not slow down the climate control movement (as if that should even be considered in comparison to the horror in the Ukraine.).  It all is terrifying for many. 
Go back and read my article from 2015.  Here is the direct link you can click on:
Do read it!  It is real and considering the mayhem in which we live now I think it puts much of life in perspective.  I don’t publish anything the Holy Spirit has not guided me to write and to publish.  And I think I was led to this article again just as the eight who suddenly found it recently.
You must keep your eyes on Jesus now in these days.  You must stay focused.  There is so much deception and lying going on all around.  You must use the gift of discernment to tell truth from falsehood.  Be guided by the Holy Spirit.  Remember, Jesus said the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth.  He even will show us what is to come.
                                                                           February 2022               
                                                                           Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
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