Tuesday, December 19, 2023



When Jesus was born more than 2000 years ago, he came into the world in the humblest of circumstances.  He was born in a stable because there was no room for him in the inn.  His earthly father was a carpenter.  For some time he and his earthly family lived in Bethlehem and then in Egypt, staying away from the evil Herod before returning eventually to live and grow up in Nazareth.  Jesus surely was trained in and learned Joseph’s craft of carpentry, and when he was thirty he left home to become an itinerant preacher.
For three years he went around teaching, preaching, and healing, bringing the kingdom of God to those who would believe, amazing people with his healings and miracles and with his casting demons out of people.  Finally, he went to the cross, carrying all the sins, sicknesses, diseases, pains of the human race and overcoming all that, along with death, shame, regret and more.  He overcame all that by his death and resurrection, restoring the right for people to have a relationship with God – if they will just recognize who Jesus is and have him as their Lord.
People this Christmas season again are in so many ways celebrating the baby that was born in the manger so many years ago.  And surely that event deserves all the celebration we can muster!  But that baby is not there.  He has not been there for more than 2000 years.  Several years ago Cathy and I were sitting in a Moravian Church on Christmas Eve, and while the service was underway the Lord spoke to me so clearly:  These people are celebrating my birth, and here I am getting ready to return.
In our day this Lord is returning to earth, first to collect his believers and take them with him and then to lead an army of his holy ones – his angels and believers – to fight at Armageddon against all the evil forces arrayed against him. He is not returning as a baby in a humble situation.  He is returning as the King of the Kingdom of God and the ruler of the government of that Kingdom.   He is the King of all kings.  Everything is under his feet.  At Armageddon he is completely victorious, destroying the enemy with the sword coming from his mouth, the WORD.  All soldiers in the opposing army are killed, the antichrist and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire for eternity, and the devil is locked in a deep pit.  The Lord then sets up in Jerusalem the government of the Kingdom of God, with believers holding positions of authority in that government.  He will be King over the whole earth. 
And we will then see the line in the Lord’s prayer fulfilled:  thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 
And also the words of Isaiah written so long ago:
…the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever. – Isaiah 9:6-7
Be ready.  Stay in the right relationship with the Lord. 
                   December 2023
                   Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Monday, November 20, 2023



For this Thanksgiving, all believers should BE THANKFUL…
  • That you know Jesus
  • That Jesus knows you
  • That you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
  • That you will be going with him when he returns to collect his believers
  • That you will soon be getting that glorious new body
  • That you will return to earth with Jesus at the end of the Tribulation as part of his holy ones
  • That you will in some way be involved in the establishment and operation of the Kingdom of God government from Jerusalem after Armageddon
Be sure to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and to orchestrate all the discussions with family and friends!
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 
November 2023
Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Friday, November 10, 2023



What we are seeing now in this widespread public and sometimes violent display of hatred against the Jews is heartbreaking and terrifying to all believers!  And surely to the Jewish people!  Imagine how they feel, especially those still alive who directly were or indirectly had family members caught up in the horror of the holocaust!


If you are not a Jew, I doubt you fully can.  But seeing how I feel, I think we can come close.

It is astounding and shocking to see so many mentally and morally and spiritually blind people on college campuses and on street corners in big cities and elsewhere chanting horrible slogans and being so threatening against the Jews.

And why? 

Because of the history of the Jews, of course.  Because they are God’s original chosen people.  (We Christian believers have been grafted onto the root that is this group of people as Paul tells us in Roman’s 11, so that today we are also God’s chosen people.) 

All these screaming know-nothings are just that:  know-nothings.  They hate for no reason.  They have no knowledge or depth of understanding.

Throughout history, from God’s calling Abraham, the original patriarch of the Jews, there have been all sorts of incidents that have led groups to hate the Jews.  You can read about these.  Early on there is the birth of Isaac through whom God’s direct line for the Jewish people was transmitted.  But that birth pushed aside Ishmael, born to Hagar – a servant of Abraham’s wife Sarah – and Abraham.  Ishmael eventually becomes the father of the Arab people (Genesis 16).

And then there is the next generation and Jacob’s supplanting the inheritance of his twin brother Esau (Genesis 27).  Again this is God’s line for the people.  But again Esau and his descendants were pushed aside.  Esau is the ancestor of the Edomites who lived east of the Jordan.

