How about taking a moment to look at a few illustrations of actual end times events happening in our day. I have done this before and think it is time again for such a list. Some of you depending on where you live and what news sources you have to receive from may not know to just what a terrible state your nation has fallen and how the prophecies of the last days are right before our faces – prophecies like deception, delusion, falling away from God, rise in lawlessness, roaring and tossing of the sea, and more.
As you go through this, keep in mind these Biblical warnings among many:
Watch out that you are not deceived. – Luke 21:8 NIV
…many false prophets will appear and deceive people. – Matthew 24:11 NIV
… that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. – 2 Thessalonians 2:3 NIV
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 NIV
There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. - 2 Timothy 2:1-5 NIV
After you finish reading the items below, you may want to read some uplifting scriptures, look at pretty flowers, go outside and listen to the birds singing, focus on whatever is lovely or admirable as Paul encourages (Philippians 4:8). It is hard to believe we are living in such times and that so many people or events are like those described below. But they are.
Thank God, we know Jesus and we know the future.
MINNEAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL STUNNED BY RISE IN CRIME – Just a few months ago we all witnessed a civil rights protest suddenly turn into a horrible riot in Minneapolis with destruction and physical violence and more. The police were clearly held back in enforcing basic laws of society. The call from demonstrators and supported by the city council members was to defund the police, even get rid of the police and replace them with some type of social workers.
Since then there has been a great upsurge in crime in the city. And the response of the city council? They ask where are the police. Why aren’t they doing their job. The city council wants to know why the police are not responding to the violence!
OK, I know. You are really incredulous, but that is what the city council is asking. This is really impossible for a rational person to believe. But then these people are not rational people. They are deluded, lost, confused. Amazing. It’s like watching the theater of the absurd.
FBI DIRECTOR WRAY HAS WARNED CONGRESS IN PERSON NOT TO IGNORE ANTIFA. He has confirmed the existence of this anarchist organization. He has noted that they have arrested several in the country who say “I am Antifa.” He also has said it is more like a movement than an organization. Some leading democratic politicians have stated they believe Antifa to be a myth (Congressman Nadler for example). Despite all we have seen in recent months. We are living in a very unreal world.
BLACK LIVES MATTER, THE ORGANIZATION - The phrase “black lives matter” is of course true. But the organization Black Lives Matter is another story altogether. Founded by two trained Marxist lesbians and dedicated to pursing clearly non-American positions, this is a dangerous group. In its mission statement on its website you can read that it does not support the nuclear family concept of raising children (the mother, father, children approach) and that it lends its encouragement to “queers” (their word) and to transgenders. Leaders of the movement speak absolute violence. All those nice sweet older people in the suburbs of America with Black Lives Matter signs in their yards have no idea what they are supporting. (Just as the case with the multi-millionaire professional athletes who wear names of popular victims on their hats or shirts - The great black athlete Hershel Walker asks if they know the people whose names they are wearing. Do they know what these people have done – some are serious criminals). America is in real trouble if it does not wake up to what this organization really is. If black lives mattered to this organization, it would have been in Chicago the last few years where every weekend many blacks, mostly young and often children, are shot and often killed by other blacks. The overwhelming number of black people shot and killed in this country are shot and killed by other blacks.
IN LANCASTER PENNSYLVANIA, POLICE SHOT A MAN CHARGING AT THEM WITH A KNIFE. Needless to say, crowds rioted. The police released a video of this to show what had happened, with no effect on the riot. Eight of the destructive rioters were arrested – 3 black, 5 white. And then surprise of all surprises. The court held them on 1 million dollars bail each. Obviously none could raise that. There were screams of harsh treatment. Is this the first bright light of those interested in safety and peace realizing for once that laws must be enforced? (The bail has since been reduced.).
THE BIZARRE RACIAL MIXTURE OF THE VIOLENT DEMONSTRATORS – I do not know if you realize, but many of the truly aggressive, violent demonstrators in the Black Lives Matter protests and other recent demonstrations are younger white people. It is amazing what our colleges and families have produced in recent years. In New York six or seven young such white people were arrested by the police, and it was noted that they were children of wealthy parents in NY City and (likely) had no idea at all of what life is like for lower income people.
THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THESE MARXIST GROUPS (BLM AND ANTIFA) AND THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY and maybe other foreign communist groups needs serious investigation. A recent report showed that one of the co-founders of BLM has teamed up with a Chinese Communist Party supported organization to support and fund lobbying operations in America.
