Wednesday, November 30, 2022



We believers in Jesus are all going to have to learn more and more to keep our eyes on the future that is ours, the coming time in Heaven with Jesus and his Father and then on earth when and after Jesus sets up Kingdom rule from Jerusalem.
We just can’t keep getting so distraught over all the ungodly behavior and rules and laws and practices of society today.  The government of America is obviously an ungodly one.  Many traditional churches are obviously lost, accepting behavior and lifestyles that are an abomination to God.  The leaders of so many areas of life are similarly lost.  And the daily outpouring of programs and entertainment and such is overflowing with ungodly material.  People are deluged with all that.
We must focus on the joy that is ours and is coming soon, just as Jesus looked to that joy in Hebrews 12:2.  And we have to focus on him always.
The world is a lost system.  The majority are just lost.  It is only a few that go with the Lord when he comes.  A remnant, a small number, whatever you want to call it.  Jesus himself said few are they who find it, referring to the way to true life.
By now I expect you are coming to the realization that these little sparks of hope that appear on earth in the form of a politician here or there or perhaps a small movement here or there are just that.  Small sparks and movements.  The mass are not going to be deterred in their unknowing march to the new world order, the new one-world government.  They are not going to be deterred in their march straight into hell following the white throne judgement that awaits them.
I just read a commentator pondering why in the recent election the results went so contrary to expectations.  And then he made the observation – the mass of the population just don’t think things are so bad – the economy, whatever.  They make decisions on how things are at the moment, on the economy of the moment.  And to them things obviously are ok.  The government is ok.  That sounds like that may be true.  And it sadly shows just how totally lost the majority is.
It is not a pretty picture.  It is not a hopeful picture for all those we know who are in that majority group.  But it is the way it is.  It is the truth.
We believers somehow must come to grips with the reality of what is happening and coming.  We know where we are in God’s time.  We know his plans.  We know.  It is just all so unpleasant looking at the world and wondering how to fix things that have gone so awry.
As I have written several times recently, we surely must represent Jesus in all the opportunities that come before us, all the encounters God arranges for us.  We must be guided by the Holy Spirit in this.  And thus we will be helping in God’s drawing people to Jesus.
We also must acknowledge the Lord before men.  We can’t just stand by and watch him be trashed by ungodly beings who don’t know what they are talking about.  But in stepping out at any time, we must always be guided by the Holy Spirit. 
Remember, Jesus did say that if we acknowledge him before men, he will acknowledge us before God the Father in Heaven.  But the reverse is also true.  He said if we deny him before men he will deny us before God the Father in Heaven.
Tough, unpleasant, severe times.  Keep your eyes on Jesus and live as he would have you live.  Fulfill all he has called you to, which of course includes whatever you may have heard directly from him as well as what he said to his believers in scripture.
                                                          November 2022                                                                                                                  
                                                          Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465


Monday, November 21, 2022


 As I write this I admit I wonder why should I or anyone have to write about being thankful on Thanksgiving.   Any living breathing human being should be able quickly to think of numerous reasons to be thankful to God.

What about just living, being created?  Having a safe place to live and food to eat.  Health?  Provision for daily life?  Family?  Friends?
How about Jesus?  Being thankful for all he has done. And the Holy Spirit?
Why not just read Psalm 100 and take it to heart.  Every word.
As the psalm says, know that the Lord is God.  It is he who has made us and we are his.  We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.  Give thanks to the Lord.   Praise his name.
And the psalm goes on to say that the Lord is good.  His steadfastness endures forever and his faithfulness to all generations.
That’s enough, isn’t it?
Or maybe you need to know that Jesus is holding this entire creation together.  Without him, it would just come apart, disintegrate, fly apart.  I know most don’t focus on that scripture, but it is there, over in Colossians 1:17.  Maybe we should thank him for that.  Or maybe for the fact that through him all things were made and without him nothing was made that has been made.
Maybe we should thank Father God for sending his son down here to create a way for us to him.  He didn’t have to do that.  Even when Jesus came, he didn’t have to go through it, the crucifixion, the taking upon himself of all our iniquities, all our sicknesses and diseases and pain, and overcoming all that and so much more – like death and the curses of the law and shame and regret.
I’m sure you can think of many more reasons to be thankful.  I just wanted to list a few possibilities.
God bless you all this Thanksgiving.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  He is the source of all real joy and hope.  He is your future.  Right now he has been in heaven at the right hand of God while accommodations have been being prepared for us.  He in fact said he was going there to prepare a place for us.  And he is coming so very soon to get us and take us with him.
One last thing.  Continue to ask the Father to draw all those you know who don’t know the Lord to a saving knowledge of Jesus and thank him for that.  Thank him.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. To be truthful, a believer in the Lord Jesus doesn’t need one specific Thanksgiving Day.  Every day is Thanksgiving Day.  Every day is a day of praise and thanksgiving to Jesus and the Father.  Everyday.
God bless you all.
                                                              November 2022                                                                                                                  
                                                              Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465


