Tuesday, July 17, 2012


We are in the midst of the events leading up to several prophesied wars described specifically in the Bible.  While I have talked individually about each of these in the past when focusing on the return of Jesus, events of the current day made it prudent to list them specifically and give a brief description.  At the end of this list I will endeavor to put it all together


Isaiah 17:1 plus other scriptures (Amos 1:3-5, Jeremiah 49:23-27) make it very clear that at some point Damascus is destroyed.  It ceases to be a city.  Damascus, Syria, is considered to be the world’s oldest city continuously inhabited, but it is coming to an end.  If we look at all the internal anarchy and outrageous acts within Syria today, it is not hard to imagine something happening very soon to bring this about.


This psalm describes a war that has not yet happened.  Numerous nations that today are Muslim nations are identified.  Translating from the Biblical names to modern nation names – often a difficult task - leads to these nations/groups as those likely involved in attacking Israel: the Palestinians, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and possibly Iraq.  Note that these are nations that currently surround Israel.


These chapters describe a dramatic attack by a coalition of powerful nations against Israel.  Again translating the Biblical nation titles to modern words gives the attackers:  possibly Russia as leader, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and the Sudan.  This is the attack as you may remember that God very obviously stops, destroying the invaders.  It takes 7 months for the Israelites to bury the dead attackers.  Interestingly, Syria is not mentioned.  Evidently Syria has been somehow removed from the picture before this war happens.  That would mean the destruction of Damascus noted earlier has occurred.  Also note that none of the nations identified in Psalm 83 are listed as attackers (i.e., none of the nations currently right around Israel).  This indicates that they too have been taken out or greatly reduced in power in a previous war, likely the Psalm 83 war.

ARMEGGEDON – Revelation 19 and Zechariah 14

This is the war that immediately precedes Jesus setting up his rule from Jerusalem.  It occurs at the end of the seven year tribulation period.  The nations of the world in opposition to God go to the valley of Jehosophat to fight against Israel and against God.  There they are destroyed by Jesus as he leads an army consisting of his called, chosen, and faithful followers.  Revelation notes that everyone in the army opposing Jesus is killed.


Clearly Armageddon is the last of these wars.  But how does all this start?  Consider where we are today.  The great concerns for Israel are the development of nuclear weapons by Iran and the takeover by more conservative elements of Islam in countries like Egypt where the Muslim brotherhood just won the presidency.  There appears to be a move to unify Muslim nations under an overall Muslim, not secular, government.  The man just elected leader of Egypt has stated publically he wants Jerusalem as the capital of the Muslim world. (By the way, Jerusalem is mentioned many times in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible but not once in Muslim’s Koran.).

It is always possible that the nations in Psalm 83 just act on their vocal attacks on Israel and that begins all this.  But there is a second possibility as well.  We all know how concerned Israel and the United States are with the actions in Iran.  The leader of Iran has made it clear that he wants to see Israel totally destroyed.  As Iran nears the development of nuclear bombs, Israel is concerned it is approaching a point of no return – which may be really soon, perhaps even before the coming US presidential election.  It is conceivable that Israel, perhaps with the help of the US, may soon attack the nuclear facilities in Iran.  Such an attack would result in Iran responding and likely in military attacks by such as Syria, who has been supplied by Iran.  In the ensuing battle is it not possible that Damascus gets destroyed?  That city and the country of Syria are thought to have more biological and chemical weapons than any other in the Middle East.  Whether intentionally or not, it would be a good time for Israel to eliminate that threat.  It also is possible Damascus will just be destroyed by its own current internal strife.

If this all happens, I expect other Muslim nations in the Middle East to attack Israel, thus bringing about the Psalm 83 war.  Assuming Israel with God’s help would win, perhaps seizing more territory and getting closer to the full size God intended back in Genesis when he guided Abraham, there would be continued animosity toward Israel by some.  This leads to the Ezekiel 38-39 war possibly led by Russia and involving Iran, Turkey, Libya, and the Sudan in attacking Israel; their attack leads to the destruction of these forces.

It appears we are very near the beginning of all this.  It is prudent for all believers to keep alert as Jesus has warned (Luke 21:36 and elsewhere).  In several places the Bible notes that believers are spared from the wrath that is to come, so I expect Jesus’ collecting his believers as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 will happen before the tribulation period and Armageddon, and possibly before the Ezekiel war.

Remember – We are living in the last of the last days.  We don’t know a specific hour and time each of these events and Jesus’ coming in the clouds occur, but we know it has to be soon.  Why?  Because he has told us much of events to happen before his return and he has said they will all happen in one generation.  Many have happened.  We are living in that generation.  Many on earth now will see all this and be here when he comes. 

So what should you do?  Above all, do not fear.  As the Bible says in so many places, be not afraid.  Fear is of the devil.  Jesus has overcome the world, and in him we do the same.  Keep your eyes on him and rest in his perfect peace, no matter what happens on this earth.

Here are some good points to follow and pass on:
      ·       You must have belief in Jesus Christ, not in some creed written by men.

·       Your work in any cause, no matter how good, must not take precedence over your devotion to Jesus.

·       Life is not about us.  It is about Jesus Christ and your relationship to him.

·       We were not created so God could make us happy.  His every moment is not spent on thinking how to make us happy.  He is God and we are not.  There is much more to God than we have realized or even than we can comprehend.  But he surely does work for good in all things for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  (Romans 8:28).

·       The Bible is true, and that includes all those commands and teachings about all aspects of life, not just the ones about love.

As always,

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                          (July 2012)
                                                                                                     Copyright © 2012 by John Newlin Ministries, Inc