Monday, August 21, 2023



Think about it. Of all the people who have ever lived, you have been blessed to live in the time during which the Lord Jesus himself will come again and collect his believers to take them with him. You, in fact. are living during the time that is the end of the current human age, the time from Adam’s creation to the return of Jesus to collect his believers. If you are a believer in Jesus, you will go with him when he comes and will miss the terrible seven-year tribulation that follows. At the end of that is a great battle called Armageddon.  An army led by Jesus defeats the evil army opposing him led by the Antichrist. Really, Jesus is the one who defeats the enemy with the sword coming out of his mouth, the word of God.  And thereafter begins a period of 1000 years with the Kingdom of God actually being based in and ruling from Jerusalem.
Human history from Adam all the way through the tribulation is about 6000 years. The Millennium that begins after Armageddon is an additional, or 7th, 1000 years. We really don't know a great deal about that other than again it appears God is giving humans who somehow survive the tribulation and their descendants the opportunity to come to know Jesus and be in the Kingdom.  
At the end of this Millennium, the devil, who has been imprisoned in a deep pit, is released for some reason. He goes about gathering up followers (amazing to me there would be anyone like this, but then we see in our day what humans are capable of) and leads another battle against God, during which he is totally defeated and is himself thrown into the lake of fire.
Following that, a truly new Jerusalem of enormous dimensions - you might call it the new heaven and earth - comes into being.  God himself as well as Jesus will be based in this new Jerusalem, along with all believers.
We really don't know what happens next. Or what happens in the rest of all creation – the universe, the galaxies.  But does that really matter? God will be with us.
The difficult and burdensome thing for believers now is the great number of unbelievers on earth, including members of their own families, friends, neighbors, prominent people we see on television and in government or media or entertainment or whatever, that do not know Jesus. It is distressing to realize they will be going through the tribulation and further that they will end up in the dreadful lake of fire unless they change.  Each one of us every day of our lives in the time we have left should ask the Holy Spirit to orchestrate all encounters we should have with others.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all conversations with unbelievers.  We certainly should do our part to share the truths of Jesus, of the gospel. But in the end we must always remember that only God can lead a person to Jesus.  We have that truth given us by Jesus himself.  Certainly we can and should ask God the Father to draw others to Jesus. 
From all the Lord has shown me it is apparent his return is very, very, very near. I have written on what he has shown me in so many newsletters and other publications. The February 2022 Newsletter in particular covers the actual timetable for all this which he showed me in a dream/vision. I know this is all challenging. But I know it's all true as well.
The best advice? Keep your eyes on Jesus. Stay focused on him. Watch, be alert!  Stay in the right relationship with Jesus so you are ready to go whenever that call comes to meet him in the air.  
Pray in the spirit often and on all occasions.  Be specific in your conversations with God.  Talk to God as if you were talking to another person.  You are.  The most important person in your life.  And listen.  Sit and listen.  Or listen when you're walking around and doing other things.  God does answer.  God does speak to his people - sometimes in words, sometimes in dreams and visions, sometimes through other people, sometimes in all sorts of interesting ways.  Remember my telling you all about how God spoke to a Nigerian pastor in a small town in Nigeria about me and told him various things which the pastor then sent to me?  I had never heard of that pastor until he contacted me.
Several years ago for about one or two years or so, God would often wake me up in the middle of the night, about two or three or four.  I would go in another room, sit and read the Bible.  At some point the Lord would begin talking to me.  Sometimes it was more a period of guidance and direction.  But other times it was a real conversation back and forth, about important things and also at times incidental things.  That dream/vision I recounted in the February 2022 newsletter was another drastically different way of his communicating to me.
Dear friends and partners, fellow believers, yes it is true.  We are living in the last of the last days, the time right before Jesus returns.  In all you do keep your eyes on Jesus.  Stay focused on what counts.  Go about all your necessary activities while always knowing the time you are living in.  He himself said it will be just like the days of Noah and Lot.  People will be going about normal activities and then suddenly…the believers will be gone.  Jesus comes in the air with a shout, a command, and a trumpet blast.  I expect that shout or command will be something like “Come up here!”  The Father and Jesus have used that before – with the two witnesses in Revelation and when Jesus summoned John to come see what was going on in heaven in Revelation.
Yes, this is an unpleasant time on earth with all we see taking place.  But you and I know the Lord is coming soon.  The overwhelming majority of people out there don’t know that.
August 2023
Copyright © 2023 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
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