Wednesday, July 15, 2020


We are living in a time of an increasingly visible and surprising display of evil.  Many, no doubt the majority, are still shocked and confused by it.  Some in authority think they know what is needed and they react by allowing violent behavior to run unchecked right in the midst of our cities, destroying property and meaningful statues and memorials and such, injuring and even in some cases killing people.  Some of these authorities display what seems to be remarkable spinelessness, even some key leaders.  And still others seek to change laws evidently in hopes of calming down the storm. 
As part of this evil there are random efforts to remove words and names and brands from the culture, and again some seek to placate and go along. 

And there continues this real sinister threatening behavior of this evil, challenging the pictures of “Jesus and his white European mother,” seeking reparations be paid, seeking to defund and destroy the police, the only really physical force on the ground in the cities that has forever been able to hold down the true criminal element among us.

And in all this those seeking to placate these evil forces find themselves never doing enough to placate, never being accepted in their actions.  And if they can ever admit it, they realize they don’t understand.

Of course they don’t.  They are going about trying to respond using rational thought processes of the past, even if they have seemed spineless and cowardly to most of the country.  Even if it has seemed they have left the mainstream citizens out to dry.

But they don’t understand.  They have thought that what is going on – at least initially they had thought this – is another step in the civil rights movement, an effort to address legitimate grievances and to get things changed.  That may have been true for some legitimate protesters.  But early in the protests a wild and apparently random rage appeared on the part of some people of both black and white color.  A violent group or groups arose, taking frightening action and proposing change that in no way lines up or agrees with the wishes or beliefs of most people in all races.  Their behavior is disturbing.  It seems insane.  More than seems.

And this bizarre behavior just continues on.  First the statues to be destroyed were of Confederate military heroes.  Well, regardless of how the mainstream viewed this, they could at least understand.  But then it moved to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and the destruction could not readily be understood.   Two of the greatest people to ever live.  And then on to Abraham Lincoln, the president who freed the slaves, and that made no sense to ordinary Americans!  Obviously this destruction really didn’t have to do with civil rights issues.  Obviously it was not to right racial wrongs.  Obviously something else was afoot.


Evil is afoot.

Statues of Stevie Ray Vaughn, a blues guitarist, and of Francis Scott Key who wrote the Star Spangled Banner and of Columbus, who brought the Western Hemisphere to the attention of the known world, were destroyed.

Makes no sense.  No, of course not.  This is evil.

There are demands to rename buildings in the universities and elsewhere, and demands to remove a famous movie or book from circulation, and demands to change the names of products famous and loved for decades.

Now the streets of major cities are getting more and more dangerous.  New York City, which had been remarkably safe for years, is becoming much more dangerous.  Murders are up greatly over last year at the same time.  And in Chicago so many are killed and shot every weekend, including little boys and girls. 

That Chicago thing is particularly revealing, isn’t it?  So many young black people killed.  But those thought to be leading a civil rights type movement could care less.  They spend no time on this.  Those people are not their focus.  All this it turns out is not a civil rights movement. 

And on we go.  The leader of the nation speaks out on issue after issue, and sometimes very well as at the Mt Rushmore speech, but the major newspapers and most of the news networks criticize him unmercifully and in some cases blatantly lie to the public, way beyond what we have ever seen.

This all does not make sense, does it.  On top of it all the nation has been struggling to fight some strange virus that came from China, following initially the guidance of some medical experts that has been changed quite a bit over the months.  In fact the original policies to deal with the virus were based on a faulty model from England that had the virus being fifteen or more times as deadly as it has been!  Individual governors have the control of their states, and some operate like autocrats while others choose not to do much of anything and their states have done remarkably well.  Much of the action of the governors and mayors in fact could be argued as not agreeing with the Constitution, such as having Americans stay home, closing down businesses, forced wearing of masks.  Yes, all these are subjects that truthfully could be debated.  And still it is obvious the “experts” still don’t know a great deal about what is happening with the virus. 

Perhaps most amazing about the virus is the fact that the death rate is extremely low.  Even though the death totals are a large number because the US has a large total population, they are nowhere near the number of deaths every year from heart disease (five times as many as this virus) or cancer (five times as many as this virus), and even just now are approaching deaths from each of several other illnesses or other things that kill many, such as respiratory, stroke, accidents.  Americans have never been given the straight scoop by their own governments on this.  Every night media blurt out almost proudly new case numbers but never mention that a case is just a positive test result, not a sick person.  Many positive case results never get sick, and of those who do a great number just have a mild illness at home.

Why do I talk about all this?

Because we are human beings and we are now under real serious stress and attack.  I just saw a doctor at a hospital in northern California say that the number of suicides these past few months has been far greater than the number of deaths from the virus.   This is all so very hard for everyone.  All of this is flat out evil.  All those violent physical attacks and threats discussed above cannot be understood by normal, rationally thinking people because they are random and not targeted.  They are not focused on one objective.  If those in authority give in to one of the demands of these unorthodox and violent groups, they will just move on to something else.  They really are not interested in the specific objectives.

What are they interested in?

Destruction.  Of the American culture and government and system.  Of the American approach to life.

That’s it.  Most Americans haven’t quite gotten to that point yet in understanding what is happening, but they will.  Most of the hapless leaders haven’t either, but they will, when they find their bending over and kneeling accomplished nothing.  And the corporate leaders who sold out their shareholders and America by funding this violence and adopting their slogans to their own tee shirts and such will find that out too.

Who would want such destruction?  In the great overall sense, Satan, the devil.  America must be brought down in power and influence so that it will join in the one world government that has been being developed for some time and soon will come into being, the government of the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness.

At the physical, merely human, world system level, the communists and socialists of the world want this destruction. 

And the virus?  Oh, that set the people up to living in great uncertainty, to being less secure and strong than they were, to accepting government orders to do things they normally would not such as giving up their rights and sheltering in place, not getting together with others to socialize and to discuss what is happening, not going to work, not having the activities they always enjoyed.  The virus set the background stage for the random and frightening disruption we have seen.  It was the perfect opening for all those wanting to destroy America.

Thankfully we are right at the end of this age in human history.  Thankfully very very soon the Lord will come to collect his believers.  And after he does much greater horrors than we have seen thus far will unfold on the earth.

What do Americans need now?

Americans need to know Jesus.  Truly know him. 

And what is going to happen now?

Ever more random disruption and violence and mayhem and confusion.  These next few months look exceedingly difficult.  When the Lord comes to collect his sheep, a wonderful outlook awaits believers.  But for the others, the majority on earth, there is not a good outlook.

As always in all things keep your eyes on Jesus.  As you can and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, stand up to falsehood, to evil.  Speak God’s truth in all situations.  Use the gifts he has given you.  Tell others about Jesus and the gospel message. Give them whatever material you may have that may help in God’s leading them to Jesus.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      July 2020
                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

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