Every day any alert person can read or hear countless stories of abject evil. Kids shot in schools by unthinking lost persons of various ages. Drive by shootings. All sorts of physical assaults.
In the bigger picture of course there is disastrous evil everywhere, such as in so many politicians who cannot discern truth, cannot speak truth, live in lies. Reporters and television announcers who act the same in their environments. Even some so-called religious leaders. And on a still grander scale, how about the apparent move to overrun Europe and no doubt eventually the US as well with more and more Muslim immigrants.
What is happening?
Simple. The last of the last days. Satan knows that and his forces are out in wild abandon.
All these many people in our world who do not truly know Jesus, who are not born again, have no defense at all against the evil one and his minions.
God has given believers the ability to fight against evil. In Jesus’ name we can cast out demons, order away evil spirits. No one else can do that. No person can fight an attack of evil forces without the power of the Lord operating through them and as needed the assistance of God’s angels.
This carries on to much more. God has given us his great armor described in Ephesians 6 to protect us. And he has sent us his angels to serve us. That service includes protection. Those angels are for true believers in Jesus Christ, persons who are in and will be in the Kingdom of God.
When our military encountered all sorts of evil in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, do you think they were ready to counter that spiritual opponent? To fight the spiritual fight? Of course not, unless they themselves were true believers who know who they are in Jesus. So we got all sorts of news stories of terrible things…of course…the devil in action.
The government, the media, the military, even many of your neighbors have no idea of what they are dealing with today or how to fight such evil. Only true born again Christians know. And only those operating in the gifts of the Spirit can readily discern all that is happening in a situation and the right way to go. That guidance is one of the infinite benefits of the Holy Spirit.
Do not let yourself be deceived. I share with you that great advice of Jesus regarding these last days, his first and primary piece of advice for these times (Luke 21:8). So easy to be misled if you are not alert. The devil is a liar and the father of lies, remember, along with being a murderer. He presents himself as an angel of light. You have to be alert and discerning. I know that is frightening and some just don’t want to even put forth the effort. But do you want to live confused, deceived, misled?
Remember the angel’s guidance to Daniel near the end of that great prophetic book. Regarding these last days, he said:
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. – Daniel 12:10
Did you get that last sentence? None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. Wise here of course refers to true believers operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Make sure that is you.
(May 2019)
Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin
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