Saturday, August 29, 2020


I hope you will read this through to the end.  We are at that time I have spoken so much about over the years.  It was thirty years ago that God came into my car and called me away from the life I had been pursuing.  No longer would I be an international business executive but rather someone following the Lord and doing whatever he said and going wherever he led.

Over the years we have seen all sorts of signs and wonders, such as the healing miracles with which many of you are familiar.  I would have been happy just to continue to hold healing services. Many of you have seen or experienced the joy of God’s divine healing.  And then there were other miracles I have shared with you, how he orchestrated my meeting all sorts of his generals or going forward in various ministry ways.

Then came that moment in 2005 while I was preaching to a group in Wilmington NC.  Right in my ear the Lord said “John, tell them who I am and that I am coming soon.”  Well, we had been telling people about Jesus but now I began more and more focusing on the return as well.  And the Lord over time has revealed more and more about that return – in late conversations in the middle of the night, in dreams and visions, and through other people like the Nigerian pastor who received a long word from the Lord about me and thankfully shared it.

So over the years I have spoken and written more and more about Jesus’ imminent return.  Years ago he had asked me to write WAKE UP AMERICA, and I had tried.  Finally after years of revelations and experiences, that book was written and came out a couple years ago.  I wish all of you had a copy.  I wish everyone had a copy.  People need to know the truths of where we are in God’s time and how the prophecies of things to happen before his return have happened.  But, alas, so many just are not interested or have a deaf ear.

In recent months events have escalated leading up to his return.  A few months ago the Lord guided me through a dream to the fact that we only have hours.  In other words, while for a long time we had talked in terms of the last “days,” now we should talk in terms of the last “hours.”  How many we have left before he comes to collect his believers I do not know, but I do know it is very very soon. 

Any of you who have not gotten a copy of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! I encourage to get one, because I cannot reproduce here all the prophecies fulfilled and all the description of what is about to happen and what you need to know.  You can get that book from our ministry or from Amazon.

Perhaps the greatest thing and most obvious thing to happen since the book came out is the great explosion in deception and delusion in our society.  Huge numbers now go about acting and believing and doing things that believers know are wrong, are not true, are not only against God’s law but also against the Constitution and the foundations of the United States.  Yet – and this is most shocking – many senior leaders of the nation have not only not recognized this but have taken steps to aid and support frightening anarchic groups bent on destroying the nation.  How do I know that is their goal?  Because they say it is.

Back before WWII Hitler told of his plans, but the world did not listen.  Well, now, these violent truly criminal groups are destroying buildings, monuments, memorials, businesses, and even people, so all that is obvious evidence of what they are doing, yet so many leaders have not taken the steps of their absolute responsibility to protect the people. 

The fundamental reason for the existence of a government is the protection of the people.  That is first and foremost.  Many governors and mayors in recent weeks and months have failed this test.  So too a great number of Congressmen and Senators.  It has been shocking to those who know the history of America and know the role the country has played in such gigantic world events as WWI and WWII and the moon landing and countless other efforts to help other people and countries to realize there are large groups of people who understand nothing of that and in fact see America as a great evil.  It has been a slow realization on the part of many to understand that many of our young people have been in universities and colleges where they were literally brainwashed in this regard.

For some time now many have been concerned about the so-called “woke” society and the “cancel culture,” that view from the left  to do away with basic views and words and other things of society they do not agree with and to not listen or discuss opposing viewpoints.  But most did not know this had gotten to the point of wanting to tear down society and to not even be able to recognize the greatness of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Columbus, and so on. 

Early this summer the horrible murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis instantly brought about protests and demonstrations rightfully against police brutality in that situation.  And most right thinking people saw that death as horrible and realized there should be some changes.  But while people were thinking about this, suddenly the protests turned horribly violent, so violent that people of all races were shocked.  No right thinking people in America want to destroy the country!  This is still the greatest nation on earth in terms of individual freedoms and opportunity.   Hundreds of thousands come into the country every year, some legally, some illegally.  Why do they come?  Because they recognize how wonderful America is in comparison to other nations.  You don’t see hundreds of thousands trying to get into Russia or China or Cuba or one of the Middle Eastern countries do you?  Of course not.