From the very beginning the devil has obviously hated the Jews.  Somehow he seems to have understood that reconciliation of people to God came through the Jews, but he obviously did not understand how this happened or was to happen.  Apparently he thought he had victory when he got Jesus onto the cross, but as we know that was in fact God’s plan.  Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins.  He earned forgiveness for us, and opened the way back to God for all who believed in him.

This evil one obviously thought if he could just wipe out the Jews he would be ok.  We see his surrogate in the leader of the Nazis in WWII.  What a horror.  And we see the same sentiment and approach all the way back to a couple hundred years before Jesus was born, to the nation of Persia where the king was almost led to exterminate the Jews but God saved the people through Esther.  Persia, by the way, is modern-day Iran.

We believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who so eagerly await his soon return cannot sit idly by and let this hatred of the Jews by so many spiritually and intellectually lost ungodly people continue and build.  Even in this short time that remains before the Lord returns, we must all do our best to stand against such outrageous evil.  Pray for peace and protection for the Jews.  Pray that this ungodly evil will dissipate and be gone.  Take whatever steps you are led to take to speak out or write or even – let’s hope this is not necessary – to physically protect and shelter the Jews in an increasingly ungodly and lost world.

And take comfort in all this:

Jesus Christ is coming soon!  Thank God!

November  2023

Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin


Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.



To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.

To get any ministry materials just go to the ministry website or contact the ministry.


Be sure to watch our new videos on X (Twitter) and YOUTUBE focusing on aspects of the imminent return of Jesus.  Encourage others to watch.  So many just don’t know the gospel nor the time.  So many just don’t know Jesus. 




P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


FOR X (TWITTER) click here:  https://twitter.com/johnnewlinmin


Please share this video with everyone you would have know more about Jesus and how close we are to Jesus' return. 

Nothing is more important than Jesus and your relationship with him.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, October 11, 2023



By now surely all have heard of the horrific surprise attack on Israel by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, an attack on innocent men, women, children, and even babies that resulted in more than a thousand murders.  It was dreadful and terrifying.  And now Israel is engaged in fighting to root out the terrorists in the Gaza strip, and it remains to be seen whether the other Palestinian terrorist group Hezbollah located north of Israel will get involved.  Adding to all this are the reports that Iran was involved in the initial planning of the Hamas attack.
This all leads us to look again at the three wars prophesied in the Bible to happen involving Israel before the end of the seven-year Tribulation.  In other words, these three wars must happen fairly soon!
When speaking of prophecies of the last days, Jesus says there will be wars and rumors of wars (Mt 24:6).  Indeed there are wars taking place in various locations in the world now and seemingly all the time.  But specific to Israel are the three prophetic wars of which I speak.  I wrote about these several times in the past, including in chapter 6 of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON.   Let’s look at these three: 
This psalm describes a war that at least until the last few days had not yet happened.  In the Psalm several nations that surround Israel are involved in attacking Israel.  We have to wonder if the current attack on Israel is the precursor of this war. In the Psalm 83 war prophecy, the Palestinians are one of the groups identified as attacking Israel, and they are the attackers that instigated this current war.  
It is possible the full Psalm 83 war – maybe this current attack plus more – may be the event that ends with the signing of the peace agreement with Israel described in Daniel 9:27 that leads the Israelites to believe they are living in peace and that really signals the beginning of the seven-year Tribulation.  If you are still here on earth then, be sure to pay attention to whomever leads the signing of such an agreement, for that will be the Antichrist as we see in Daniel 9.
Let me emphasize, we do not yet know if this current attack is a precursor to the Psalm 83 war but there surely are signs it might be.  And time is running out for this Psalm 83 war to happen!
These chapters describe a dramatic attack by a coalition of powerful nations against Israel while Israel is living in unwalled villages.  That description of being unwalled implies the Israelites think they were safe and have nothing to worry about.  That sort of naivete is much like this current Hamas attack on Israel which was evidently totally missed by the usually crack Israeli intelligence forces.
Translating the Biblical nation titles to modern words gives the attackers:  possibly Russia as leader, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and the Sudan.  This attack God very obviously stops, knocking the invading airplanes out of the sky and destroying the invaders.  It takes 7 months for the Israelites to bury the dead attackers.  The end of this war is a clear indication to all watching of the presence and power of God.  Note that Iran is in the group of attackers, and Iran already is identified by some today as being involved in planning the recent Palestinian attack.  At the least we know Iran provides a large amount of funding for Hamas.
None of the nations right around Israel are identified as involved in this Ezekiel 38-39 war.  This indicates that they are at peace with Israel then, likely because some are or have been greatly reduced in power in a previous war - likely the Psalm 83 war. 
ARMEGGEDON – Revelation 19 and Zechariah 14
The last of the three wars is Armageddon, which occurs at the very end of the Tribulation.   The nations of the world in opposition to God go to the valley of Jehosophat to fight against Israel and against God.  There they are destroyed by Jesus as he leads an army consisting of his holy ones (believers and angels).  Revelation notes that everyone in the army opposing Jesus is killed.  The Antichrist and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire and the devil is locked into a deep pit for a thousand years.  Jerusalem suffers horribly in the lead up to and the actual war effort, as you can read in the last chapter of Zechariah.
Time is short friends.  Really short.  Please be about your role of telling others about Jesus, the gospel, and Jesus’ return.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and to orchestrate all encounters he would have you have.  Share how people can be in the Kingdom of God.  Jesus can and will return at any moment now to collect his believers.  Be alert and ready to go.
And do not neglect praying for the peace of Jerusalem as we are guided to do in the Bible.
October  2023
Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.
To get any ministry materials just go to the ministry website or contact the ministry.
 Be sure to watch our new videos on X (Twitter) and YOUTUBE focusing on aspects of the return.  Encourage others to watch.  So many just don’t know the gospel nor the time.  So many just don’t know Jesus. 

