Friday, July 27, 2018


We want to let you know that we are now making two-three videos a week on the social media site Periscope.  These videos are also available on our Twitter account.
The intent here is to
  • Reach new audiences with all the important truths of the time we are living in, what they need to know, and all the other things we teach/preach.  
  • Have instant communications with all those following us (especially important considering the pace of events today)
How you can follow us on these sites:
  • If you already have a Twitter account and follow us, our videos will appear there.
  • If not, you can get a Twitter account easily and then “follow” us.
  • You can also join Periscope and “follow” us there.  (Periscope is primarily.readily available on cell phones and other such devices; Twitter is on anything - laptop, cell phone etc).
  • If you actually join Periscope, you will be notified when we are live and can join in. You can even ask questions if you’d like.  While I am speaking names of people watching pop up for me as well as any questions they send.  (A little unnerving!)
Send us any thoughts/comments/recommendations you may have!
God bless you all!

P O BOX 15797
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Right now.

There are those who look at the United States, bewail the great fall away from God and the great increase in immorality, and then launch into a discussion of the impending judgement of God on America.

And there are those who look at recent events in the world – all the prophecies in the Bible fulfilled in recent years – and they see the imminent return of Jesus and the coming of the seven year Tribulation period.

And there is even a third group – those that look at the surprising election of Donald Trump and expect a resurgence of America.

We need some wisdom and discernment here:

1 – Overall the great move of our time is the move to the appointed Day of the Lord, the end of this age.  The fulfillment of so many Biblical prophecies in recent years after about 1900 years of none of these being fulfilled dramatically makes the point.  We are living in the last of the last days, the time of the end of the current age.  That is just plain cold fact.  Now part of the coming Tribulation period is the pouring out of God’s judgement on the nations.  Certainly that is about to happen.  Part of this end times scenario also is the coming of Jesus to collect his true believers, those who will be with him in the Kingdom.  The number going by all accounts in Scripture will be a small percentage even though the absolute numbers may be large.  Few is the word Jesus himself uses.

2 – Absolutely the fall of America away from God and the overwhelming fall in morality open the nation to God’s judgement.  But – considering point 1 above – is not all this just part of the prophesied falling away of the last days?  The judgement that is coming is not just a judgement on America but indeed a judgement on all nations.  The pouring out of God’s wrath will be terrible indeed, but fortunately and thankfully the true believers in the Lord will have been taken away by Jesus beforehand, for as Scripture tells us we were not appointed to suffer wrath.

3 – The surprising election of Donald Trump and some of the dramatic things that have ensued – the turnaround in the economy, the appointment of a conservative Supreme Court judge, and more – surely are encouraging to most believers and to conservatives.  But please note – has there been any change in the moral character of the society, of the culture?  Has there been a rush to more and more true believers in Jesus?  Hardly.  Nothing like this has happened thus far.  This election seems more of a gift from God of a sliver of time, a short period in which the increasing oppression of Christians in the US has been halted for the moment and they are free to do whatever they will to get the gospel and the return warning out to more and more here and in the world.  Without that election would not America already be at least like Canada in which the free speech of pastors has been greatly restricted? Probably far worse.

This seems to be a short period, a moment here at the end of the age.  And then it will be gone.  Make America Great Again is a good political slogan, but America is not moving to be great again in that popular sense.  It has fallen so terribly far.  The immorality of the country is disastrous, and it peddles that immorality to the world in its movies and television programs, its pornography, and more.


With the surprise presidential election of nearly 2 years ago, we believers have the opportunity to get out there more and more with the message of the gospel and to do all we can here and around the world as God guides us.  For a sliver of time.  A moment.

But the end of the age is upon us.  It will all happen at the appointed time.  God has a plan, his plan.  He has had it for a long time.

And yes judgement will fall on America, as it will in fact fall on the world.  All as part of the increasingly hard times as we approach the Day of the Lord and then specifically in the Tribulation period.

It all ties together.  It works.

America is not going to be “great again” in the sense many think and not at this time.  Perhaps in the millennium that follows?  Well, we don’t know much about that, do we.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                   (July 2018)
                                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by John Newlin


[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

Get your copy of our new book WAKE UP AMERICA! now!  Give copies to those you care for, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers.  So many don’t know anything about
how close we are to the return of the Lord!

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 or contact our ministry.

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P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465