Thursday, November 17, 2022


 “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

The famous German pastor killed by the Nazi government in WWII wrote this many years ago.  It applied directly to what he was seeing around him.  And its truth applies to us today.
I would suggest all believers in the Lord will have ample opportunity to deal with this observation in these last days and to decide whether they are going to be silent or to speak out and act.
Evil abounds in our society. The movement to the one-world government is going ahead full steam.  What do you think this global warming movement is all about?  Yes, I know, naïve and confused people – especially young college students – are ardent about the subject.  But the fact remains it is an effort to bring the world under one government.   And much more.  At the recent meeting in Egypt of world leaders on this subject, the issue of population again came up.  Some of these leaders and other elite firmly believe there are too many people in the world.  Terrifying.  These are terrifying leaders.  The World Economic Forum which is so at the front of this movement is terrifying.  The UN is terrifying.  
At least, all these should be terrifying to all believers who realize what they are doing and where this is heading. 
Sadly, most people on earth haven’t got a clue.
Many millions in the US just elected or reelected persons fully supporting this movement, whether they realize that or not.  They reelected persons fully behind the terrible policies of the transgender movement, including all that is being taught and brought before children in public schools.  They reelected persons who fully back the LGBTQ movement, although this lifestyle is anathema to God.
They reelected persons who back the recent government actions that are destroying the American economy and society.
They reelected persons who are ok with violent criminals being released back on the streets and thus the soaring crime rate in many large cities.
They haven’t got a clue.
In the last days so many are deceived.  And to those who refuse to accept the truth (of the gospel, of Jesus), God sends a spirit of delusion.  These people thus eventually are lost people.  I fear many we see and hear doing such irrational things and speaking and backing such bizarre and irrational and harmful actions are just those people.
So how are you going to live and act these remaining days before Jesus comes? 
Are you going to be out there seeking to do what you can to help God the Father draw others to Jesus, always with the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Are you going to stand up for Jesus wherever and whenever needed?  You never know when the moment will be that suddenly the Lord is being trashed and dumped on and you are the only one in the room who knows him and can speak up or act in opposition to all that.  You need to decide now how you are going to act and what you are going to do.
Remember  Matthew 10:32-33:
“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.  But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.
Obviously in all your words and actions you must be guided by the Holy Spirit.  So pray about all this.  Every day ask the Holy Spirit to orchestrate your day, to arrange all the encounters he would have you have.  Ask for more and more wisdom in representing Jesus in every situation.
Silence in the face of evil is evil.  We don’t need Dietrich Bonhoeffer to tell us that. 
                                                               November  2022
                                                               Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
NOTE:  Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: go to JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  go to AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Wednesday, November 9, 2022


We are in mid-November and there is still another serious storm in the Atlantic heading straight for Florida and the Southeast of the US.  Once again believers need to take a stand against this storm Nicole.

Again remember, Jesus said believers can do the same thing he did, even greater.  He also said he would do whatever believers ask him in his name.  And the Father will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus' name.  And that we can order mountains in our life away.  We can order them thrown into the sea and if we believe and do not doubt it will be done.  (See John 14:12-14; John 16:23: Mark 11:22-23).
The mountain right now for those living in the target areas is the storm Nicole. 
So I ask everyone wherever you are to pray against this storm, to take a stand (I personally like to step outside and face in the direction of the storm, raising arm and hand with palm to the storm.  For most of us, that direction would be facing southeast.).

In Jesus' name, I order the storm named Nicole to turn aside from land, to go out to sea and to diminish in power and disappear.  No storm surge, strong winds, or flooding rain.  In Jesus' name, I order the storm named Nicole to harm no people, animals, land, buildings, or boats!