P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Thursday, September 14, 2023


 Our ninth video has just now posted on X(Twitter) and on YOUTUBE:


FOR X (TWITTER) click here:  https://twitter.com/johnnewlinmin

Please share this video with everyone you would have know more about Jesus and how close we are to Jesus' return. 
Nothing is more important than Jesus and your relationship with him.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Monday, September 11, 2023



There is an increasing heaviness to my life that I haven’t been able to shake.
It’s not depression.  It is a heaviness, an increasing sadness.  It is real and it is here.  Despite my great joy at knowing Jesus, at having the Kingdom of God inside me.  Despite all I know about that future.
At times walking down the street or sitting quietly or hearing of an event or seeing a report, sometimes I am moved to tears.  It is a sadness that grips my inner being, my heart, my soul.  I have no doubt I am sharing in the sadness the Holy Spirit is feeling.
It is a sadness of seeing what is happening all around: Seeing lost people play out the charade of their existence.  Seeing their sincere and misguided goals and hopes. Seeing Europe crater.  Seeing America apparently coming apart at the seams, relentlessly attacked by unbelievers in the Lord who cloak themselves as reporters, congressmen, college professors and students, bureaucrats, even violent rioters, lemmings all who are following the pied piper of evil right over the cliff and trying to take one of the grandest of human achievements with them.
What will be here when the Lord returns?
Remember, in truth, it really doesn’t matter so long as you really know Jesus and are ready to go with him.  What happens around you is just so much filler of time and space…that is, except for the people you see caught up in all this evil, no doubt some close to you that you wish knew the Lord, knew the truth.
How are we to go on?  Well, we know the Lord.  We do know truth.  We will be here when Jesus comes unless we have already gone to join him.  Our eyes should and must be on him.  Our hopes and our future are all in him.
There is nothing wrong or strange about suddenly feeling sad these days; about needing a moment to compose yourself.  We really are in the last days.  It is difficult watching organizations and institutions  we have held dear in our lives crumbling and falling apart, losing their focus.  It is really hard watching people in key positions calling good evil and evil good.
And it is difficult seeing so many churches and the people going there on weekends thinking they are doing what they are supposed to, churches that are not teaching about the imminent return of the Lord, churches that don’t teach about how the Holy Spirit is for each of us right now today with all his gifts, churches that don’t even teach the need to be born again.
In this time and seeing all the confusion and evil that is evident everywhere, no doubt we all feel called upon to do more and more to help others know the Lord, to know the truth.  And this is surely what we should be doing, part of Jesus’ assignment to all believers in his Great Commission at the end of Mark.  So we go forward asking the Holy Spirit to arrange divine encounters, to guide us in our efforts.  And still as we intend to do all we can we have the heaviness of realizing just how many don’t know the truth of the gospel.  And we have the heaviness of realizing just how many apparently don’t really want to hear or know the truth. 
The overwhelming majority of people do not know.  We who are looking forward to the imminent return of the Lord truly are a remnant; hopefully, a growing remnant, but still a remnant.  It was always thus.  Jesus himself explained how hard it is for people:
….wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. – Matthew 7:13-14
For all believers who strive to do the Lord’s work, to be his follower, there is of course the great cost of following him.  So many – even close relatives and friends – may look with disdain on your faith and your activities and priorities.  I know Cathy and I have on many fronts seen a separation from others who at times were friends and from some relatives and family members who just cannot understand what we are about or are scared by it all.
But for us and for you, there is the great internal joy of knowing the truth.  We know the end of the book.  We live every day with the great assurance from Jesus that he is never going to lose us.  And we seek always to go forward in the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
September  2023
Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.
To get any ministry materials just go to the ministry website or contact the ministry.
Be sure to watch our new videos on X (Twitter) and YOUTUBE focusing on aspects of the return.  Encourage others to watch.  So many just don’t know the gospel nor the time.  So many just don’t know Jesus. 