FOX NEWS this week stopped Newt Gingrich in his tracks when he mentioned George Soros’ funding the very liberal progressive prosecutors who are not prosecuting serious violent rioters and are arranging for their release (even those charged with serious crimes). More than one Fox host shut down all mention of Soros, whose reputed efforts to fund activities damaging to the US are popularly and widely known. So now we must wonder if this Fox News organization has itself become highly compromised (e.g., truly tainted).
RECORD NUMBER OF HURRICANES and other storms – I am sure you are noticing all the storms hitting the US or missing or going elsewhere. This past week there were a record number of named storms in the Atlantic. Already the weather bureau has used up the alphabet in naming stores, and they are now using the Greek alphabet. All this fits Jesus’ warning about people being frightened by the roaring and tossing of the sea. Well, that is what the sea is doing.
LOCUSTS – For some time now swarms of locusts have been attacking areas of the world. The latest presence seems to be in South America and Asia. Pestilence. Another sign.
CALIFORNIA VOTES TO REDUCE PENALTIES ON PEDOPHILES. I know this is impossible for any decent people to even conceive, but yes it is true. The leaders of California are truly lost, living in delusion and confusion. It is astounding to consider this action.
CALIFORNIA FIRES - Enormous fires continue up and down California as well as the unruly Washington and Oregon states where out of control destructive riots in Seattle and Portland were and have been allowed to continue for long periods. The smoke from the monster fires now hangs even over the East Coast and areas like NYC and Washington DC. In Western cities at times daylight hours look like night or have strange colors.
I saw a comment from California wondering why God is allowing these fires. I don’t know what God is doing in California or if he has allowed these fires in some judgmental way. But if that is so, it is not hard to imagine why.
THE US ATTORNEY GENERAL MENTIONED THAT THE US IS CLOSE TO MOB RULE. In a related report, it was also noted that the Justice Department had investigated the mayor of Seattle for prosecution, for she surely did not fulfill her duties as city leader to protect the safety of the citizens or the physical buildings and companies in the city. We must wonder why the Justice Department has not investigated more such politicians and why it has not acted on that.
THE FIRM OF THE HUSBAND OF KAMALA HARRIS, the democratic candidate for vice president, represents Chinese Communist Party corporations and employs ex-CCP officials
IN THE LOS ANGELES AREA, A MAN WALKED UP TO A PATROL CAR AND SHOT TWO POLICEMEN IN THE HEAD. Both thank God survived. There is even a video of this horrible event. But as you may know, while and after this happened, some bystanders shouted and celebrated and did nothing to help them. Then a crowd of these people went to the hospital where they had been taken and blocked the entrance to the emergency room. They stood outside and cheered : “I hope the _____ die.” Yes, these really are human beings although you may not think so. They did not behave that way. Yes, they are physical people. But they are totally deluded, lost, confused, and obviously spiritually lost.
ISRAEL – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AND BAHRAIN PEACE ACCORDS – The US at the White House hosted the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain. This is certainly and obviously a step in peace between the arab countries of the Middle East and Israel. In their signing, the UAE and Bahrain join Egypt and Jordan who signed such agreements many years ago. Some wonder if this is leading up to the peace agreement in Daniel 9:27, the signing of which leads the Israelis to believe they are living in true peace and to let down their guard, to live in unwalled villages as noted in Ezekiel 38. Such an eventual event will be the beginning of the Tribulation. We do not know when that will of course happen, for not all Arab countries have signed on and surely Israelis do not think they are living in true peace. But also surely we are moving toward that moment.
CORONAVIRUS – You might wonder why I haven’t already written about this worldwide scourge and horror – about the terrible disease and the truths and lies of that, about the outrageous behavior of some politicians and governors and national leaders using this disease for political purposes, about the whole world being locked down, about the notorious behavior of the media in scaring people so, about the great question of whether this was the right thing to do, about the very likely intentional actions of the Chinese government in the development of this disease and its getting loose on the world . I haven’t written of that here because I’ve written so much before. And because I did not want you all to get distracted from all else that is happening in these last days in line with prophesy. Surely coronavirus is one of the great horrors and also great scandals in the history of humankind. Truth has been the greatest victim of this pandemic.
September 2020
Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
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