You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we can do.  Be bold! Remember, he changed the weather.
Do it now!
                                                                                      November 9, 2022
                                                                                      Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
 Please send copies of this to whomever you wish.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


A momentous election is upon us in the United States.
Far more important than that of course is the imminent return of Jesus.  But surely all believers want Jesus to find us out there working for him and the gospel right up to the time he comes.  And don’t we all want to be living in as good and decent a place as possible these remaining days?
This election gives us all that opportunity.  It gives us a chance to take a stand against the out and out evil and wrong-thinking of many politicians in our government these past months.  It gives us all a chance to vote for what we can perceive are the best candidates, the ones who are true Christians or at least have basic Christian values and who have the backbone to stand up for honesty and decency and truth.
On the local and national level we have seen action after action supporting issues that bring the country down, destroy the economy, damage the basic fundamental values of America that come from the Bible and the Constitution.  We have seen apparently confused or flat out evil politicians take stands that support criminals over the victims of crime, with the result that in many cities today citizens fear to go about the city, to ride public transportation, basically just to live.  We have seen local district attorneys elected who will not support law and order but over and over release terrible criminals onto the streets. 
Throughout the land many good citizens are volunteering to take positions such as poll observer during the election in the hope of having fairer and more honest elections than we have seen in recent years.  Let’s pray that indeed happens.
The goals right now should be to turn around many governments at all levels – governor, mayor, local school boards and councils, and Congress itself.  Many Americans throughout my lifetime have tried to focus on working to support their families, on having a home and a car and a vacation and perhaps going to sports events or some other recreation.  Those are all good things in themselves.  But these Americans have not wanted to focus on issues of politics and government, with the result being we have ended up with the atrocious leaders the nation and many cities and states have now.
There are still people who think the nation is doing well, and we only have to wonder how they think.  We still even have some Christians who just seem not to be aware of all that is happening.  Well, we know from prophecy and scripture what I have written often about, how Jesus warned us not to be deceived in these last days in which we are living.  Deception is rampant on earth today. 
I just write to encourage you to vote and to think seriously about each position.  Seek God's guidance.   It is not about whose personality you like the most.  It is about who you think would do the best for you and your family, for your children, for your community, and for the nation.  We all should try to make these last days as good as we possibly can, instead of a steadily deteriorating society heading toward an apparent lawless, godless, out of control hell on earth.  We know from the Bible that times get tougher and tougher as we near the return, but surely we can stand against that tide to the extent possible and be doing so when the Lord returns.  And of course, always, we surely can and should be representing Jesus in all opportunities and as the Holy Spirit guides.
                                                                        OCTOBER  2022
                                                                        Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
 To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here:JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.

Friday, October 7, 2022


I recently saw the above phrase in the heading of a news article.  The author was referring to the terrible truly random acts of atrocious violence in NY City.  Really crazy violence is occurring steadily there, such as groups suddenly beating up teenage girls on subways or an individual suddenly punching an old lady in the face or sculling some man with a hard object. 

Well, something is profoundly wrong is an obvious conclusion from any rational person looking at such acts there and in many other large cities.  It makes no sense.  Where did all these truly evil people come from?  What is going on?

You know there is more of an answer to this.  We are in the last days before Jesus’ return.  The devil is running amuck.  His time is limited.  People who are not born again and do not have the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit have no discernment of truth versus falsehood – they are ready prey for the evil one and his demons.  They are easily led astray.  They are easily deceived.  That’s who these people are who are committing these atrocious acts. You are not going to be able to sit down and reason with them.  I think you and any sane person know that.  These are people who truly need to be dealt with by serious law and order steps.  They need to be arrested and taken off the streets so they will not be in a position to harm others.

Yet there are people we know on the far left of the political spectrum and occupying seats high in government and in media and elsewhere who think  that enforcement of law and order needs to be diminished.  They think a move in favor of the criminal is called for – less punishment, free violent people on bail, and so forth.

How can anyone think like that in light of what is happening?  Well, I write again – people who are not born again and do not have the Holy Spirit and his gifts cannot discern truth from falsehood.  They are easily deceived and led astray.  Who specializes in doing that?  The devil of course.  And thus these people are truly deceived.  You are not going to be able to sit and have a rational discussion with them either.  They are just as dangerous, maybe more than the individuals committing the violent acts.

As the Bible states, people who refuse to accept the truth – God’s truth – are eventually given over to delusion.  That’s where many of these bizarre people are today.  We have never seen this before have we?  No we haven’t.  It is frightening and terrible.  And it is amazing so many have achieved such positions of power.

