Tuesday, December 15, 2015


You’ve heard many government, political, and media leaders declare we have a gun control problem in the United States.  Also that we have a race relations problem.  And a tolerance problem.  And there are even those I would call extremists who think we have a political correctness problem, that the very way we all speak in the land of free speech needs to be controlled.

I will tell you the problem we have.

We have a sin problem.  Sin in its deepest definition is separation from God.  We have a falling away from God problem.  The mass of people do not truly know God, as you no doubt know.  So many of those out there celebrating the Christmas season now do not know God. 

Those who do know the Lord Jesus Christ truly do not rush out to kill other people just because they are different.  They do not hate others because of their race or culture.  And they are more than willing to listen to other ideas and discuss and present the Lord and what he said to anyone given the opportunity.

But when people do not know God they are lost, lost, lost.  They do not know how to defend themselves against attacks of the evil one.  How does he attack?  In all sorts of ways, especially deception!  And people who do not know the Lord, who do not have the gifts of the Spirit – especially discernment – cannot tell truth from falsehood.  They are easily misled ---e.g., witness so many Americans today who do not have a clue of what is really going on in our society and the world.

It is a sin problem.  Said another way – it is an absence of God problem.  That is the problem the whole world suffers from.

All of us who know the Lord are called by God to do all we can to take his word and truth to others.  That is in the Great Commission verses at the end of Matthew.   It is in the verses at the end of Mark.  It is fundamental.  Each of us have unique gifts and unique callings from God, but the inescapable truth is we are all called to represent God on this earth, to demonstrate Jesus to others in our own lives, the way we live, if in nothing else!

Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Be open to the opportunities around you.  Pray and ask for guidance regarding any specific person or group you may find yourself around.  Ask the Lord to orchestrate your circumstances.  And in all things as you are led, go forward to represent the Lord.  That may be in small conversations with a neighbor, or it may be in bigger things.  Just be open to the Lord.

These are terrible times we are living in.  But of course God himself is bigger than all this.  He can and will bring about all he wishes to happen.  People in certain areas of the world are coming to Christ in large numbers.  Pray that God would orchestrate events so that will happen in your town or city, your state, your country, other countries.  And of course be sure to protect yourself and your family always with all that God has given us (see our recent newsletters).

This is the season of celebrating the Lord, God’s great gift to humankind.  Why don’t we all celebrate the Lord every day, every moment?  I expect many of you already do.  After all, it (everything that matters) is all about him. 

And always, keep your eyes on Jesus.  Remember, he really, really is coming soon.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                            (December 2015)
                                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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