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Here we are again in late August needing to apply the truths and the authority the Lord has given us believers to take a stand against a very dangerous storm.  There is a growing hurricane called Idalia on course to cross through the Gulf of Mexico, strike western Florida, cross over to the Eastern side of the state and the Atlantic Coast, and follow that coastline on up through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and maybe even more.  We have a large number of partners of this ministry in those target areas.  The storm is expected to be even stronger when it gets to Florida.  But of course we have the authority to do something about all that.
Remember, Jesus said believers can do the same thing he did, even greater.  He also said he would do whatever believers ask him in his name.  And the Father will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus' name.  And that we can order mountains in our life away.  We can order them to throw themselves into the sea (See John 14:12-14; John 16:23: Mark 11:22-23).
The mountain right now for those living in the target areas is the storm Idalia.  It's time right now once again to use these truths and the authority the Lord has given us and to put our faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just words!
So I ask everyone wherever you are to pray against this storm, to take a stand (I personally like to step outside and face in the direction of the storm, raising arm and hand with palm to the storm.  For most of us, that direction would be facing southwest at this time.).
Then declare:
In Jesus' name, I order the storm named Idalia to turn aside from land, to go out to sea and to diminish in power and disappear.  In Jesus' name, I order the storm named Idalia to harm no people and animals, to touch no land, buildings, or boats, and to bring no storm surge, no excessive rain, and no flooding! 
Be bold! You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we can do.  Remember, he changed the weather.
Do it now!
                                                        August 28, 2023
                                                        Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.
To get any ministry CDs or other materials just go to the ministry website or contact the ministry.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Our eighth video has just now posted on X(Twitter) and on YOUTUBE:


FOR X (TWITTER) click here:  https://twitter.com/johnnewlinmin

Please share this video with everyone you would have know more about Jesus and how close we are to Jesus' return. 
Nothing is more important than Jesus and your relationship with him.


August 2023

Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin

 Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.

To get any ministry materials just go to the ministry website or contact the ministry.