These are the last days.  Jesus is coming soon.  Believers wish he would come tonight.  Well, maybe he will.  We don’t know the specific time, just that obviously his coming is soon.  Of course, believers also hope and wish more would see the light and become true believers in Jesus.

All of us still must represent Jesus on this earth.  We must stand up for him.  We must help the Father in his leading others to Jesus by speaking to them anytime the Holy Spirit draws us to do so, anytime he arranges his divine encounters.  And all of us must pray to the Father that he would draw these people – specific ones by name, more general ones by group – to a saving knowledge of Jesus.  No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws that person to Jesus.  But we can help in this.

                                               October 2022                                                                                                                   
                                               Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin

Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 

To get  copies of our book   WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON! :
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Monday, September 26, 2022


Here we are again in the fall of the year needing to apply the truths and the authority the Lord has given us believers to take a stand against a very dangerous storm.  There is a growing hurricane called Ian in the Caribbean apparently on course to cross the western tip of Cuba soon and then move into the Gulf of Mexico and on to Florida and other states.

Remember, Jesus said believers can do the same thing he did, even greater.  He also said he would do whatever believers ask him in his name.  And the Father will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus' name.  And that we can order mountains in our life away.  We can order them thrown into the sea (See John 14:12-14; John 16:23: Mark 11:22-23).
The mountain right now for those living in the target areas is the storm Ian.  It's time right now once again to use these truths and the authority the Lord has given us and to put our faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just words!
So I ask now everyone wherever you are to pray against this storm, to take a stand (I personally like to step outside and face in the direction of the storm, raising arm and hand with palm to the storm.  For most of us, that direction would be facing south.).
Then declare:
In Jesus' name, I order the storm named Ian to turn aside from land, to go out to sea and to diminish in power and disappear.  In Jesus' name, I order the storm named Ian to harm no people and animals and to touch no land, no buildings, and no boats!
Be bold! You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we can do.  Remember, he changed the weather.
Do it now!

                                                                            September 26, 2022

                                                                            Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin



Please send copies of this to whomever you wish.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Friday, September 23, 2022



I was in the office many years ago when suddenly there was a knock at the outside door.  I opened the door and there stood a young man about thirty in shorts and flip flops.
“What kind of ministry?” the man asked.
“Come in and see,” I responded.
Once inside we sat down, and he said he was from Africa. 
“I’ve been to Africa,” I said.
“I’m from Ghana,” he replied.
“I’ve been to Ghana,” I said.  I think he was starting to smile.
“Accra,” he said.
“I’ve been to Accra.”
He liked that.  And then he said, “I’m a missionary from Ghana to the United States.”
And he said his name was Clement.
He talked about Christians in Ghana and divine healing.
I said, “we heal people.”
He seemed incredulous about that, that anyone in the US did that.  He just couldn’t believe from what he had seen of American churches and Christians that anyone in America healed anyone.  Evidently he had not yet seen any ministry in the US that operated in the gift of healings, in the Holy Spirit.  He certainly had not seen our ministry.
And we talked some more.  He even gave his insight on what was wrong in our area, and in his words it was the large protestant denomination that dominated the area and is not spirit filled and does not operate in the Spirit or the gifts.  I understood his point – the issue was the people not knowing the Holy Spirit.
I continued to talk about our ministry, our working to fulfill God’s call on my life, healings and such and soon we were warm and friendly.
I think we said a prayer together.  He gave me a telephone number where he could be contacted.
Then he walked out the door.  I went immediately to the door and looked out, but he was not anywhere to be seen even though there was an open parking area outside our office door.
Some months later we were dealing with a large number of young people – mainly middle school age – in Ghana who were following our ministry and had requested CDs and Bibles.  We had been sending them these things.  I had some questions about all this, and I thought of Clement from Ghana.
So I called the number he had left.  I left a message on a recording. I asked that whoever received the message get it to Clement, and said that I wanted to see him.
A few days went by.  Then a telephone call.
“This is Clement,” a deep voice said.  I invited him to the office.
The next day the doorbell rang and there he was again, dressed exactly as before.  He came in.  We talked about the young people and their requests, about what was going on with them, about Ghana.  Cathy came by the office and sat in with us.  And then we all held hands and prayed.   The Holy Spirit presence was strong, and Clement had tears in his eyes
Then he left again.  As soon as he left, I went to the door and looked out.  Just like before, no one was there.  Nothing as far as I could see.
I had one more contact with Clement.  One night at our weekly program Spend an Evening with Jesus, I was speaking to the group when I saw him sitting halfway back.  I was talking and moving down the aisle, maybe praying, and I put my hand on his back.  He smiled.  A few moments later as I talked I noticed he was no longer there.
That was the last time I have seen him.  I think you know who Clement was.  Another of God’s messengers sent to encourage us in the role God has called us to and to help us move on.
It is an amazing life – and often a challenging one – once you make that decision to follow the Lord at all costs.  But the benefits, the blessings, the peace, the revelations, are all beyond compare.  And the wonders have never stopped.
                                                                         September 2022
                                                                         Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please send copies of this to whomever you wish.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465



Tuesday, September 20, 2022


We have just witnessed and even participated in the largest evangelical event of our time.

