Monday, December 28, 2015


In the last few days we have received highly disturbing and perplexing messages from two giants of world culture, Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth.  With all the hubbub of the season and the general joy that accompanies Christmas, most have probably not heard or seen these.  But they cannot be ignored, and I send them out now for you to keep in mind as we approach 2016.

You all know that the Lord has charged me with the message of his return, and mostly I communicate on Bible scripture, Bible prophecies now fulfilled or being fulfilled, and events in our world that tie to Bible prophecy.  But this report is a bit different.  Nevertheless, you really need to see it.  When people of this stature say something this dramatic, you need to pay attention.

Pope Francis
In recent remarks a few days prior to Christmas, the Pope called Christmas a charade.  Subsequently he said just before Christmas that while the world starves, burns, and descends further into chaos, we should realize that this year’s Christmas celebrations for those who choose to celebrate it may be their last.     

This Pope has been a great enigma.  At times personable and relating directly with the people, he has in recent months said some things obviously wrong such as Christians and Muslims are all brothers (not true unless he means all are human beings).  Once he confused many no doubt by indicating that he would not be surprised to see atheists in Heaven.  On a darker note, he has more than once indicated he does not expect to be living much longer and that he evidently expects to be killed in office.  (The only comment I would add is that the Pope is surely able to see all the papers in the Vatican archives, including past prophecies.  What he knows or thinks he knows we do not know.).

Here are some of his words on this latter point:
I have the feeling that my pontificate will be brief, 4 or 5 years; I do not know, even 2 or 3… Two have already passed. It’s a somewhat strange sensation… I feel that the Lord has placed me here for a short time, and nothing more.

I have said to the Lord: take care of me. But if your will is that I should die or that they do something to me, I ask you one favour: that they don’t hurt me… I’m a real scaredy cat when it comes to physical pain  [this said evidently in response to a question concerning all the death threats he is receiving from ISIS]

Queen Elizabeth
The Queen just before Christmas prepared her Christmas message.  In the recording it has been reported through numerous sources that she said some shocking things that caused the BBC under guidance from the palace to shut down the taping of the program.  The junior staff were sent home.  What happened next we don’t know, but some time later a new taping was made that has been shown and is the usual largely harmless fluff of Christmas wishes. 

But!  And this is a big but!  Many various organizations got the information from the original taping and posted it on the web.  I first got wind of this the day after Christmas, when I saw many reports through various search mechanisms -  through Google, at least one through Yahoo and one through MSN, and many through Bing.  That was when I stopped searching.  If the original was ever posted, it has been taken down.

The key message for most of us, I think, is that she said “I hope you enjoy your final Christmas.”

That is amazing, in essence emphasizing and even going further than the Pope’s remarks.  One source says she also said that malevolent forces, much stronger than her own, are stalking across Europe, gaining ground every day.

I expect these words and even my Watchman Warning here will have some people up in arms.  But this all actually happened.  And you cannot ignore it.  There aren’t many people more widely known in the world than these two, if any.

Now I surely do not believe they know the time of Jesus’ return nor do I believe they were talking about that.  My sense is that they are speaking from their positions, from what they see of the world, and from what they know is coming down the pike.  That last phrase is key.  Both of these are in a position to know what is happening behind the scenes in all those world groups working toward a one-world government.  I have written about them a bit in the past but do not focus on them.

Their warning about not celebrating Christmas next year I expect does not mean they think we are all not here but that from their insight times will be very difficult then indeed.

Regarding the Pope’s almost constant mentioning that he expects to be killed, I have no more to say than what I said earlier.

We are living in desperate times.  We just celebrated such a wonderful time, Christmas.  But each of you need to be alert, to pray for the lost, and to seek the Lord with all your heart.  Seek to be guided by him in all things.  Ask the Father to draw those who do not know Jesus to Jesus.  Be specific in your prayers!  Name the people you are praying for if you can.

Some years ago the Lord told me that the times were coming when many would not want to hear my words.  That time has been here for a while.  Some have gone far from us, some have behaved bizarrely, and some of course are anxious and interested to receive our messages and to send them on to others.  If you know the Lord and are serious about following him, you want to know the truth and to see and understand as much as possible. 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                      (December 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

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