Now that this violence has been permitted to continue for so long, we also see other expanded individual and group violence in cities throughout the country.  Murders are way up in NY City for example.  Chicago continues with horrible murders and shootings every weekend. 

What we are witnessing right now is the spread of a massive delusion over large numbers of people, that following great deception in the educational system and elsewhere for so many years.  We now have a large number of persons bent on destruction.  They don’t in some cases know what they are destroying.  As someone said, they just hate and are angry.

In some cities and states where the violent groups amidst the protestors destroyed businesses and took over police facilities and harmed and even killed several, liberal governors and mayors responded by not protecting the great majority of the citizens of all races but rather allowed the destruction to continue and even announced support for the violent groups, inaccurately calling it peaceful protests.

It is now sadly apparent that many from the “woke” world or “cancel culture” world have been elected to high positions of government.  Either that is true or these governors and mayors are incredibly spineless individuals.  They are not going to protect the citizens nor the Constitution nor society.

This has been shocking to most Americans.  Equally shocking has been the deafening silence of the Democrats and of many Republicans in Congress.  Where are they?  Are they too in this deluded group?

We have seen some actions by the presidency and the administration to provide support for law and order, but only in limited ways in a couple cities.  I would remind everyone that back in 1957 when there was serious unrest in Arkansas, President Eisenhower sent in the 101st airborne division of the military!

I expect a lot more from our elected leaders than we have seen.  It is obvious that many of the governors and mayors were not fit nor qualified to hold their positions.  Of course, the absolute responsibility for this comes down to the population who voted them in.  Americans for the most part have never like politics and pay little attention to matters of government.  Well now this attitude has come home to roost.  The foxes have taken over the henhouse.

In a spiritual sense, we have these points to make:
1)      Jesus’ first and primary warning about the time in which we live is that we should watch not to be deceived (Luke 21:8 and elsewhere).  Deception is rampant in our nation.  These violent groups are obviously deceived, as are so many in the state governments and in the national media who support this wild behavior.  Many church leaders are deceived as well.  I hear many talking about dealing with civil rights concerns, racial issues, but the fact dear friends is that these rioting anarchists are not interested in civil rights.  They are not interested really in changing the laws or modifying the police.  They are first and foremost interested in tearing down society.  That is a communist, socialist approach to life.  The goal is destruction, not modification.

2)      Scripture tells us in II Thessalonians 2:10-12 that as we get deeper and deeper into the last days God will send a spirit of delusion to people who just have refused to accept the truth (i.e., Jesus, the gospel, salvation).  So the point is that at some point God’s patience does run out.  I had first thought this would happen early in the Tribulation period after the Antichrist had become active, but it is obvious now there is a great spirit of delusion active in this world.  These “woke, cancel culture,” violent anarchic groups wreaking havoc on our cities right now while pretending to be part of a legitimate protesting group are full of deluded people.  They cannot see the truth.  They cannot hear it.  It is obviously impossible to have a rational discussion with them.

3)      Beyond the above two points, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 stresses the rise in lawlessness in this time and II Thessalonians 2:3 the falling away from God which is so evident.
Obviously Satan must be enjoying all this.  He and his minions are working extremely hard in these last days to destroy as many lives as possible, to keep as many as possible out of the Kingdom of God.

Here is what will be happening in the coming period leading up to the return of the Lord and why it is happening:

As some of you know, in the Tribulation period there is a leader of evil called the Antichrist.  Somehow he is so appealing initially that he is able to take over many nations.  He seeks to take over the world and run a one-world government.  At the midpoint of the Tribulation he takes up residence in the temple in Jerusalem.  He has an assistant called the false prophet who works to put together a one world church.

Now there are many in the world and in the United States who think that government always knows best.  They would like to take away individual freedoms and turn most things over to the government.  That point of view is opposite to the fundamentals of America.  If there is to be a one world government, America must be changed.  It must be weakened.  Its people must change.  A weakened America might eventually be willing to submit to a one world government, something the historical USA would have never done.