I hope you realize this.

In the events of the funerals and mourning period of about ten days for Queen Elizabeth key truths of the gospel have gotten out and been heard by millions upon millions of people throughout the world.  It is amazing what God has just done.

In the several funeral services key wonderful scriptures about Jesus, about his coming to get his believers, about the new Jerusalem, about God’s love, and so much more have been read by priests and others.  They have been sung in numerous hymns.  In fact, I would say the great bulk of the services were all scripture, read or sung.  In addition, countless people have spoken in interviews about their faith or the Queen’s faith.

Just for example consider these couple examples:

The first scripture I remember hearing read earlier in the week in one of the services was from John 14:1-6, where Jesus talks about there being so many rooms in his father’s house and how he has gone to prepare a place for his believers and how he will come and get those believers and take them to him so they can be where he is.  The priest concluded his reading by quoting the wonderful verse “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  These verses were read again later in another service.

And then in one of the services a priest read scripture from the next to last chapter in the book of Revelation, which talks about the new Jerusalem and about no more tears!

And more than once I heard read directly or included as part of some other message the wonderful words from John 11 in which Jesus says “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, yet shall he live.   And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.”

Amazing is it not how God had these priests and others read important passages about Heaven, about Jesus coming to get his believers, about what awaits believers, about God and love and more.

Think that was a coincidence?  Think again.

A few days ago I wrote a Sign of the Times and asked regarding these days of the Queen’s farewell, “why is it here in the last moments before Jesus returns to collect his believers we have been given such a massive display of love and affection, of caring, a massive display of millions of people getting along well with each other?” 

I think you know why. 

We are so very near the Lord’s returning.  And God is still working to wake people up to his truths, to get as many as possible into the Kingdom.   Those scriptures weren’t read just for Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.  They were for all living people, those who wonderfully are believers in the Lord and those who could be and might be saved in the short time remaining, if they can only hear and recognize and receive the truth and repent and accept Jesus as their Lord.

Queen Elizabeth herself planned the services we are told, or had a large part in putting it all together.  But obviously we all know who picked these scriptures and guided her and others in putting it all together.

Wonder how many people throughout the world have heard the great truths and have been led by God now to seek out the gospel, to accept Jesus as their Lord, to ask some believer for help in understanding and in their journey to Christ?  Even the very behavior of the giant crowds as they waited long hours for a glimpse of the Queen’s coffin surely have caused many to wonder just what was going on here.

We are on the threshold, right at the door. 

Yes, Jesus really is coming soon. 

                                                                 September 2022                                                                                                                   
                                                                 Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin

Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 

To get  copies of our book   WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON! :
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Friday, September 16, 2022



