It always was. Fundamentally, every day is a battle of light versus darkness, of truth versus falsehood, of good versus evil.
We are approaching the most important election in the history of the US. Yes that is true. It is an election between the children of the light and the children of darkness. It is that simple. The former Apostolic Papal Anuncio to the US said that (the top diplomat from the Vatican to the US government). He went further in a letter to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast last Wednesday to say that warring principalities unseen to the human eye will clash on Election Day. He warned all Catholics to be aware of the extraordinary battle the President is preparing to fight against the demonic forces of the deep state and against the New World Order.
And in another comment, the Anuncio said that the President is “the greatest defender of the supreme values of Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God!”
Powerful words for all believers! Sometimes I don’t need to write something new. Just quote someone else who has said it so well. That letter to the Catholics should have been sent to all believers.
Listen, the names of the political parties are incidental. Again, the election is between those who truly know and believe in the Lord and those who do not.
Issues are crystal clear. How could a true Christian ever
- Support a party and candidate that wholeheartedly backs abortion?
- Does not recognize the importance of the new nation Israel nor support it strongly? It was the emergence of this physical nation in 1948 that signaled to all who understand Bible prophecy that we were entering the last phase before the return of the Lord.
- Constantly comes out with so many ungodly statements and takes such ungodly actions daily – in Congress and in the streets and the media.
There are more we could add to the list, but you know that. Don’t fail to vote. Jesus is coming soon. Surely you want him to see you doing the best you can to stand up for him and the gospel, to get the truth out. It is time to stand.
If you do not stand firm in your faith,
you will not stand at all.’” – Isaiah 7:9
September 2020
Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
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