That is the objective of the devil in all this mess today – the continued building of the one-world government.  Not only are the violent demonstrators deluded and deceived, so too are many incredibly wealthy people and many academics and bureaucrats, all who apparently would be willing to move in that direction.  And apparently quite a few officials in high positions.

I think this is all going to happen so very fast.  Look at how the population of the USA was cowed and readily submitted into staying at home and staying away from social gatherings where we might have all discussed what was happening and come to a better understanding!  Look at how we are all cowed even further by now wearing masks wherever we go, so we cannot see people’s expressions and sometimes have difficulty understanding them, so we look almost like aliens to each other.  This coronavirus disease has had a great effect in setting the country and the world up for a one-world government.  Now this violence and anarchy in the USA adds another great blow.

All the while this is happening the true believers in Christ are even further isolated, in their homes, apart from others.  Some churches are back meeting but many are not willing to go right now.  Attacks on churches have increased greatly and statues of Jesus and Mary have been damaged in several places.

These attacks happen elsewhere in the world too, as well as the tearing down of statues and the sheltering of people in their homes.  In England, for example, a statue of Winston Churchill of all people was torn down.  No one did more to save England in WWII than Winston Churchill!  When asked why he was doing this, a person tearing down the statue said he did not know why.  That is likely the answer of all the people doing the tearing down.  They just hate.  They are angry.  They are deceived and confused.

Along with the Antichrist this false prophet mentioned above has a major role.  He does perform signs and wonders in support of the Antichrist.  This government of the Antichrist requires people to have a mark on their forehead or hand so they can participate in commerce – so they can even buy food for example.  Notice all the efforts today of high tech firms and wealthy individuals and others to come up with ways to track people, to mark people.

Notice also how far down the road the move to a one-world religion has gone.  Just recently the Pope called for every Muslim, every Buddhist, every Christian, every person in every other religion, to pray to his or her own god for an end to the coronavirus.  That is about as lost as one can be.  There is only one God.  These other religions are as false as they can be.  And any gods there would be demonic.

Again I encourage you to get the book and read more of all that is going to happen and the specific steps.  There is even an appendix with six or more pages of characteristics of the Antichrist and the false prophet listed.

Basically, the situation will continue to deteriorate.  I know believers and those with great love for America and the Constitution will strive to stand up.  I do hope that we believers and all who love America will be successful in keeping the country from completely falling apart so that it and we will still be standing and fighting for the side of the Lord when he comes to get us.

Paul says the Day of the Lord will not come until there is a falling away from God and the man of lawlessness – the Antichrist – is identified.  The falling away from God has been going on for some time now and is escalating.  At the same time, hopefully, people will continue to come to Christ.

At some point before long an agreement will be signed with the nation of Israel, with the Jews, that they will believe brings them true peace.  The USA and others have been pressing a new agreement in the Middle East for some time; I don’t think we are yet at the point of having an agreement the Jews will believe brings them true peace, but that should and could be very soon.
Whenever that agreement is signed, the Tribulation will begin (Daniel 9:27).  One other nugget of information here:  the person leading the signing of that agreement will be the Antichrist.  So when you see this happening, if you are still on earth, you will know who the Antichrist is.

I have long expected to see the Lord come to collect his believers right before or after that signing.  And I still expect that.  There are many scriptures (Revelation 3:10. Romans 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9, Luke 21:36) that make the point that believers were not appointed to suffer wrath.  And God’s wrath is what is poured out on the earth in the Tribulation period.  The last half of that period is referred to by some as the Great Tribulation.

If this taking away of believers by the Lord (called the rapture by many) does not happen right around the signing of the agreement or before, I expect it will surely happen during the early part of the Tribulation period.

There is much more about how Jesus collects his saints, such as that he sends out his angels to gather them, and you can read that in the book too.

Aside from all the horrible events of the Tribulation regarding the pouring out of God’s wrath, his judgment on the world described in Revelation from chapter 6-19, there still also remains the Gog-Magog war.  This is the attack on Israel from a group consisting of Russia, Iran, and Turkey, and more.  God defeats this attack instantly.  He just stops it and destroys the great bulk of the attacking forces.  This must be a great shock to those left on earth but you would hope it might wake a few up to become believers.  I expect this to happen very soon, before or after the signing of the agreement.