If you have been watching any of the BBC coverage of the various events connected to the mourning of the death of Queen Elizabeth, or even some of the coverage on other networks, you have in my humble estimation seen humanity at its highest.  That is especially important considering the terrible things and behaviors we see in leaders and various groups and peoples in the US and other nations today, a regular daily montage of horror and lies and deception.
When we look in on the United Kingdom, we see literally millions of persons quietly mourning and honoring the Queen.  Huge numbers line the streets everywhere, whether in London or Windsor or Edinburgh, or other places.  They wait and wait, to see the Queen’s coffin pass buy, to see some of her family, to see some of the ceremony.
They wait solemnly and with respect, yet with celebration of her life.  They talk with each other in the waiting lines.  When the coffin passes by, there are tears and there is applause.  The people are clearly moved.
I haven’t seen the kind of excellent human behavior we are seeing right now on our televisions and the Internet in many years.  It is a small family funeral expanded thousands fold to involve all the peoples of the earth who want to be involved.
Yesterday I saw an interview on the street of a woman who had flown from a far away country and had just passed by the coffin to pay her respects.  She had obviously been crying.  And she answered some questions as to why she had come and what it had meant to her.  And of course I could identify with her.  So could anyone who has a heart, a soul, certainly anyone who loves the Lord.
Why is it here in the last moments before Jesus returns to collect his believers we have been given such a massive display and example of love and affection, of caring, a massive display of millions of people getting along well with each other?
It is a massive display of people caught up in what really matters in life – the relationship of one human with another, the respect of one for another, the honoring of a life quite apparently lived for the benefit of others.  When I hear all the stories of the Queen’s life, I wonder where do people like that come from?  Someone who willingly sacrifices her life for others, who lives life under a microscope in full view of the world.  I do of course know where her strength and character come from – that comes from the Lord, from her faith which has been noted many times.
It would be wonderful if all people could see what is going on and identify with the family and with the people caught up in honoring this Queen.  It would be wonderful if they could escape so many false causes and objectives and deceptive issues, so many false prophets, even for a moment.  Yes that would be wonderful.
If you can, spend some time watching especially the funeral and all the procession and such on Monday.  Watch some of those hundreds of thousands filing past the bier.  Listen to the wonderful scriptures that have been and are being spoken throughout by the priests.  And perhaps for just a moment say a prayer for the royal family, for those caught up in all this every day in full view of the world.  Imagine your family in such a situation.  Say a prayer for the new King who has not it appears really had time to himself since all this started; rather he has been going forward just as his mother did, going here and there, meeting with all sorts of people as his reign begins.
The real eternal King is soon to come and we will be moving forward with him.  In eternity.  In his Kingdom in Heaven and then again back on earth. 
God bless the Queen.  And thank God for giving us these few moments of peace and love to see what can be and should be the human condition on earth.
                                            September 2022                                                                                                                  
                                            Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Tuesday, September 13, 2022



The rest of the world may not know what is happening, but somehow you have been blessed to know.  Living amidst deluded and lost people is difficult and surely frustrating, but you do know the truth. 
The evil one and all his minions, regardless of what you call them, are running amuck.  People who do not know the Lord are easily led astray and they are and have been.  We see them every day and hear them speaking out – in the halls of government, in the media, everywhere.  We hope that more and more will be led to Christ before he comes, but it still appears that the great portion of humanity will be left here when Jesus’ believers depart.  All of us I hope are doing what we are led to do in trying to help in God’s drawing people to Jesus.  But people do have to be open to be drawn, you know.  It is God’s elect who will be going.  God of course knows who they are.
Any of those elect who do not make it to Heaven in this round will have the opportunity during the Tribulation, but that will be terrible in the extreme, not a good time to be alive.
Surely we must use the tools God has given us to protect ourselves in this increasingly dangerous time.  Anyone who steps out for God steps into the arena.  And who is in the arena?  The evil side. 
There is a wonderful series of 3 books published way back in the 1600’s called THE CHRISTIAN IN COMPLETE ARMOR.  It was written by William Gurnall.  Reading it is a wonderful spiritual experience.  Speaking of this battle against evil, some of his great lines are :
The outcome of the battle rests on God’s performance, not on your skill or strength
Once you realize that God is omnipotent, is in charge of your life, you will quit worrying about how to fight your enemies.
The length of a man’s combat with Satan measures the same as the length of his life.  …When he becomes a saint, the struggle increases.
Remember to go to our website to the return page for a collection of all sorts of resources – writings, television programs, recordings – about the return.  And go to our blog for numerous articles.  Search the blog for whatever subject of interest you have using the search block at the top left.  Again, I suggest giving a copy of our WAKE UP AMERICA! book to anyone you would.  That is something they might accept when they won’t sit still to listen to you. 
Below are listed key newsletters dealing with the current times, God’s protection for us, divine healing, the timetable and the stages of Kingdom of God.  Read them again and more than once.  Give copies or send copies to all you would.  The time is short indeed. Jesus’ return, and more about Jesus and being in/getting into the
Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
February 2022 – THE TIMETABLE
December 1, 2021 – THE STAGES OF THE LAST DAYS
Get all these from our website.  Go to newsletter in the menu column and to the archives and click on the dates you want.  Or contact the ministry.
Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by cliciking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: amazon
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Thursday, September 8, 2022



