Monday, July 22, 2024



Not an easy time or pleasant time to be alive.  Not at all.
For just a few paragraphs to set the stage, let’s look at this world around us.  I focus here on the US although much similarly could be said of course about other nations.  In the US so many in the national government as well as in other positions of leadership seem to be acting in such ungodly ways.  Lies pervade their daily public remarks as well as so often the remarks of many of the media that are supposed to inform the public and remain impartial.
This is a day of evil like none we living now have ever seen.  I know there have been pockets of untold evil in the past, and moments of evil horror such as under the Nazis in WWII and elsewhere.  But this is a general evil that permeates the lifestyles and behaviors of so many people.  Large numbers obviously do not know they are themselves not telling the truth, or they just don’t care. 
Lost, confused people listen to the media and the government, and being ungodly themselves they are led astray.  So we get all the wild, virulent people saying things you know are not true.  But they obviously think they are.
This recent assassination attempt on former President Trump has shocked many even in the mainstream community.  Let’s be honest.  Most people living have not lived as adults when there has been such a thing happen in America. 
People like me who have lived quite a long time remember the ultimate horror of such a happening when the leader of the country was indeed killed.  The murder of President Kennedy was a horror that still has impact.  And all those living then gradually realized – or at least most did – that we were actually not being told the truth about what had happened.  Turned out more than just the shooter were involved.  The full disclosure of the investigation has not even now been released to the public, 61 years after the fact.  And thus began in full view the time of the national government deciding what is best for the people to know and what is not.  And thus also the beginning of many not trusting the government, a lack of trust that has grown up to today when people do not trust the federal security agencies, do not believe we will be told the truth in situations, do not believe many of the leaders.
I write all this as background leading up to a big statement.  And this is it.
People, dear people, please pay attention.  The times will only get worse on earth.  We are in the very last days of this human period.  The Lord will come any moment, and I surely hope it is indeed any moment, like today for example.  The Father obviously is still drawing others to Jesus.   We know from scripture how hard it all gets as the days go by, but we believers do know that at some moment we will be taken from this confused, dark world society as the final period of true horror on earth ensues.
The antichrist has not yet been revealed, although surely he is waiting in the wings.  When the true believers in Jesus are taken away, he no longer has serious human opposition to his efforts to build the one-world government and the Tribulation will go forward.  Already the UN and the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization are working towards that.
Remember always where the truth lies.  It lies in God, in Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, in the Bible.  Pray.  Seek to hear more always.  Live and operate in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Use the gifts of the Spirit, especially the gift of discernment, to survive on earth.  The Holy Spirit guides us in all truth.  He tells us of things to come.  He reminds us of things Jesus has said to us.  Remember?
There are large numbers of deceived, even deluded people out there, godless people whom the devil readily leads astray.  Living in the midst of all this requires wisdom on our parts and absolute attention to God’s guidance.  His words and his truths are absolute.  They are real and they work.  Remember again Jesus said his believers can do the same things he did, even greater.  Well, are you doing them?  Are you trying to do them?  Are you using God’s tools of protection?  Healing the sick?  Casting out demons?
I admit this is an unpleasant time.  I admit I have great difficulty looking ever at reports of what is happening on earth.  But we do need to know what is happening around us surely, so we should try to stay up to date – but just for short periods.  Don’t sit still and blindly listen and watch news programs for hours.  If you do be sure to in Jesus’ name order away from you all evil spirits.
You see so many of these people on television in press conferences uttering gobbledygook, lies, falsehoods, nonsense, vitriol, and you see at times they actually believe what they say.  Your heart hurts for them.  They are lost.  They don’t know the truth.  They have no foundation in truth.
Jesus has told me so many things about his coming, and I have shared many of them with you.  “Don’t let them go into the night” is one of his statements to me. “When I come things will be different,” is another.  Thank God for that, I say.  And here are just a few more:
“Tell them I am coming soon.  My people have their eyes on me.  My people tell the truth.”
“It will be like a beacon, like a dagger, a moment, suddenly, no light surprise.”
“Tell them I love them.
  Tell them to stay focused.
  Tell them I am coming soon.
  Tell them not to be misled.”
Live and operate in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray often and in the Spirit.  Develop your spiritual senses that you will be more discerning in all situations.  And WATCH! as the Lord says.  Be ready for his return.  Stay in the right relationship with him.  Don’t get lost in this lost world in which we all are living now.
Remember, our physical bodies may be living in this lost world but we believers – our very selves, our spirits – have somehow been lifted up and even now are sitting with Jesus in Heaven.  Paul wrote about that in Ephesians.  Believers know Jesus.  Believers have Jesus as their Lord.  They are citizens of the Kingdom of God.  They will soon be getting a new glorious body and will be spending eternity in that Kingdom.
Hang in there.  He is coming soon.
July  2024
Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
For more on Jesus’ imminent return, go to the Return Resources Page on our website.


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