Tuesday, June 16, 2020


For several years now we have looked specifically at the Biblical prophecies fulfilled regarding Jesus’ return and at the characteristics of these last days and what is soon to happen.  I have shared much from the revelations the Lord has given me directly and in dreams and visions.

We are now living in the very last of the last days, a period that will last for a time I do not know.  But I do think it is not long, for one message to me which I shared with you all recently was that we only have hours.  The question is of course how many hours.

Right now in America – and in the rest of the world – we are seeing all sorts of frightening things happen.  We must never forget that the United States is only 5% of the world’s population.  Jesus is not coming back just for Americans, so things must be happening in the rest of the world too that line up.  They are.  I am just focusing primarily on the US here.

One terrible thing that has happened to all countries these past few months is the covid-19 coronavirus attack.  The real horror of this is the lack of knowledge even our experts have on this virus.  Now initially the reports were so troubling that leaders shut down society, sent people home to stay – not just in the US or Europe but throughout the world.  The primary really bad impact was on major Western European countries and on the USA, which itself is very interesting.  Looking for significance in that we have to be cautious.  It is true that probably these nations had by far more travel and connection with the Chinese people from the initial infected areas there than other nations on earth.  Still, very interesting.

This virus continues to move along and now Brazil is having a real outbreak.  Many countries in Africa and some other areas seem not to have had major outbreaks although who knows how good the data is.

In the US the shutdown of the economy has brought disastrous results with millions out of work, a big fall in the economy, and really we don’t all know the full implications for what life has been like in many homes.  In many places people have not had the funds to pay key bills we know, and people have not gone to doctors and hospitals for other medical needs that they would normally have done (how many serious conditions have not been treated?  How many people have died that could have been saved?) .  And we don’t know how horrible it has been for dysfunctional families living together cooped up for a long time.  Or how difficult has it been for lower income people in inner cities living in tiny apartments for a long time?

Well we could go on with this.  Now some state governors have opened up their states while others remain very closed or limited in freedoms.  Some of this is really questionable.  Evidently there is no clear evidence as to what is the best policy in all this.  It seems highly questionable that some states with low coronavirus impact should be held tightly down while some large states open up and seem to do well. I think this is political, a real problem of our day and the end times.  It may not be that saving a “relatively” few lives was a justifiable reason to cause who knows how much grief and death from great economic hardship, the closure of thousands of businesses and livelihoods, and all the other problems hinted at above.

I do know from our own connections the hardship of the closures in other lower income nations.   Imagine being ordered to stay at home when you don’t know how to feed your family.  Such is the case in African and other developing nations of the world.

This virus has totally put America in upheaval, hasn’t it?  And then now we have the terrible murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the resulting protests that followed.  Unfortunately, some really anti-US groups seem to have jumped into the protests and the natural general grief outpouring that followed the murder and have created serious turmoil and violence.  Quite a few people – black, white, demonstrators, police, store owners, and more - were killed and injured  throughout the country in that violence.  Now we see really frightening and bizarre responses to all this.

While some of the responses to racial concerns are positive indeed, such as government and other groups getting together to look once more into race relations, how to improve the quality and accountability of policing, and so on, there have been troubling turns.  The call to defund police or do away with police is both frightening and out of touch with life on earth today if we are to have a civilized society (There are about 1.4 million people in gangs and 33,000 violent gangs in the US).  There does also need to be the realization that, beyond the bad examples of police behavior we see so clearly in the news, the majority of police work long and dangerous hours to protect and help all people.  The police themselves are made up of white and black, male and female members.

Similarly, the trend to do away with history by destroying so many monuments of our past in this nation just is downright frightening.  These monuments represent aspects of our history good and bad.  We need to know and not ignore the past in order to improve for the future.  They represent our history as a nation.  Related to this, there is a proposal to change the name of military bases.  I’ve heard people of both black and white races speak on both sides of this.  Again, whatever is done, this is the history of the nation.  We can’t pretend things did not happen, just like England cannot pretend King George was not mentally ill during the Revolutionary War or that Bloody Mary did not exist.  And Germany cannot pretend the Holocaust and the concentration camps did not exist in WWII.

Now this violence has gone off the deep end in places, such as some groups taking over an area in downtown Seattle and declaring it another nation.  Obviously that can’t be allowed to happen, yet the state and local leaders there seem totally unqualified and unknowledgeable and unwilling to deal with the situation, forcing the national government likely to get involved.  And if and when this happens the national media is likely to go over the top as it has done for so long.  One thing the recent time has exposed:  many of the nation’s governors and mayors are not equipped or willing to deal with serious situations.

Related to all this is a big move to “cancel” things in society now, cancel words that some group does not like, withdraw movies forever like GONE WITH THE WIND, just erase history.  This is part of that “woke” culture, the politically correct movement the terrible liberal universities have trained our students in.  It is this approach to life that has greatly restricted free speech in our modern nation.
We are moving rapidly to the day the Lord comes to collect his sheep.  I know many of you wish he would come today.  I would like that too.  What believer wouldn’t?

But I think there is a small amount of time left before he comes.  I know I have one assignment from him to do that I have not done and cannot do without his guidance and assistance.  And I know the seven year Tribulation will not begin until there is a signed or confirmed peace agreement with Israel, with the Jews, that they truly believe has brought them peace.  That hasn’t happened yet, although I suspect soon.

I hope all of you knew this time was coming.  I wasn’t just writing about the last days for fun or amusement.  I wrote because the Lord had called me to get this across.  So many scriptures from the Bible are specific to this time – the rise in lawlessness, the fall away from God, the general wickedness of some people, the delusion that God sends to those who refuse to believe the truth, and more.  There are so many physical signs of the times occurring such as many earthquakes, a vast increase in the attack of locusts on several nations, and more.  But the real indication that we are approaching the absolute end of this age is the behavior of the people and the breakdown of society.

As this all goes forward the world moves to the one world government.  That just cannot happen with America being the strong presence it has been for the past century.  You can see the obvious hand of the devil in this as well as the coronavirus as he works to break down America to the point it would participate in a one world government or at least not obstruct that.  And you can see too how the mass confusion and even mayhem the coronavirus has created throughout the world sets up the world countries to be ready to accept an Antichrist who comes as a person people think can handle all these problems (e.g., a false savior).  While this one world government will eventually come about, we all can now do what we can to stand against evil, to pray for the lost and for God to draw them to Jesus, to help one another as we can.

I am going to close with some key scriptures for our time right now.  I will begin again with Jesus’ primary warning to all of us.  These are fundamental messages.  You should be able to see what is happening all about us in these words:

Watch that you are not deceived. – Luke 21:8

Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.  Matthew 12:25

…remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. – Jude 17-19

They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lieand so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. – 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

There will be terrible times in the last days.People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. – Daniel 12:10

     (all scriptures from the NIV)
                                                                                                     June 2020
                                                                                                     Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
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