We are right at the end of the age. It is time to be ready to go.  If you can and as the Holy Spirit leads, do all you can to tell others about the gospel message and salvation…about Jesus!  So many of our churches still are not teaching about the return.  Maybe the pastors that are not are lost, do not have the revelation of the return, or prefer the approval of man over God and therefore do not want to upset people with the return information.  Sadly, the Bible points out teachers are held to a higher standard, so they will have to answer for their not teaching about the return and warning the people of this great event in human history.

But you know the truth.  You can tell others.  You can go forward.  Right now.
·       -  Please make sure you and yours are in a right relationship with God. 
·       Read the sections of the Bible so important to the return – Luke 21, Mark 13, Matthew 24, Daniel 9, Daniel 12, Revelation, Luke 17, Zechariah 14, and much more.  Ask God to guide your understanding of all this.
·        Get our book WAKE UP AMERICA! and read it!!!  Read the scripture references!
·      - Go to our website and go to the Return of Jesus Resources page listed in the Menu column on the home page
·       - Go to our blog and search on all the return subjects.  There are many there
·         - If anyone is interested, we will add them to our distribution list – no charge.
·       - Operate always in the gifts of the Spirit, especially the gift of discernment which is so important today.
·        - And stand up for Jesus whenever you can.!!!!!

Remember the great scripture:

If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all. – Isaiah 7:9

Putting this in modern English and applying it to our time right now, I would say this:
·            -  If you will not stand up for your culture, you will lose your culture.
·            -  If you will not stand up for your country, you will lose your country.
·        -  If you do not stand up for your life, you may indeed lose your life (your physical life – your spiritual life can never be lost if you are a true believer in Jesus, for Jesus has said he will never lose you).

Nobody ever said the last days would be easy.  Already they aren’t.  Already 2020 is the worst year I have seen for humanity in my life.  I do wonder just what the remaining months have in store.
And keep in mind the greatest stand up statement from the Bible:

 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
-          Jesus in Matthew 10:32-33
Why do you think God called you to be in the Kingdom led by his son?  Was it to sit and cower and be silent?  Hardly.  You are an adopted son of God, a member of the Kingdom of God.  Most people are not.  If you do not stand up for truth and do not speak out in this wicked world, who will? 

LOOKING AT THE TIMELINE FROM TODAY (some of these may happen simultaneously):
·         Increasing lawlessness and falling away from God.
        Jesus comes in the air to collect his believers.  A shofar is blown.  A shout is given.  Angels are sent out to gather the believers

·         An agreement is signed with the Jews, with Israel, one the Jews believe brings them peace.

·         The seven year Tribulation begins.
·         The Antichrist makes his appearance along with the false prophet.

·         Sometime early in the Tribulation the attack on Israel by Russia, Iran, and Turkey is turned aside by God.

·         The one world government comes more and more into being.

·         By the midpoint of the Tribulation the antichrist has taken up residence in the third temple in Jerusalem.  That temple is built during the first half of the Tribulation.

·         All the horrors described in Revelation 6 – 19 are poured out on the world during the Tribulation period.  All those humans still on the earth suffer from all this as well as the rule of the Antichrist and the false prophet.

·         Huge numbers of people are killed.

·         At the end of the Tribulation the armies of the world amass at Armageddon to face the Lord and his holy ones – his believers and his angels.

·         At Armageddon the armies of the world are totally destroyed by the sword in the mouth of the Lord – the word of God.  All the members of those armies are killed.  All.  No one is left.

·         At Armageddon the Antichrist and the false prophet are seized and thrown into the Lake of Fire.  Satan is seized and thrown into a pit for a thousand years.

·         The earth now continues, with the Lord’s rule from Jerusalem.  Details of this are not known although we know he is assisted in this by his believers. 

·         The population of the earth at the beginning of this thousand years is greatly reduced.  It is a mere fraction of what it was before the Tribulation.

