Friday, December 20, 2024

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 7:21

[No subject is more important than how a person gets into the Kingdom of God, into Heaven.  Below is an article from a newsletter three years ago that focused specifically on this.  I think it is time right now to post it again here.]

Some consider the title above the most frightening verse in the Bible. I expect you haven’t heard any sermons preached on this one, have you? 

 For a very long time in our modern day, the churches have doted on the fact that a person has to do nothing to be in Heaven, in the Kingdom of God, other than just believe in Jesus. 

 Well, certainly, a person physically does not have to do anything to be in Heaven, in the Kingdom. Jesus paid the price for each of us to get there. That is the basis for the statement that it is by grace we have been saved and not by works. 

 But Jesus did say several verses that bear on being in the Kingdom of God. In the Bible, all these verses have to be considered. They are all said by Jesus. We have to put them all together. You can’t just read one and ignore the others. You can’t pick and choose scripture. 

There is the most famous verse in the Bible – John 3:16 – 16 

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

I have said over and over in so many paces that this “belief” here is solid belief, like you believe there is enough oxygen in the room in which you are living to keep you alive; otherwise, you would be running out the door. In other words, absolute belief. Not that modern way we often use the word believe in normal conversation, which is much weaker. 

But then there is this fundamental verse, the one Jesus said when he was speaking to Nicodemus in John 3:5:

  “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 

So there has to be a real spiritual rebirth. Back in John 1 the writer notes that it is as if God himself becomes our father. In fact, the Good News Translation actually says that directly: 

Some, however, did receive him and believed in him; so he gave them the right to become God's children. 13 They did not become God's children by natural means, that is, by being born as the children of a human father; God himself was their Father. (Good News Translation) – Emphasis added by me. 

And then we have the verse in the title. This is said in a section where people have come to tell Jesus all they have been doing in his name. Unfortunately for them, he says he never knew them. So they don’t get into the Kingdom obviously. They may have been doing good works but they missed the point. They weren’t doing the will of God. They didn’t focus on knowing Jesus. Here is the full section from which the title was taken: 

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ – Matthew 7 

 Now if that isn’t disturbing enough, there is one more verse in Matthew 18: 

2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 

 In other words, a person must be as innocent and believing as a little child. 

So we have several key scriptures right out of the mouth of Jesus himself, reported to us by the disciples John and Matthew. Pretty good witnesses, I’d say. 

Yes, we of course must have absolute belief. But we also must live to fulfill God’s will as we understand it. And we must be born again, born anew. We must have that new spirit in us. We have to become the new creation Paul refers to when he says in 2 Corinthians 5 that the old has gone and the new has come. 

This is all serious business indeed! Really serious. 

Just going and sitting in a church week after week and hearing sermons does not do it. And just saying you believe in Jesus apparently on its own is not enough, at least not unless you have that rock solid belief. I fear so many of those who think they are Christians are going to have a big surprise soon. Back to the title scripture. Just how does anyone do the will of God? Well, I think Jesus put it best when he said these two scriptures: 

14 You are my friends if you do what I command. – John 15:14  

15 “If you love me, keep my commands.– John 14:15 3 

Basically, do what Jesus tells you to do if you want to be his friend and if you love him. I would think that would fit in with doing God’s will. 

If you have the Holy Spirit living in you, if you have been baptized with the Spirit, you want to do God’s will and you will generally know that in the situations you encounter. That all comes with being born again and being filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit. 

I wrote about what it takes to get into Heaven in Chapter 11 in our book WAKE UP AMERICA! And we produced a CD on that and also did two television programs titled “Getting into Heaven” which you can watch on YOUTUBE and our website. It’s an incredibly important subject, not one to be ignored. And surely not at this time. 

Only two real groups of people are on earth now: Those who know Jesus and already are his believers, members of the Kingdom of God, and those who don’t and aren’t. This second group is lost. Unless something happens that opens the eyes of people in this second group so they can see the truth and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they are not going to have a good future. KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS!

Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin


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P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, November 27, 2024



I thought this year we should all look again at the history of Thanksgiving in the US:
Throughout the 1700’s individual colonies evidently held periodic days or times of thanksgiving.  Thomas Jefferson did this while governor of Virginia.
In 1777 right in the middle of the Revolutionary War the Colonial Congress recommended a day of thanksgiving.
In 1789, the first year of the first presidency of the US under the new Constitution, George Washington issued a proclamation establishing a day of thanksgiving that year.  Here are a few of his words from the proclamation: 
  • it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour…
  • I do recommend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be…
  • we may … unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions
Abraham Lincoln finally established legally the annual holiday we observe on the fourth Thursday of November each year.  Here are a few words from his proclamation:
I do …invite my fellow citizens …to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.
May all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and offer thanks then – and everyday – just as these great past leaders of the nation led the nation in doing. 
November 2024
Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, November 20, 2024



That is a question I expect on the minds of many believers.  We are so very close to the return of the Lord.  And now we see a bold change in the government of the US that will surely lead to a move away from the trend to the one world government that was so well underway.  A very few other places have had a similar change in government, such as Argentina, but not many.  The UN, the World Economic Forum, and others all continue to work towards the one-world government.
So what does this mean?  Still and most obviously, we all should be alert to all that is happening as the Lord has warned us in Luke 21:36, and be ready to go when he comes.
Beyond that, let me say that nothing has changed regarding our being so close to the return of Jesus.  All those prophecies fulfilled, everything is still in line for that.  His coming to collect his sheep could happen anytime.
Here are some interesting insights regarding the newly elected government in the US:
  • There seems to be some talk about encouraging the building of the third temple in Jerusalem. Well, that does need to be ready by the middle of the Tribulation when the antichrist comes to take up residence there, but that building could all happen during the early years of the Tribulation.  Still, it is interesting to hear this being discussed!

  • The newly nominated secretary of defense himself has spoken of the need to build the temple on a specific spot on the temple mount.
  • The newly appointed ambassador to Israel under the new administration is a strong supporter of Israel, as are several in the new administration

  • Likely, we shall see a return to the efforts of the previous Trump administration to bring about a peace accord with Israel and its many neighbors. You may remember the successful Abraham accords that brought some Arab nations  to an improved relationship with Israel.
  • In the election on November 5, the overwhelming number of evangelical Christians voted for President Trump. Similarly, the great number of Catholics voted for President Trump.  But, sadly and shockingly, the overwhelming number of Jews in the US voted for the losing side, the socialist government that was leading the US into the one-world government and that does not strongly support Israel.  It seems inconceivable, but then we have to realize these people do not know Jesus.  And for that matter, so many are not even serious Jews, rather being ethnic Jews.  Well, the time of their coming face to face with truth is near at hand, just not yet.
All this is interesting surely.  But then you and I know a bit more.  We know that once a true peace agreement is signed by Israel that the people believe in so much they live in unwalled villages, the seven year Tribulation begins.  In fact, it begins the moment that agreement is signed.  And the individual who clearly leads that to come about is the antichrist.
We also have noticed all the interaction between Russia and Turkey and Iran in recent years.  All that is leading up to their attack on Israel in the Ezekiel 38-39 war, an attack that is obviously repelled by God in a way all should recognize his hand.  That attack will happen early in the Tribulation period, for the people are living in unwalled villages when it occurs the Bible says.
I do have one other overriding comment:  the new administration is not yet in office.  It seems an eerily quiet period in the US.  We all should be praying for peace and safety for all involved as this goes forward.
We should still expect the Lord’s return to collect his believers before the beginning of the Tribulation, for as we have noted so many times, in several places the Bible notes we were not appointed to suffer wrath.  Besides, the antichrist will not be free on earth to work to bring about the famous peace agreement that begins the Tribulation unless the true CHURCH, the true believers, have been taken out of the way. 
Keep your eyes on Jesus.  At all times.  Pray in the Spirit.  Seek his guidance.  Remember, the Holy Spirit guides you into all truth, tells you things yet to come, and reminds you of things Jesus has said to you.  If you don’t know the Holy Spirit and his gifts, pray to receive that and the baptism of the Spirit.  If possible, ask a Spirit-filled believer to pray for you for this.  Or contact us and we can pray for you over the telephone.
November 2024 
Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024




This very unpleasant election in America is about to reach the end – of the formal voting at least.  Early voting has already begun in many places and the final official election day is just a few days off.

