Wednesday, August 19, 2020


He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. – Daniel 9:27 NIV

So we have just now seen another step on the way to Daniel 9:27.  Israel has signed a peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates.  Way back in 1978 you should all remember Israel and Egypt signed a landmark peace agreement.  Then in 1994 Israel and Jordan did the same.  Now after all these years we see another step, but this apparently will not be the only step.

This signing with the United Arab Emirates has brought surprisingly positive comments from several quarters in the Middle East.  It appears now there may soon be more signings.  The Sudan is one such possibility.

Evidently this agreement in Daniel 9:27 may in effect be made up of several smaller agreements that eventually come to form the whole that is the confirmed agreement.  We didn’t know that in the past but now the playing out of events is making this apparent.

So it appears a snowball effect may be about to happen with other Arab nations joining in.  We all refer to the Daniel 9:27 agreement as a peace agreement because elsewhere in Ezekiel 38-39 we find Israel living in unwalled villages – i.e., they obviously feel at peace because they don’t need protective walls around their villages.  How could they feel at peace but for this whole peace agreement being approved?  (And you know that is when the attack on Israel from Russia, Turkey, and Iran comes, an attack God himself repels dramatically.)

The confirming of the agreement in Daniel 9:27 begins the seven year Tribulation.  The one who confirms that agreement, who makes it happen, who brings it about, is the Antichrist.  In the middle of the ensuing seven years he ends the sacrifice and offering in the Temple in Jerusalem and sets up in the Temple an abomination that causes desolation until the end (that would be when he is captured at Armageddon at the end of the seven years and thrown into the Lake of Fire.).

This abomination is his declaring himself God, as we are told by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 he does.
No, as of right now at this moment I do not know who that individual is. Obviously you and others can speculate.  In not very long it will be apparent.

Dear Partners and Friends, I write all these things because the Lord back in 2005 told me to tell people who he is and that he is coming soon.  Not many years ago he guided me that the return of Jesus is my message now.  Nothing could be more important.  And for you, nothing can be more important than your personally knowing the Lord, being in right relationship with him, being alert for his return as he has indeed guided us, and of course doing whatever you can as guided by the Holy Spirit to help God lead others to Christ.
                                                                                       August 2020
                                                                                       Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

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