P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465

Monday, August 21, 2023



Think about it. Of all the people who have ever lived, you have been blessed to live in the time during which the Lord Jesus himself will come again and collect his believers to take them with him. You, in fact. are living during the time that is the end of the current human age, the time from Adam’s creation to the return of Jesus to collect his believers. If you are a believer in Jesus, you will go with him when he comes and will miss the terrible seven-year tribulation that follows. At the end of that is a great battle called Armageddon.  An army led by Jesus defeats the evil army opposing him led by the Antichrist. Really, Jesus is the one who defeats the enemy with the sword coming out of his mouth, the word of God.  And thereafter begins a period of 1000 years with the Kingdom of God actually being based in and ruling from Jerusalem.
Human history from Adam all the way through the tribulation is about 6000 years. The Millennium that begins after Armageddon is an additional, or 7th, 1000 years. We really don't know a great deal about that other than again it appears God is giving humans who somehow survive the tribulation and their descendants the opportunity to come to know Jesus and be in the Kingdom.  
At the end of this Millennium, the devil, who has been imprisoned in a deep pit, is released for some reason. He goes about gathering up followers (amazing to me there would be anyone like this, but then we see in our day what humans are capable of) and leads another battle against God, during which he is totally defeated and is himself thrown into the lake of fire.
Following that, a truly new Jerusalem of enormous dimensions - you might call it the new heaven and earth - comes into being.  God himself as well as Jesus will be based in this new Jerusalem, along with all believers.
We really don't know what happens next. Or what happens in the rest of all creation – the universe, the galaxies.  But does that really matter? God will be with us.
The difficult and burdensome thing for believers now is the great number of unbelievers on earth, including members of their own families, friends, neighbors, prominent people we see on television and in government or media or entertainment or whatever, that do not know Jesus. It is distressing to realize they will be going through the tribulation and further that they will end up in the dreadful lake of fire unless they change.  Each one of us every day of our lives in the time we have left should ask the Holy Spirit to orchestrate all encounters we should have with others.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all conversations with unbelievers.  We certainly should do our part to share the truths of Jesus, of the gospel. But in the end we must always remember that only God can lead a person to Jesus.  We have that truth given us by Jesus himself.  Certainly we can and should ask God the Father to draw others to Jesus. 
From all the Lord has shown me it is apparent his return is very, very, very near. I have written on what he has shown me in so many newsletters and other publications. The February 2022 Newsletter in particular covers the actual timetable for all this which he showed me in a dream/vision. I know this is all challenging. But I know it's all true as well.
The best advice? Keep your eyes on Jesus. Stay focused on him. Watch, be alert!  Stay in the right relationship with Jesus so you are ready to go whenever that call comes to meet him in the air.  
Pray in the spirit often and on all occasions.  Be specific in your conversations with God.  Talk to God as if you were talking to another person.  You are.  The most important person in your life.  And listen.  Sit and listen.  Or listen when you're walking around and doing other things.  God does answer.  God does speak to his people - sometimes in words, sometimes in dreams and visions, sometimes through other people, sometimes in all sorts of interesting ways.  Remember my telling you all about how God spoke to a Nigerian pastor in a small town in Nigeria about me and told him various things which the pastor then sent to me?  I had never heard of that pastor until he contacted me.
Several years ago for about one or two years or so, God would often wake me up in the middle of the night, about two or three or four.  I would go in another room, sit and read the Bible.  At some point the Lord would begin talking to me.  Sometimes it was more a period of guidance and direction.  But other times it was a real conversation back and forth, about important things and also at times incidental things.  That dream/vision I recounted in the February 2022 newsletter was another drastically different way of his communicating to me.
Dear friends and partners, fellow believers, yes it is true.  We are living in the last of the last days, the time right before Jesus returns.  In all you do keep your eyes on Jesus.  Stay focused on what counts.  Go about all your necessary activities while always knowing the time you are living in.  He himself said it will be just like the days of Noah and Lot.  People will be going about normal activities and then suddenly…the believers will be gone.  Jesus comes in the air with a shout, a command, and a trumpet blast.  I expect that shout or command will be something like “Come up here!”  The Father and Jesus have used that before – with the two witnesses in Revelation and when Jesus summoned John to come see what was going on in heaven in Revelation.
Yes, this is an unpleasant time on earth with all we see taking place.  But you and I know the Lord is coming soon.  The overwhelming majority of people out there don’t know that.
August 2023
Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.
To get any ministry materials just go to the ministry website or contact the ministry.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Thursday, July 20, 2023



It had to.  It was the plan all along.

Jesus Christ is returning to the earth very soon to collect his true believers and take them with him.  Shortly thereafter or perhaps even concurrently the seven year Tribulation will begin.  That will be a time of increasing horror and confusion and mayhem on earth.  Think about it.  None of the people left on earth were chosen by Jesus to go with him.  So largely the world will be populated and led by people who are just lost.  Oh, there will surely be some who had some knowledge of Jesus; they will likely start searching earnestly for more information, visiting church and ministry libraries, reading about the Lord and the last days on the Internet.  And at some point many of these come to know the Lord during the Tribulation, for the disciple John sees them in Heaven when he is taken there in Revelation.  I don’t know how they get there.  One likely explanation is being killed by the Antichrist government for their refusal to take the mark the False Prophet requires of anyone who wants to buy or sell.

