Friday, July 12, 2024



Well, what is home?  The house where you grew up?  The apartment?  Lots of people have moved so often there is no real such home like that.
Besides, that is just a building.   A place.
What is home – It’s where you belong.  It’s a place of peace, of joy.  A place you know you were always supposed to be.  According to Robert Frost, it is a place that, when you go there, they have to take you in.
There is only one true home for all humans, one real home.  And that is with the Creator – with God the Father, with Jesus.  Home.
But the only people who get to go to that home are believers in Jesus.  Those who have been born anew and have Jesus as their Lord.
All the others?  There is a place they are heading, but it is not the home I just described.  Nope.  Unless they change what they are doing, repent, and ask Jesus to be their Lord, they are heading to their ultimate lasting place, the Lake of Fire.  More popularly known as Hell.  There they will be with like-minded people and with the devil, the antichrist, and the false prophet for eternity.
Right now the overwhelming majority of people on earth are headed for that terrible eternal place.  Things can always change of course.  The only reason Jesus has not yet come no doubt is because the Father is still working to draw people to Jesus, to salvation.  But I haven’t seen any great signs there will be a huge number of the population suddenly shifting their fundamental behavior and beliefs and becoming true born again believers in Jesus.  Still, I pray that would happen.  We certainly work to tell people who Jesus is and that he is coming soon.  And huge numbers around the world have come to our short videos on this subject.  We will continue to work for more and more to be in the Kingdom, to help God the Father in his drawing them, to be a battle ax for an end time revival as the Lord has called us.
Most people live in a stupor.  Most don’t realize to be honest that God is real, Jesus is real, the Holy Spirit is real, the Bible is true, the devil is real, angels are real, demons are real, divine healings and miracles are real too and happen now in our day.  That is how I often started healing services – walking out and saying something like that. 
It is all about faith and belief in Jesus.  He is the only way to God.  Most people don’t have that.  Or they have some kind of intellectual faith in the wrong thing, like these terrible false religions like Islam or other things.  Or they perhaps do go so far as to attend a church on Sunday and maybe they even know some Jesus stories, but they never have come to grips with the truth that Jesus is real and alive right now, that miracles happen right now, that they can live in the presence of God right now and be guided by God right now.  They have never been born anew and do not have Jesus truly as the Lord of their lives.  And so they are lost too.
When the Lord collects his true believers very soon, that will be an earth-shaking, gut-wrenching moment to all left on earth, a moment like nothing ever before.  No doubt the lost governments will try to cover this up with some type of explanation, such as UFO’s taking the people away.  But whatever the explanation offered and how ever many are taken away, it will be undeniable that many people – including the most moral in society – have been taken away.  The ensuing period will be terrible.  Those who are left behind but do know some of the Jesus stories and maybe have a Bible will be the best off, for they should be able to realize what has happened.  And they should be doing their best to repent, to receive Jesus as their Lord, to get into the Kingdom.  Those hundreds of millions on earth in the false religions will have to rely on information they can find on the Internet, in bookstores, in church buildings, in homes of departed believers...if they even know what to look for.  Maybe they can watch our videos for a while and read our writings as long as they are posted, and maybe they can do that for many other ministries.
Going home.  I am ready to go home.  The believers I talk to are ready to go home.  They want to see Jesus come now.  They know that only God can lead people to Jesus, that they can do all they can to help in that, but that in the end he is the one who leads.  And each person seriously must ask Jesus to be their Lord.
Although believers hope and prefer their lost friends and family come to have Jesus as their Lord now, they do know these lost people will have a second chance to come to Jesus during the Tribulation Period, even though that time will be horrible.  Remember, John the disciple saw huge numbers of “Tribulation saints” in heaven in Revelation.
Home.  Believers are just about there.  Make sure as Jesus advised that you watch!  And that you pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man (See Luke 21:36).  Stay in the right relationship with Jesus!  Don’t allow yourself to drift away, to get so caught up in all the angst and turmoil and evil of this rapidly falling world in which you currently live.
Home is not far away.
                                                                                 July 2024
                                                                                Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


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