·         How the members of God’s Kingdom will be utilized, what we will all be doing, is not specified, although the Lord has given us great guidance in his letters to the churches in Revelation.  For example, we know that Jesus gives his true believers who persevere until the end:
o   Hidden manna
o   White stone with new name on it known only to him who receives it
o   Authority over the nations
o   Acknowledgement of their name before God and angels
o   Never having their name blotted out of book of life
o   White clothes
o   The right to be a pillar in the temple of God
o   Name of God written on them
o   Right to sit with Jesus on his throne

                                                   Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
P. O. Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512       910 395 1465                          
Email:        Blog:   

Sunday, August 23, 2020


Here we are again, needing to take a stand against a terrible thing, needing to apply the truths and the authority the Lord has given us believers.  This time there are two serious storms threatening the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Storms Marco and Laura will likely be hurricane level when they reach shore if they continue on their current paths.  This obviously is a very concerning thing, having two storms back to back hitting the same area, in this case a very low lying area.

As I just wrote a few days ago, Jesus said believers can do the same thing he did, even greater.  He also said he would do whatever believers ask him in his name.  And the Father will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus’ name.  And that we can order mountains in our life away.  We can order them thrown into the sea. (See John 14:12-14; John 16:23; Mark 11:22-23).

The mountain right now for those living near the coast in these three states is the storms Marco and Laura.  It’s time right now once again to use these truths and the authority the Lord has given us and to put your faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just word! 

So I ask now everyone wherever you are to pray against these storms, to take a stand.  (I personally like to step outside and face south in this case, raising arm and hand with palm to the south, to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.)

All of you should declare:

In Jesus’ name, I order the storms named Marco and Laura to turn aside from land, to go out to sea and to diminish in power and disappear.  In Jesus’ name, I order these storms to touch no land and harm no people and no boats!

Be bold!  You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we could do.   Remember, he changed the weather.  

Do it now!

[One last note: One of the signs of the last days is people being frightened by the roaring and the tossing of the sea.  Certainly that is what the sea is doing here.  If these storms are part of that roaring and tossing sign, I do not know what might happen.  But I haven’t heard anything from God about these storms.  We all should use the tools the Lord has given us in all occasions unless he directs us otherwise.]

Thank you all and God bless you all.

                                                                                              (August 2020)
                                                                                              Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Friday, August 21, 2020


Jesus said believers can do the same thing he did, even greater.  He also said he would do whatever believers ask him in his name.  And the Father will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus’ name.  And that we can order mountains in our life away.  We can order them thrown into the sea.

Well, with all that authority, isn’t it time for all believers to step out and use the authority God has given us?

However you wish, wherever you are, take authority and speak in Jesus’ name against this disgusting covid-19 coronavirus disease.

First, certainly, never forget all the tools God has given us to protect ourselves and those we love.  Put on the armor of God always.  Thank him for the angels he has sent to serve you, including their protecting you.  In Jesus’ name, cast away from you and others all demons, all evil spirits.

Then go on the offensive.  In Jesus’ name order covid-19 coronavirus away from you and your family.  Order this virus away from your neighborhood and your relatives, your friends, even from the whole world.

You are God’s children.  He did not leave you powerless!  And he did not leave you without guidance either, real-time guidance through the Holy Spirit.

We have an amazing God, an amazing Savior and Lord, and an amazing Holy Spirit.  Live the believer’s life that was intended.  Our gospel is a gospel of power, not just of words.

[Scriptural references:  John 14:12-14; John 16:23; Mark 11:22-24; Hebrews 1:14, Ephesians 6:10-18; Mark 16:17]
                                                                                           August 2020
                                                                                           Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

PLEASE: Forward this article by email to others.  Copy or print and give printed copies to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465   

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. – Daniel 9:27 NIV

So we have just now seen another step on the way to Daniel 9:27.  Israel has signed a peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates.  Way back in 1978 you should all remember Israel and Egypt signed a landmark peace agreement.  Then in 1994 Israel and Jordan did the same.  Now after all these years we see another step, but this apparently will not be the only step.

This signing with the United Arab Emirates has brought surprisingly positive comments from several quarters in the Middle East.  It appears now there may soon be more signings.  The Sudan is one such possibility.

