What a wonderful sight, all those believers praying on the national mall at all those famous buildings and monuments.
What a thrill to see; as one young woman said, how wonderful to be surrounded by other serious believers.
Yes, there really are a significant number of people who know Jesus and are known by him, people who are born again and filled with the Spirit.
It was good for them to pray for our nation. It was good to pray in line with 2 Chronicles 7:14 and other wonderful verses in the Bible.
And yes we know God hears and God answers prayer. In his way. At his time. As it lines up with his will. As Jesus says, prayed in his “name.”
Surely you and I know there is nothing the Lord cannot do. No situation he cannot handle.
But also you and I know these truths:
- We are living in the very last days and hours before the return of the Lord himself to collect his believers, followed by the Tribulation and more.
- The number of believers percentage wise is not great. Jesus himself taught it is a few.
- In these last days and hours as we approach his return and all the events that follow, we know from scripture and many prophecies many things that are to come and are already happening.
- We know that these things that happen in the last days are not pleasant, are frightening, are dangerous. All those prophecies from Jesus and others about deception, delusion, false prophets, falling away from God, rise in lawlessness, roaring and tossing of the seas, pestilence, and more. So we are not surprised to see these things increasing
This is a true and honest puzzle for believers: just how can the earlier comments of praying for God to heal the land and all the very real and now being fulfilled prophecies of troubling end times events all mesh together?
These prophecies indeed are true. They will and do happen. They are happening right now. That and the continual assault of the devil and his demonic forces is why the world is in such confusion. Perhaps we can hope and believe that God will bring peace to the land such that we are not so terribly troubled by events when he arrives. Or maybe somehow that we believers will increase in our ability to live in peace and joy even though the terrible prophesied events happen all around. God alone knows how this will all come to pass in detail. We don’t know the details, just the big points we’ve been told.
Most people today including many believers just have not yet come to grips with the fact that Jesus really is coming very soon, that we are privileged to be living in the very last days of this age. But it is true.
May God bless and protect his believers, all he would have in his Kingdom – even those who still do not know the Lord. May we do all in our power to help him in his leading those of his elect who do not yet know him to come to that knowledge.
September 2020
Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
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