It’s time. If we are to have that end times revival there has been so much talk about for so long, we need to get going.
Time is indeed running out. The Lord indeed is coming soon.
Surely you can now see in the daily actions of so many famous and regular everyday people that a great number is just lost. Look at the news. Listen to the words of people. Lost. Lost. Lost.
Most people as you can clearly see do not truly know the Lord and will not be going with him when he comes to collect his sheep – not unless something changes.
Jesus himself made the point it is a “few” who find the narrow road to life. A “few.” I looked up the word translated “few” in the original Greek, at least as close as I could get to that. It does indeed mean few.
Still, we can work to help in God’s leading more and more to a saving knowledge of Jesus, so that few can be as big a number as possible. We are the people God can use to make some changes.
Just think for a minute. Be quiet in the presence of God and think. All the people you know. With the ability and discernment God has given you, how many can you truly say will be going with the Lord when he returns? How many are truly born anew, filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit (Paul says the Holy Spirit is a guarantee of our salvation, like a mark of guarantee)? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you.
I know we can’t see into anyone to the extent the Lord can. I know we can’t truly determine specifically each person’s current fate.
But we surely can come close if we are true believers and utilize that great gift of discernment.
And we most surely can discern persons who do not live in any way as if Jesus is their Lord, as if they have been born again, as if they are true believers.
So what are we going to do to help in God’s leading others to Jesus?
Get the gospel message out to as many as we can as the Holy Spirit guides. Ask the Spirit to orchestrate occasions, encounters, meetings, so that we might have effective discussions on Jesus and the gospel with others.
For those that seem so closed or distant, get them material. Send them our WAKE UP AMERICA book for example, or maybe some of our appropriate CDs. Just think – if they never come to know Jesus before he comes to collect his sheep, they very well may turn to read this book or listen to CDs after that happens and they find themselves in the Tribulation.
If you have a truly effective church meeting, take others with you if they will go.
Get a group of believers together in person or online to pray regularly for the lost – by name as possible – and also to pray for an end times revival.
And don’t be so concerned about offending someone. Remember the Lord’s words about blessed are those who are not offended at me?
I cannot tell you the number of times over the years that the Lord has said to me “What does it matter what other people think?” That’s a hard one for all of us who want to get along with others and especially our family members and friends. But if you do not do something to help them, maybe no one will. Maybe you are where you are for this purpose.
The Lord Jesus has said we can do the same things he did, even greater. So aside from all the things you can think you might do, helping in God’s leading people to be born again, to accept Jesus as Lord is surely a great thing.
Remember Jesus said no one can come to him unless the Father draws that person to Jesus. A good prayer always is to ask Father God to draw some specific person to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
October 2020
Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
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