Thursday, February 18, 2016


All the excitement and hope of the upcoming elections in America notwithstanding, the Lord is coming at the appointed time.  That is just the truth.  Period.

The inescapable facts
For years I have written, spoken, appeared on television and in person to deal with all the aspects of the imminent return of Jesus.  You can follow much of what I’ve said on our CDs or television programs, all of which you can get to through our web site.   After almost nineteen hundred years of nothing of note happening, suddenly early in the last century and continuing up to today the many prophecies of things to happen before the Lord’s return began happening.  Some obviously, some not so obviously.  If you want to read a list of these go to our newsletter of August 2013.
Jesus referred to many of these prophesied happenings as birth pains.  We have moved past the birth pains now into the deeper of the prophecies and warnings.  Jesus’ primary warning to the disciples and all of us regarding these times was to watch that we are not deceived.  I know of no time in American history when there has been such deception among the leaders and key players in government, media, entertainment, business, and more.  And Paul gave the great statement that the Day of the Lord would not happen until the apostasy, the falling away from God took place.  Well?  What kind of a country and world do you live in?  The American population and culture is falling away from God faster than an Olympic downhill skier moves.  Europe is way ahead of us in this.  Some other nations that really haven’t been strong Christian nations are seeing breakthroughs and revivals, fulfillment of the wheat and tares comment by Jesus.

And then there is the troubling warning of Jesus that his coming will be like a thief in the night.  It will just happen.  Boom.  Two people will be together – one will be taken and the other not.  I’m speaking of his gathering his true church here, of course.  Those who are alert, as he has also warned us to be, will not be so surprised.

When is this going to happen?  While he was on earth he noted he did not know the specific day.  I expect now that he is with his father and is no doubt preparing to come, he surely knows.  My warning to all of you is that it is soon, real soon.  When I say that some people think I mean in the next day or two.   That could be, but remember we are talking about God’s timing.  Everything will be just right for the return.  I just mean in the next few months up to a very few years.

The world we live in 
None of us have lived in a world so confused and violent and full of evil as the current one.  The level of the evil coming out of the violent groups like ISIS, AL QUEDA, BOKO HARAN, and others is beyond the comprehension ability of most Americans.  I saw an interview of someone recently in which the interviewer asked what should be done about ISIS.  The person replied we should go talk to them.  No concept at all of the evil we are dealing with.  Talking is not what ISIS does.

Americans are so secularized that many in this once strong Christian nation cannot even conceive of absolute evil.  That is what we believers are up against.  It is the devil and his assistants operating through these horrible groups.  The American churches have become so watered down and so removed from the full gospel and the entire Bible.  Many of the traditional churches just like to focus on God’s love and forgiveness.  Yes, those are wonderful.  But God is also truth and justice.  He cannot stand evil.  At times in the early days of Israel God ordered the Israelites to kill everyone in an enemy group of people, including the children and the animals.  Hard to understand for Americans who are not spiritual, who do not understand the Bible and the spiritual side of life.  Why kill the animals?  Because God knew the evil demonic spirits guiding those evil people could inhabit animals too.  Remember when Jesus cast demons from a man to a herd of pigs?  God did not want any evil spirits coming to his people.

Americans have not realized just how bad all this evil is.  Most truly do not have a clue.  They will find out, unless Jesus comes first.

We have an election going on in the US, and people are getting all excited about the candidates.  Some declare they are going to deal with the areas in which the country has fallen so in recent years – with building up the military, with protecting the homeland, with rebuilding the economy, and more – and people seem to be really excited about some of the candidates.  But I ask you this:  Will any of their behavior affect the date of Jesus’ return?  Quick answer – no.

Have you heard any of the candidates saying or doing anything that will turn around the spiritual fall of America, the rebellion against God?  Quick answer – no.

Recently I listed just three enormous areas of behavior of the nation that are totally opposed to God.  We know his views on these because the Bible is clear about them.  Here they are again:

-          A country that endorses a homosexual lifestyle is far outside the plan of God.  The Bible is clear: that behavior is abominable.

-          Abortion – in America over fifty million babies have been aborted.  Murdered.  Yes, I know that some individuals who have had abortions have repented, and yes surely the Lord has forgiven them if their repentance was serious.  But the USA has a legal national policy of abortion on demand.  That is a policy of murder, and murder is not acceptable to God.  See the Ten Commandments.

-          And then there is Israel and the relationship and support and protection of this country by America.  Historically, the USA has been a great protector of Israel.  In fact, the very recognition of the nation of Israel in 1948 as a legitimate member of the community of nations was accomplished by a bold personal step by President Harry Truman even when advisers were pressing him not to act.  But in recent presidential administrations the support has waned.  The US has pressed Israel to give back land.  The US has pressed Israel in so many ways and has even not put the American embassy in Jerusalem.  Remember, God will bless those who bless Israel.  And curse those who curse Israel.

Do you see any of the candidates correcting any of this?  Only in the relationship to Israel do I see any hope for change.  Nothing these candidates from either party do will affect the appointed time of the return of the Lord.

And there are many more issues of course, specifically in the individual lives and behavior of Americans.  The increasing lack of interest in God.  The wide open sexual life style.  The profligate drug culture.  The wide open availability on television and in movies and elsewhere of occult images, music, behavior.  The complete lack of understanding that it is God first and everyone and everything else second.  The widespread pervasive use of deception in society.  I dare say that most Americans, even many who think they are Christians, cannot recognize occult behavior or actions.  Many so-called Christians do not even think the devil is real (50% according to one survey not long ago). 

The Bible talks about a remnant.  That is what we have today, a remnant.  When Jesus comes to collect his true CHURCH, how many will he be taking?  Percentage wise, not a large number unless there is some awakening before his coming.

How many people do you know who even in your own knowledge meet the criteria Jesus or Paul set down for being in the Kingdom of God?

It is time to get in a right relationship with the Lord.  Time to be ready. 

As for the coming election, to the extent possible vote for those who you believe truly know the Lord, who will stand up for Jesus and the gospel.  Shouldn’t we all be doing as much as possible for the Lord even right up to his coming?  And certainly do not stay home from voting because no candidate perfectly expresses what you are looking for.  There never has been a perfect person on earth….other than the Lord.  Throughout the Bible we see examples of God’s using unbelievers to further his plans.

Lastly, keep your eyes on Jesus, stay focused, don’t lose your joy despite all the attacks of the evil one and all you see in the world.  Jesus overcame the world, and in him you do too.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                        (February, 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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