So many serious Christians in America hope for good results in the upcoming elections in the US in November.  They hope for good, decent, hopefully Christian people to be elected to Congress and to governor positions and to local governments.  They hope for a change in direction in the government of the nation.
We should all hope and pray for that, of course.  Why not?  And do whatever we can to help in bringing that about.
But again as I often point out, we have always to be aware that regardless of the outcome of any election or any government action, we are living in the very last days before the Lord’s return.  I do not know how difficult it will get to be here on earth before that happens, although I do think the return is surely imminent and very soon. 
Right up to the time he comes, we should all be about his work, helping God lead others to a saving knowledge of Jesus, praying for the lost – asking the Father to draw them to Jesus, standing up for Jesus wherever we are and as the opportunities present.  And standing firm against any evil we truly encounter daily, using the tools God has provided.
I know there is some degree of perplexity among believers as to just what we should be doing right now.  These paragraphs above are my understanding of what we should be doing.  When Jesus does return, when he shouts, the archangel’s voice is heard, the trumpet blasts, and Jesus sends out his angels to collect the elect, I want him to find me and all believers actively about his work on earth.  I want him to find us  watching as he warns us in Luke 21:36 so that we may escape all that is coming on the earth (i.e., so we are ready to go with him when he comes).
May you all live in the wisdom and guidance that God gives you every day.   
And may you live in the blessings of God always.
                                                      September 2022                                                                                                                  
                                                      Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465


Friday, August 12, 2022



It all comes down to this.  It had to. It is all that really matters in all of existence.
Your hope is in God and him alone. 
There is nothing else of any meaning.
God – yes in three forms - Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  But overall, God.  One God.
There is no hope in religion, no hope in organizations, in church denominations, in morning and evening services, in governments and universities.
No.  Some might help in leading you to the one that counts, yes, but that is all.
The one that counts is God.
God has a heart and he opened a way for you.
He came to you in the form of Jesus.  He showed the way for you.  He spelled it out.
It is not any doctrine.
It is not any creed.
It is not any statement of values or beliefs.
Do you understand?  Finally?  At last?
There is a way.
In the end of everything there is one thing that counts.  You and God.
He is life and whatever you are to have and to be.
No hope at all without him.
Beneath everything, all the shouts and noise and talking and action, covered up is the suppressed realization that…
  • You alone must make the decision to have Jesus as your Lord. It is all about your relationship with Jesus.  No other human being can take that step for you.
  • You have to take the step. You alone have to decide.  And it is time.  Time to know the Lord.  Or give up for eternity.  Your future is all about your relationship with Jesus.
We can’t truly imagine God.
We can’t truly conceive God.
He just is.
You have the way to him, the path. Jesus is the way, the only way.
Take it.
He alone is your salvation.  Call out to him for help.  He will answer, maybe directly, maybe in ways you do not expect.  Get started.
Time is about up for you.
                                                AUGUST 2022
                                                Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Monday, August 8, 2022



I can’t stand to write about some of the latest things happening on earth, in the world system, in our government agencies, in the lives of people.  It is too low, too anti-God, too anti-Bible, too Satanic.  This US has not fallen from God, it has plummeted, it has rocketed to ever greater depths of depravity and acceptance of that depravity as normal.  And of course other nations are not far behind.
It is terribly difficult to write about any of this.  But you must recognize where we are as a society and nation.  And none of that is good.  You can’t just go on willy-nilly as if everything is ok.  It is not.
Remember Jesus said it will be just like the days of Noah and Lot.  Well, we have reached that point and moved lower.
Just in the last couple days I have come upon a release from the CDC with advice on how to avoid monkeypox.  The writeup and points made are lewder and cruder and more lascivious than any you might find in the lowest of the low.
In case you do not know, monkeypox largely spreads through sexual contact between men.  That’s right.  Once again we have a disease that predominantly hits homosexuals.  So it is not difficult to avoid is it?
But of course the CDC does not share that simple little point.  It just describes behaviors that are terribly outrageous, never mentioning they are behaviors in the gay community at gay clubs and such. 
To quote the opening of an NBC article on this subject, “The global monkeypox outbreak is primarily being driven by sex between men…”
I can’t write about the points made in the CDC news release because I expect some children might someday read a copy of this newsletter.  They don’t need this in their minds.  But I can tell you that even in your most lost days of life you have not dreamt of what the CDC writes about and recommends in a matter-of-fact style. 
God must have patience way beyond any we could conceive of.  Well, you know he does.  And he has waited and waited for those he wants in the Kingdom to recognize and accept his son as their Lord.  But that wait is just about over.  If it were not for the fact that so many of those we know still do not know the Lord, we believers all would certainly say that end of the wait can’t come soon enough.  But we have to leave the timing in his hands.
It will be soon, really soon.  I shared in our February 2022 newsletter a dream/vision the Lord gave me one night of the whole timing issue, and the point was made there of how close we are to the return and to the beginning of the Tribulation.  Read it again.  I didn’t make that up.
There is one specific assignment the Lord gave me more than thirty years ago that I still haven’t done.  He said to me recently that the first part of that would be happening soon, as in really soon.  So I am alert with eyes and spiritual heart wide open.  All the time, I pray and hope.
This is a temporary place we all have been living, a physical world – or stage – created and overseen by the spiritual realm, apparently for our training and development.  And only a small number seem to have made it through the program and graduated – or are about to graduate.  That end really is near. 
This US and world system is a cesspool.  Try not to soak in it.
                                                                              AUGUST 2022
                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here:  JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Wednesday, July 20, 2022