Evidently this agreement in Daniel 9:27 may in effect be made up of several smaller agreements that eventually come to form the whole that is the confirmed agreement.  We didn’t know that in the past but now the playing out of events is making this apparent.

So it appears a snowball effect may be about to happen with other Arab nations joining in.  We all refer to the Daniel 9:27 agreement as a peace agreement because elsewhere in Ezekiel 38-39 we find Israel living in unwalled villages – i.e., they obviously feel at peace because they don’t need protective walls around their villages.  How could they feel at peace but for this whole peace agreement being approved?  (And you know that is when the attack on Israel from Russia, Turkey, and Iran comes, an attack God himself repels dramatically.)

The confirming of the agreement in Daniel 9:27 begins the seven year Tribulation.  The one who confirms that agreement, who makes it happen, who brings it about, is the Antichrist.  In the middle of the ensuing seven years he ends the sacrifice and offering in the Temple in Jerusalem and sets up in the Temple an abomination that causes desolation until the end (that would be when he is captured at Armageddon at the end of the seven years and thrown into the Lake of Fire.).

This abomination is his declaring himself God, as we are told by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 he does.
No, as of right now at this moment I do not know who that individual is. Obviously you and others can speculate.  In not very long it will be apparent.

Dear Partners and Friends, I write all these things because the Lord back in 2005 told me to tell people who he is and that he is coming soon.  Not many years ago he guided me that the return of Jesus is my message now.  Nothing could be more important.  And for you, nothing can be more important than your personally knowing the Lord, being in right relationship with him, being alert for his return as he has indeed guided us, and of course doing whatever you can as guided by the Holy Spirit to help God lead others to Christ.
                                                                                       August 2020
                                                                                       Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

PLEASE: The time is short and so many do not know.  Forward this article by email to others.  Copy or print and give printed copies to whomever you would.

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P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Monday, August 3, 2020


The Southeast United States and indeed all the Atlantic Coast states from Florida up to New England are again being threatened by an approaching storm, this time named Isaias by the meteorologists.  For a while it has not appeared clearly just how strong the storm is, but now it seems it is borderline hurricane 1 and may be at that level when and if it comes ashore in the Carolinas as forecasted. Currently it is offshore Florida.  In the past we have all seen just how much damage a storm of this size can do.

But we believers know what Jesus said about all this.   In John 14:12-14 Jesus said those who believe in him will do the same things he had been doing, even greater.  He said that he would do whatever we ask him in his name.  He also said over in John 16:23 that Father God will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus’ name.

In Mark 11:22-23 Jesus made the point that anyone who has faith in God can say to their mountain “go and throw yourself into the sea,” and if they believe and do not doubt, it will be done as they have said.  The mountain for those living along the Southeast coast especially but indeed the full Atlantic coast of the US today is the storm Isaias.

It’s time right now once again to focus on these verses and to put your faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just word!  It is these verses and others that lead us to realize that in Jesus all things are possible.

What did Jesus do?  He healed the sick.  He also changed the weather.  And much more.    And he says we can do the same things as he.

Well, we do.  People do receive their healing!  And the weather is changed!

We have certainly seen hurricanes turn aside in the past and/or diminish in power when we and others took that bold stand and action in Jesus’ name, and we have faith and expect that now.  Remember in 2018 when hurricane Florence dropped from a category 4 to a category 1 almost immediately just before hitting land!  Remember hurricane Ophelia several years ago when it came right up to the Southeastern North Carolina shore but could not come ashore, remaining off the coast for a week before turning to go north.
So I ask now everyone wherever you are to use these truths to pray against this storm, to take a stand.  (I personally like to step outside and face southeast in this case, raising arm and hand with palm to the southeast, to the Atlantic Ocean.)

All of you should declare:

In Jesus’ name, I order the storm named Isaias to turn aside from land, to go out to sea and to diminish and disappear.  In Jesus’ name, I order that storm to touch no land and harm no people and no boats!

Be bold!  You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we could do.  Remember, he changed the weather.  He stopped storms.

Do it now!

Thank you all and God bless you all.
                                                                                              (August 2020)
                                                                                              Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27512
tel 910 395 1465