During that seven years believers will be in heaven.  What are they doing?  We don’t know.  No doubt praising and worshipping Jesus and the Father.  Perhaps meeting past friends and ancestors they never knew.  Maybe being trained for the future?  At some point attending the marriage supper of the Lamb.  And then at the end of the seven years, coming back to earth with Jesus in his army of Holy Ones to fight at Armageddon.  Actually, they don’t do any fighting.  Jesus wins that battle himself by the sword coming out of his mouth.

Way back in the beginning, when Adam walked with God and then God created Eve as his companion, humanity made a fatal step.  Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the fruit God had warned not to be eaten.  In doing so they and humanity fell away from God, and life on earth entered a “fallen” period.  For hundreds of years, four thousand in fact, life continued like that.  And then God sent his son Jesus to earth to bring the Kingdom of God, to reconcile humanity to himself.  Jesus accomplished that reconciliation by taking your and my sins to the cross and overcoming them, earning God’s forgiveness for us and thus eternity with Jesus and the Father.

But…there is a big requirement here.  A person must recognize Jesus as their Lord in order to be in that Kingdom.  A person in essence must receive that forgiveness and go forward seeking to do God’s will.  It is by grace that we have all been saved, and not by works so that no one can boast.  That is true.  But that salvation does not work for those who never hear about it or never act on it.  And we all know so many in that camp.

We are at the very end of this age.  Remember with God a thousand years is like a day and a day is like a thousand years.  Well, in his time accounting, we have finished six thousand years of human existence and are at the beginning of the seventh thousand.  We have finished six days and are moving into the seventh.  From Adam to now has been six thousand years.  So this all comes to a conclusion of sorts now.  This age ends.  Not the earth.  Not the world.  Not humanity.  No.  At the conclusion of the battle at Armageddon, the Kingdom of God’s rule is set up on earth in Jerusalem, and various of Jesus’ believers occupy positions of authority in that government.

At that point the thousand year millennium begins.  That is the seventh day.  It is at the end of that period that the new heaven and earth come, that God comes to dwell with man in the new Jerusalem described at the end of the book of Revelation.

It all had to eventually reach this point.  This was always the plan.

The Lord spoke to me directly back in 2005 when I was preaching to a group.  Right in my ear I heard “John, tell them who I am and that I am coming soon.” 

Ever since he has periodically shared more about his return, and I have passed on much of that.  There just is not much more time on earth before he comes.  Very little.

It has been astounding to me how small the number who understand and recognize Jesus is coming soon.  The Biblical prophecies of things to happen before his return have happened.  Nothing has to occur before he comes to collect his sheep.  Some things may happen during the Tribulation, like the invasion of Israel by nations to its north or the building of the third temple, but nothing more has to happen now.

I think many people today – including many unbelievers – realize something is highly amiss in our world.  Bizarre things are happening.  Leaders are doing things that do not in any way appear wise.  Groups of people vociferously back positions that are irrational and they really are not open to discussion.  Life is increasingly dangerous on earth. 

But sadly so many churches and church pastors are not teaching and preaching about these days, about Jesus’ return.  Why?  That I don’t fully know.  Some possible answers may be that the pastors themselves do not have a revelation of the return, or that they are afraid of frightening off younger adults who may want their children to have time to grow up, or that the ruling boards of those churches just won’t allow the return to be taught.  In any event, they will have to answer for not preparing their congregations.

Throughout the nation and the world are individuals who do know the truth and who will be going with Jesus.  It is always wonderful to encounter them.  Several of my ministry friends have made the point that where they live there is just no one for them to truly talk with about all this, to share revelations from the Lord.  I have that experience too.  People out there are really lost and unfocused on what really counts.  And the clock just keeps ticking.