The contrast between the two major candidates and between the two major parties could not be greater.  One is based more on traditional American values from the Bible and the Constitution.  The other seeks to remake the nation into a socialist society with great attention to race and gender and restrictions on fundamental Constitutional rights such as free speech.  It seems to many a contest of whether the America most citizens over 40 have known all their lives survives or the nation turns the direction of other failed socialist states, a move apparently orchestrated by the evil one to make this great nation part of the soon arriving one world government.

Having said all that, I want to make sure that all believers realize these truths:

  • The Lord Jesus is and will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords no matter who wins any human election.
  • The Bible is true.  The words of God are inerrant.  They are infallible.
  • Believers in Jesus Christ always seek to do his father’s will.  That is one of the fundamental requirements to be in the Kingdom.  Jesus actually said that.
  • In the presidential election in the US we the people are not choosing a perfect person or leader.  None of the candidates qualify for that!  We are just trying to select the best candidate to lead a secular government.  Regardless of what we think of a person’s personality or whether we would want to hang out with them, we must choose the best of the candidates. 

Surely a believer in the Lord Jesus should vote, and they should vote for the candidate that is most based on the values Jesus and his father have presented to mankind.  The election is pretty clear if you want to help the US fight to continue the traditional values and not slide to a position of extreme weakness as the Tribulation begins.  Remember, you may not be here during the Tribulation, but some of your relatives, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and associates will surely be.  

October 2024 

Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin


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P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465

