Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Just how rotten are things in the world today?  Really, really rotten – corrupt governments, outrageous evil, large truly evil groups popularly called terrorist organizations, societies falling rapidly away from God.  Not a good time in that sense to be on earth.

In another sense, I think being here at the time of the last days is amazing – many on earth will get to see the Lord’s return to collect his believers.  And then those who are not his believers will get to experience an extraordinary version of hell on earth beyond horrors we can imagine.

It is extraordinary how short-sighted people are.  Maybe that is just a condition of the human mind, or maybe it is a condition of life in the US and the West today.  Certainly the increasing focus in the past twenty years on instant news, instant communications, all sorts of technical devices such as the smart phone that give instant information of a sort.  Many people today have trouble I expect in sitting still and quietly focusing on anything, unless they have a game or phone in their hands.

We have seen and read about all sorts of bad things in the past several months, including recent terrors in California and Paris that directly bring modern horrors to the western countries in a big way.  Yet a few days of calm and people are back to the normal life.

Have things been calm worldwide?  Of course not.  In just the past few days there have been terrible terrorist attacks in four different countries – Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Turkey, and Iraq.

And these attacks are on people just like you and me; in these cases some of those attacked were really good people out there trying to help the world.

Read these few words from today’s NY Times about the victims:

A family of Canadian volunteers dedicated to alleviating poverty in Africa. A group of intrepid German retirees on a tour of Turkey and the Middle East. An Iraqi who had gone to Baghdad seeking refuge from the jihadist violence of his hometown. A Canadian audiologist who had fallen in love with Indonesia.
They were among the scores of people slaughtered by Islamic extremists in four countries last week in spasms of bloodshed that left loved ones stunned at the randomness of the killings.
“They did things like fix roofs and repaint blackboards,” the mother of Maude Carrier, one of the Canadians killed in Burkina Faso, told The Globe and Mail, a Toronto newspaper. “Who would want to kill people fixing blackboards?”
The settings for the attacks were the softest of soft targets: a shopping mall in Iraq; a hotel and a cafe in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso; a popular shopping area in Jakarta, Indonesia; and Sultanahmet Square, the historic and cultural heart of Istanbul.*
Americans don’t think so much about these attacks because they are in far distant lands.  Americans have a custom of focusing on one spot, the US.  But these things could have just as easily happened here in the US. 
In these end times, things do get increasingly worse.  We have written about Bible prophesy so much I seldom pull that out anymore, other than to focus on where we are just now.  You can read about all the prophesies already fulfilled in our previous writings or hear about that in our videos or CDs. 
Now we are in the last of the last days.  The devil knows all that.  He knows the Bible.  He knows what is up.  His time is up.  So he is pulling out all the stops.  Throwing in the kitchen sink.  And terrible things are happening,
Deception is everywhere in the top ranks of government, media, entertainment, education, business, and plain old everyday life (as anyone with an ounce of discernment should be able to realize).  Remember, the Lord’s first response to those disciples asking about our day was to watch so as not to be deceived!  So many non-believers occupy key positions of leadership in various fields, and they are leading society over the cliff.  These are people whose minds have been blinded by the evil one (2 Corinthians 4:4).  They really can’t see the truth right now.  Neither can other non-believers. 
The old machinery of our society continues to chug along, and there is hope among many that a change in government or some other new change can turn everything around.  Well, maybe change can bring some momentary modification to what is going one.  But we are living in the last days.  The Lord will return at the appointed time.  It will happen.  Nothing we do can change that.  And as we go through these days the evil one with his minions will attack in diverse ways in families and nations and societies in all the evil ways he can conceive.
Our focus now has to be on doing what we can to get the truth out about the Lord’s return and about the Lord.  None of God’s elect chosen before the creation of the world should miss out on who he is.  That is the reason for evangelism, to get the word out to all that God intends to be with him (and pray God draws them to Jesus – see  John 6:44).   Will there be some type of an end-time awakening?  Yes, although I do not know how large or how many will be reached.  Even now there is awakening in some countries, such as Brazil.
I know most really do not want to hear about all this and they are trying to hunker down and hope for a brighter future in our existing society.  Well, there will be a brighter future---for believers in Jesus.
In all things today at all times, remember to  
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

* (From NYTimes January 19  by Andrew Jacobs – “Week of Attacks, Scores of Civilian Deaths and a Question: Why Them?”)

                                                                                                                        (January 19, 2016)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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