Wednesday, November 13, 2013


There is no doubt that in the past God has blessed the United States of America in amazing ways.  From the initial exploration to the establishment of the country to the struggles through the growth of the 1800’s and the Civil War and the world wars and on and on, we can find countless national and individual examples of God blessing America.  Soldiers and sailors back from wars have specific examples of his amazing action on their behalf.  And consider the astounding individuals who led the founding of the country, like George Washington and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and on and on.  Amazing.  We could use some of them today!

But that is the past.  Where are we now?

For several recent decades it should be pretty apparent to any serious believer that the country has been on a steady path down.  The country has gotten away from its foundational rule of the majority while protecting the minority, and has turned things upside down.  Going against the will of the majority, the court of the land has tossed God out of public schools and the public forum.  Approaches to life that are unacceptable to the majority have for some reason been pushed into the law of the land as acceptable.  And in daily behavior of many leaders and citizens everywhere, there is a drastic fall in personal morality and integrity.  

Now many citizens seem to realize that something is drastically wrong.  Focusing only on their jobs and family and house and cars and sports teams is not working – their lives and possessions are slipping away.  But most don’t seem to know what is going on, despite some serious believers and preachers getting the truths out in various ways. Unfortunately many of the traditional churches that the masses have attended have been asleep themselves and have not preached a powerful gospel nor pointed out boldly the terrible ways of the modern life.

And here we are.  The enemies are clearly out there for people to see, but so many can’t see them no matter what happens.  Some of the enemies are internal to the country and the people. 

Some people, even those who are not so serious believers, pray for God to protect them and the country, pray for help.

But should God bless America?

You can’t just ask for blessings.  That’s not the way it works with God.  My experience over the years is that usually you have to be in a right relationship with him in order to receive his blessings.  Are you?  Is America?

The same question was asked before World War II by the preacher Peter Marshall.  While Britain was fighting valiantly and at great cost in lives, the US had not entered the war.  In fact, while Japan was attacking China and brutally handling the people, the US - or parts of the US - was evidently supplying materials to the Japanese.

Marshall gave a powerful sermon on this subject speaking to people of the 1940 period.  After talking at some length about the behavior of Americans then, about how Americans do things they know they shouldn’t do and say things they have no right to say, about how their dispositions are not those of children of God, he said:

“We cannot fool God…let us not be deluded into thinking we can fool ourselves.” *

Then Peter Marshall quoted the wonderful hymn God Bless America and concluded with these words:

“But God says:
‘If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways:  then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’”  (I added the bold print.) *

What is the chance the American people will do that?  Is there any national leader who will do that and lead the people to do it? 

Let me simplify all this - Are there any major leaders who have a clue?

*quotes taken from page 19 of THE WARTIME SERMONS OF DR. PETER MARSHALL, copyright 2005 by Rev. Peter J. Marshall, published by Clarion Call Marketing Inc.; scripture is from 2 Chronicles 7:14

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
(November 2013)
Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin.

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