Wednesday, October 2, 2024



There will be fearful events, Jesus said of our time.  People will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea, he said.
All that just happened.  No one on the west coast of Florida, the Gulf Coast side, ever expected the storm Helene to have serious impact on them.  It was over a hundred miles away and supposedly heading north to come ashore in the panhandle area of Florida.  Then suddenly there was the many feet of storm surge and terrible destruction of cities and houses on that west coast.
Far away, five hundred miles north, in the mountains of NC people were living in Asheville and Boone and smaller towns like Chimney Rock and many more.  Five hundred miles!  Hurricanes were for the coast surely.  But not so this time.  Helene arrived at an area already saturated with many inches of rain.  And it just poured more on.  Then a flood ensued unlike anything anyone living had ever seen.  Massive destruction and loss of life.  We still don’t know the full extent.  The rescuers haven’t gotten everywhere to check it all out yet.  Too many trees down, not like we are used to seeing – a tree here or there.  No, this is piles of trees all together that take long, long periods to remove.  Buildings and cars wrecked and piled up.  Hundreds of roads damaged and cut off.  Bridges out.   And hundreds of people still missing.
The flood is of Biblical proportions some say.
Some try to compare it to the great flood there in 1916 but of course no one was around then.
And at the same time this is happening Iran sends many missiles into Israel, and the Middle East is turbulent indeed.  And the Ukraine war just continues.  Nation against nation.  Wars and rumors of wars.
Final signs.  These are part of the final signs.  Jesus outlined events of the last days.  Those days are here.
We are at the time of the Lord’s return.  Most people just do not know.  Serious believers know if they are paying attention.  Not anyone else. 
So we wait to hear his command, the angel’s shout, and the trumpet.  And we will be off, leaving behind huge numbers of people who do not know Jesus, including no doubt a significant number who thought they were Christians but were not born again, not born of water and the spirit as Jesus said was a requirement.  They had been let down by their church or by their own thinking.  They did not do the will of Jesus’ father.  They did not have the same innocent faith as little children.  And evidently they just did not truly believe.  So many in their churches and in some places their pastors themselves will be left behind.
Time.  It’s time.  You can continue to try to wake people up, to tell people the truth.  Lots just don’t want to be bothered.  They don’t want to hear.  Lots already have been caught in the deception of the evil one and even have fallen into delusion.  Some have just never paid attention or apparently even been able to hear the truth of God.  Many others get angry and protest in cities and universities for anti-god causes although they can’t understand they are on the wrong side,  They line up in support of vicious and blind opponents of the Jews and they support the LGBTQ movement in all its ramifications.  They are spiritually lost and will live in the Tribulation.
We believers all have to keep in mind that only God the Father can draw anyone to Jesus.  We can’t.  We can speak to others about Jesus and the gospel and the return.  We can pray for God the Father to draw these people to Jesus.  But then we have to let God be God.
Soon.  Soon the Lord will be here.  And we believers will be gone.  Comfort yourselves also with realization that some come to know the Lord during the horrible Tribulation period.  In Revelation John the disciple sees countless Tribulation saints in Heaven.
I don’t know how many more storms like Helene will occur or how extensive the wars will become or how many other natural or human disasters will occur before Jesus arrives.  Hopefully none.  One thing is for certain.  He will be here soon.
Another thing is certain too:
Some things are now happening on earth we have little or no control over.  Not all, just some.  I think we still apply the power of prayer in all situations and use the authority Jesus has given us at all times.  But just realize there may be moments that possibly we can’t change.  Jesus is coming indeed at the appointed time.  That time is set.  And it is soon.
                                                                                       October  2024
                                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
For more on Jesus’ imminent return, go to the Return Resources Page on our website.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Here we are again needing to apply the truths and the authority the Lord has given us believers to take a stand against a dangerous storm.  This time it is hurricane Helene in the Gulf of Mexico which seems to be targeting landfall in the panhandle of Florida, with serious impact also on western Florida,  and then movement on up through Georgia and eastern Alabama into South Carolina, western North Carolina, Tennessee, and even Kentucky.  Already this is a real hurricane and is projected to be a major one, but of course we can pray against that!
Remember, Jesus said believers can do the same thing he did, even greater.  He also said he would do whatever believers ask him in his name.  And the Father will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus' name.  And that we can order mountains in our life away.  We can order them to throw themselves into the sea (See John 14:12-14; John 16:23: Mark 11:22-23).
The mountain right now for those living in the target areas is the storm Helene.  It's time right now once again to use these truths and the authority the Lord has given us and to put our faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just words!
I ask everyone wherever you are to pray against this storm, to take a stand (I personally like to step outside and face in the direction of the storm, raising arm and hand with palm to the storm.  For most of us, that direction would be facing south or southeast at this time.).
In your own words, declare something like this: 
In Jesus' name, I order the hurricane named Helene to turn aside from land, to stay at sea and to diminish in power and disappear.  In Jesus’ name, rain and wind cease!  In Jesus' name, I order Helene to harm no people and animals, no land, buildings, or boats.  And in Jesus’ name, I order no flooding and no storm surge! 
Be bold! You can put this in your own words, but that is what Jesus said we can do.  Remember, he changed the weather.
Do it now!
                                                                                 September 2024
                                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465




Some years ago in a difficult time I was lying on the floor at home praying.
God suddenly spoke to me:  “You know how much I love Jesus?  That’s how much I love you.”
His presence and love were intense.
I think I knew that before, but this was God the Father saying it directly to me.
Overwhelming.  I lay there overwhelmed.  Engulfed in him.
He loves all believers in Jesus the same way, you know.  The Bible actually says that (John 17:23).
God.  The focus of our lives above everything and everyone else.
Our role is to love God in return and keep him above everything else in our lives.
Jesus once said that Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:37).
 Of course we are to love all those people, just not more than Jesus.
Remember the ten commandments?  What is number one?  Just this:  You shall have no other Gods before me.
What is the way to God?  Through Jesus.
God – Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit.
There is nothing more important in life than knowing Jesus and being in the right relationship with him. 
                                                                            September 2024
                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465