Tuesday, January 25, 2022



Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter. – Isaiah 5:20
That is our world today.  These scriptures are fulfilled greatly in our time.  And God has more to say on this point:
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.

23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
but deny justice to the innocent.
Sounds like people we know…leaders of this age, politicians, media giants, entertainment leaders, business leaders. 
When, believers ask, will the people wake up.  When will they begin to speak out, to challenge the insanity and the evil of the current age?
That, I do not know.  I think hopefully more and more will challenge and speak out as we near the Lord’s return.  Even if things are in great disarray and evil is everywhere when he comes back, hopefully he will find his believers still standing up for him and truth, representing him every chance possible.
These are horrible, morally atrocious days.  Truth and honesty and rational thinking have disappeared.
You probably read recently of a female college swim meet where a physical male who considers himself a female won events for the University of Pennsylvania while a similar male from Yale University who considers himself a female was among those competing against him.  True physical women cannot compete physically against true physical males.  All those women’s groups that fought for sports equality for women and for funding for women’s sports, why are they so silent now?  Everything they fought for is being destroyed. 
An Indiana insurance company CEO reported that deaths of clients it covers in the prime 18-64 year old range increased by 40% in 2021!  That is catastrophic!  It is unheard of in the history of the insurance business.  And these deaths are not from covid.  No, other sources.  I suggest how about stress, heart attacks, cancer, illegal drugs, and other terrible things exacerbated by an unthinking government and a medical establishment that focused almost exclusively on covid.
A Harvard educator just spoke out about the tens of thousands of abuse incidents against children that went unreported during the lockdown because – you get it – the schools were not open and the teachers were not there to see or hear or recognize the assaults and report them.
The list of astounding and shocking things never ends!
The sales price of homes in the country is skyrocketing, as people interested in buying or selling should know.  Soon it will be really difficult for many to buy a home.  I had thought that perhaps all those trapped in small homes and apartments during the lockdown had decided never again and were out there trying to get bigger places to live.  That might still be true but get this:  It has now been reported that investment firms are buying about 20% of these homes at significant prices – and thus in the reselling they are really driving up the prices. 
The Rockefeller Foundation has just released a report called “Reset the Table,” and it calls for a global central government to control the world’s food supply.  You don’t have to be a genius to see the implications for all.  Just more of the one-world planning.
Cruise ships continue to leave port with all passengers and crew vaccinated, yet almost immediately covid breaks out on the ship and ports do not allow the ships to enter.  This happened recently on a cruise to Mexico and one to the Caribbean. 
The new DA for Manhattan has announced a plan to be very soft on criminal offenders in all but the most serious crimes.  For example an armed robber can expect not to be prosecuted.  So you could walk on the streets of NY City, be robbed by someone sticking a gun in your side, and realize that he will never be prosecuted.  The DA has been surprised to hear that some people are upset by his policies!
The approach of this DA, like those of Los Angeles and other West Coast cities, are apparently funded by the mysterious billionaire George Soros.  We all have to wonder how they ever get elected, but then we really know:  many voters do not pay great attention to what candidates actually plan to do and are just influenced by ads and such.
Except for a few public demonstrations, most people in America and apparently in other countries who recognize or are terrified of what is happening just remain at home terrified.  A few have spoken out – the parents of children being terribly misled in schools by teaching and promotion of transgenderism and critical race theory are now challenging school boards.  Apparently attacking the children has finally waked up a few parents.  But did you notice how the federal government in the Justice Department established plans to begin investigating such parents who stand up and speak out at School Board meetings?   Doesn’t sound like America does it?  Well, this is not America today.  It is a new world, and not a nice one.
We are steadily moving toward the Lord’s return.  He did warn us of how terrible the times would be.  To the extent you can and the Holy Spirit leads, we should all be doing whatever we can to help the Father lead others to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
There are massively misled millions and billions out there in the world.  Lost people.  You know the truth.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  Stay focused.  Read the Bible.  Try to be around other true believers.  And always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He leads us in all truth, Jesus said.  He tells us of things to come.
By the way, some of those doing all the misleading are in the religious world.  So many churches do not teach of the imminent return of the Lord, nor do they apparently even point out the great evils of our day.  I just noted a piece by one who believes there is no rapture, that there will just be a giant spiritual awakening on earth and that awakening is the return of Christ.  No, that is not it.  Just as it is not true that all people go to Heaven.  Some think that as well.  You must be alert and protect yourself and your family from falsehood.  Be ready for almost any bizarre statements or actions.  These are the last days.  And if you are a true believer, Jesus is not going to lose you.
Remember, his very first warning is to watch out that you are not deceived!  At the very end of that chapter - Luke 21 - he gives his ultimate advice:  Watch …and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.  He wants you to be ready and alert to his coming.  And in the right relationship with him, not distracted by something else.
So always, always do what we always say:  KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS!
                                                        January 2022
                                                        Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
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