Recently we have started producing a series of short videos dealing directly with key points of these last days.  Currently they are available on Twitter.  We have hopes to make them available elsewhere as well soon.  Please tell those you care for about these and encourage them to watch.  Or forward our written material or give them copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA!  Remember, one of the Lord’s assignments to all believers is to take the gospel to others (see the last paragraph in Mark).

May God bless you and your family and friends aways.  May you all live in the will of God. 

And remember:

The only thing that matters is Jesus and your relationship with him.


                               July 2023

                               Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin




Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! go to AMAZON or our website or contact the ministry.




P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Friday, July 14, 2023






P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 Three important new videos have now been posted on John Newlin Ministries Twitter account:

Episode 3:  How Does Anyone Get To Go With Jesus When He Comes?

Episode 2:  Watch!!!  Be alert!!!

Episode 1:  How Does It All Happen?  Jesus' Coming For His Believers

Connect by clicking here:   https://twitter.com/johnnewlinmin


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465


Monday, June 19, 2023



[I know yesterday was Father's Day but I just came across this I wrote years ago and thought we all needed to see it again.  

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Not as much is written about fathers, and surely Father’s Day doesn’t get the enormous attention that Mother’s Day does.  But undeniably the impact of fathers on the lives of their children is enormous, and I thought for a change to write on this subject.

My father didn’t see me until I was a year and three months old.  Oh, he heard about me.  I can read the tiny cables that were sent both ways in the little aged envelopes that date from the middle of the war.  You know, the great war, World War II, which killed many more than the other war to end all wars, World War I.

I still know the story from my mother.  How I woke up the morning after he had come home.  How I was standing in my crib (evidently, I was still in a crib for some reason).  Standing and looking at this strange man.

So my dad missed the infant years.  He knew me after I had learned to sit and stand and walk.  Maybe even to talk a little.

Well, he didn’t want it to be that way.  In that stack of old cables and letters I can read after the end of World War II how upset and tired he was being in Guam so far from home, wondering when indeed would he be sent home.  I think they all wanted to come home, all of the military,  but then somebody had to stay and keep things going in the really bad areas that were so destroyed by the war.

Eventually he came, and our life went on.  Dad was quiet, quiet and somber.  He went about his work and life in a steady and highly competent manner.  Getting it done.  Before the War sometime in the past he had wanted to be an architect.  But now, with a family and those years all gone away, no, he couldn’t see that.  And he was back in the hardware and building supply business with his cousins.

Dad never talked about the war to me.  I mean never.  And so as a boy for some reason I didn’t ask.  I had other things going on of course, like growing up.  Once when he was taking me over to meet my friend Joe for a ride with him back to college some miles away, Dad suddenly said he never liked leaving home, going away like I was doing then, leaving.  That was it.  That comment I remember.  It was almost a comment about his life in the war.

He died way before his time.  I’ve got his dark blue navy uniform.  Can’t believe he ever could fit into that!  And then his various ribbons and such.  And a great picture of him on Guam that I had copies made of and gave to my kids and my sister.

But I don’t have him.  What else do I know of that time period?  From Mom only over the years, really the early years when I was very small, I heard that once he and Mom lived in Rhode Island while Dad did something for the navy.  And when he shipped out, my grandmother rode a bus all the way there so she could ride the bus back with Mom.

And then Dad worked in the pentagon for a while, especially on records of those killed in air crashes.  I do know he never flew to visit me ever, always driving. 

I am so sorry he left this earth before I was in Guam several times.  I even was in nearby Saipan where the Japanese tanks were still there by the side of the road.  Wonder if he was there too?  Who knows? 

I miss him.  Especially when life got difficult at times over the years, I missed him and his quiet wisdom.  At times I recall his throwing a baseball with me or playing basketball, using his two-handed set shot I could never understand.   But life goes on.  I do get misty when I see veterans or hear their stories or even when I meet those young military of our day on their way headfirst right into harm’s way.  And I wonder how prepared they are, beyond the training of course.  How prepared to deal with all they will encounter, not just the physical but the shockingly different cultural and yes spiritual.   How ready?  And how ready was my dad? 

Don’t know. But he and his generation did keep the country going for a while longer, kept the great evil surge at bay for a while.  Obviously just for a while.  But they did their part in that.  I am proud of him, and I miss him.  If your dad is still alive, don’t let the day pass without contacting him.

                                                      (June 2014)
                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]