If you are a born again, spirit-filled believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you know this.  And even if you are not, there is a good chance you have realized this truth:
The current leaders of America and other countries too haven’t got a clue as to what is going on today.  They look at everything through political lenses and so very often take steps and actions that are irrational, harmful, spiteful, evil.  They don’t understand the end results of their actions, or if they do they just are malicious. 
Most certainly, they do not know we are all living in the very last days of the time before Jesus returns.  They do not know Jesus will soon be here to collect his believers and the terrible seven year Tribulation will begin.  They do not know that the one-world government their actions are leading to will in fact be the government of the antichrist who will soon be revealed.
If there are any true believers in the Lord among these leaders, they are surely doing a good job of staying invisible and silent.  Basically, the nation and the world are under the direction of godless leaders.
It is sad for me, and probably for you too, to see on the daily news media the numerous issues discussed and covered with never persons invited to appear who know the truth of the Lord’s imminent return and who might shed some light for the population at large.  Even the so-called conservative media are only partially conservative – for instance, not always socially conservative – and do not deal with the key issue of our time, which is the end of this age and Jesus’ return. 
As for the people as a whole, the “haven’t got a clue” line can be applied to the great majority.  One thing can be said though – many even who do not know Jesus do think something is terribly wrong, many do not like the government policies or what is happening in society; but they as always and as necessary work hard to support their families and have a decent place to live.  They are trying to make it through.  But there is no such thing as making it through.  The majority of the population do not know that Jesus is soon to be here and that life on earth for those remaining is about to take a dramatic turn for the worse.
It is tiring, is it not, to realize you have few you can truly talk with about what is happening and what to expect.  But they are here, and if you have a group or even one or two true believing friends, count yourself highly blessed.  As always, do all you can to help God lead others to Jesus.  Pray for him to do that for specific people you know.  And ask the Holy Spirit to arrange and guide you in any encounters he would have you have.
Do not lose your peace over the terrible political debates and government decisions of these days.  They are actions of lost people, decisions made by the enemy through people who haven’t got a clue.  The few believers in that world must find it terribly difficult and we must pray for them whenever we can identify any.  And certainty we should pray for God to draw the leaders to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
                                                                       July 2022
                                                                       Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Monday, July 11, 2022



Everyday, everywhere in all things God is there.  From the grandest of things to the simplest and gentlest.
Consider this poem which I wrote many years ago about a real situation near our house.  Think about it.  Think about the wonder of God’s love.
            by John Newlin
She lived quietly by the sea,
On the very beach itself,
Her front yard only sand,
Her view the unending ocean.
Often as we passed on our way,
She quietly moved about,
Caring for flowers in boxes
Neatly stationed along deck rails.
She always wore bright scarves
Firmly wrapped about her head,
Their colorful patterns
Hiding the absence of hair.
We would see her from our house,
Steadily moving,
Watering plant after plant,
Gliding in a flowing skirt.
The years passed, four years,
And we noticed a “for sale” sign.
Well, she died, you know, we were told.
No, we did not.
Suddenly new people arrived,
Filling the freshly painted house
With activity and new life.
No flower boxes could be seen.
Reborn, the house lives on,
With a new identity.
The past has disappeared.
Fresh life fills the rooms.
And the flowers that once grew,
So that she could water them,
Now bloom on other decks,
Their purpose here fully served.
God is.  His glory is beyond imagining.  His love limitless. Live in that presence all the time, moment to moment.  Let nothing interfere with that reality, no matter what you are engaged in, no matter what is happening in this world.
                                                                    July 2022
                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465

