Wednesday, November 26, 2014



I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. (Psalm 69:30 NIV)

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. (Psalm 95:2 NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6 NIV)

Is there any better time to thank God for all he has done for us and our families and friends – for his love, for his protection, for his provision of health and material things, for his guidance, for his Word, for his comfort, most of all for Jesus Christ the King of the Kingdom of God and indeed for Jesus’ soon return. 

In America, from the time of the original pilgrims over the centuries up to today, Thanksgiving has been a memorable time, a wonderful time to sit down and reflect, to thank God, to enjoy each other’s company.  God has blessed the United States of America like no other nation in recent centuries.  The times are tough now, and the future appears difficult but also wonderful with the Lord’s soon return. 

Take time this year to thank God and to enjoy those around you.  Remember each person around you is there at this moment.  You do not know if you will see them again - a shocking thought but one so true and so clearly demonstrated in my own neighborhood recently.  So make sure those you love know you love them and are thankful they are in your life.

Certainly Thanksgiving to God is not just an American holiday and tradition.  It is something all people should engage in.

May all of you celebrate a truly meaningful Thanksgiving this year. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

John and Cathy

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                   (November 2014)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Friday, November 21, 2014


The world doesn’t need religion, any religion.  It needs Jesus Christ.

Jesus did not bring religion to earth.  “Religion” is man’s creation.

Belief in Jesus is not a religion.  It is truth.  It is simply recognizing truth.

Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to earth.  He brought a way for people to God, the only way.

Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God.  That Kingdom is a government.  Believers are citizens of the Kingdom.  They are ambassadors of the Kingdom.  They are soldiers of the Kingdom.

A Kingdom is a government.  And the King is the absolute ruler of the Kingdom.  What he says goes.  It is not a democracy.  Citizens of the Kingdom have no vote.  And thank God for that! 

Soon, very soon, Jesus is returning to collect his believers.  The Kingdom of God is on earth right now inside those people who are true believers in Jesus.  The rest of the world, as the Bible tells us and as our own eyes and hearts tell us, is still under the control of the evil one.

But very, very soon Jesus will begin taking the next steps to return the Kingdom to earth in power.  First he will take away his true believers, and a seven year period of judgment and hardship on the earth will ensue.  Following that there will be a giant battle between Jesus and his heavenly followers and those following a man of lawlessness known as the anti-christ.  It’s not really much of a battle as the Lord just destroys all the opposition with the sword in his mouth – the Word.  And thereafter he sets up a government from Jerusalem. 

To put the capstone on all this, the Bible itself is the book of the government of the Kingdom, with the policies and truths presented and taught not just through rules and laws but also through parables and historical occurrences.

[NOTE:  All of this about the Kingdom came more to my mind this past several days after hearing of the  death of Myles Munroe and his wife in an airplane accident.  Myles was a brilliant preacher, a man who had received a great deal of revelation on really basic truths such as the Kingdom of God, how prayer works, and more.  He had an infectious smile and bubbled over with gospel truths he wanted to share.  Cathy’s first words when she heard about the accident were “He’s having a good time now.”  Yes, he is.  He wrote and spoke a lot about the Kingdom, and now he is home with the King.]

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(November 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Once again believers in Jesus Christ are confronted in America with a leadership culture that is lost.  Absolutely lost.  There may be some leaders in Washington who believe in Jesus, but they are woefully silent.  Where are they, you might ask?  Good question.  Oh, some go to prayer meetings once a week.  Well, that is good.  But are they just cowering in the corner or forgetful of who they are the rest of the time,  like so many who go to an hour church service on Sunday and then put on the clothes and behavior of the world the rest of the week?

Recently the so-called National Cathedral hosted a muslim worship service.  Atrocious if you consider that place to be the national cathedral.  I surely don’t.  It surely is not for any believer in Jesus.  That cathedral has hosted speakers from other false religions before.  Just as Congress itself has.  But this perhaps was even worse, for it was a time of a group meeting for muslim prayers to a false god.

There is only one God, and the only way for anyone to him is through Jesus Christ.  Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to my father except through me.”

Well, not surprising the Episcopal National Cathedral would do something like that.  Yes, the National Cathedral is part of the Episcopal church.  The Episcopal church has been lost itself for some time.  For example, it allows homosexual priests and performs same sex marriage.  And you probably already know that.  It is one of those organizations that calls itself a church, but one wonders what God calls it.

In the wonderful end-times chapters in Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Mark 13, Jesus warns us to watch that we are not deceived.  He also warns us of false prophets.  And Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 speaks of a falling away from God in the end times.


It long ago was time for true believers in Jesus to wake up.  It’s way past time now.

You are living in the last of the last of the last days.  Your government is lost.  Your leaders are lost.  Your culture is in the ditch. 

Time for you to start paying attention to what is happening and where you are.  And to ask God to forgive your country.  Pray for others.  Ask God what your role is in this time.  I think you already know, at least partially.  For sure, one thing is to stand up for Jesus as you are led everywhere you are.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (November 2014)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Friday, November 7, 2014


All of us look to help from others at times.  Some of us are just downright open and forthright and even aggressive in seeking help.  Others of us hope that those around will notice our need for help, or will respond to our quiet pleas for help.

There are times in most people’s lives when this need is very real.  Perhaps the death of someone very close.  Or the time when your career you had so long worked on is falling apart – maybe you lose your employment.  Or maybe a serious illness.  Or the rejection by someone you had counted on for life, like a spouse.  Or perhaps even some mental illness – especially depression in this highly active world.  Americans are not good in recognizing or dealing with mentally ill people.

Sometimes help may come.  Sometimes you may receive feedback and help from a few.  Sometimes you may in fact receive a great deal of help. 

But there are real times in life when it seems no one understands.  And I do mean no one.  Especially when the issue has to do with human relations, a troubled or even dangerous relationship, there are times when others just cannot see.  They are not close enough to see, the problem never manifests in front of them so they can see.

Yes, Virginia, there are times when there is no one on earth to help.  It really is true. 

There is only God.  If you know how to reach out to him God surely is enough, if you do so in time and if you can hear from him and recognize what he is doing or wants you to do.  If you are dealing with a dangerous situation especially you may have to take some bold action, and unless you have a  really close friend to bounce your plans off of, one who can empathize even though not understanding, you are alone in the human world.

There is only God.  Let’s be honest.  In all that really matters, in truth and meaning of life and future hope and such, there is only God.

The title of this piece fits individuals in the quandary I have mentioned above.  It also fits larger groups at times.  What about the Jews in concentration camps in WW II?  What about the people in the path of horrible terrorist groups in the Middle East, people who are just being eliminated? 

The message in this short piece is to get busy working on your relationship with God.  You need to know him.  You need to be able to go to him and get answers.  You need to be able to hear him.  And getting to that position takes some time and effort.  Don’t put it off.  It is your lifeline to truth and hope, your gateway to the Creator. 
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                             Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


So we are at the time of the return of the Lord, and so many still cannot really comprehend it.  It is not yet real in their hearts and minds.   Just something to be considered intellectually.

But Ebola is not an intellectual problem.  The enterovirus is not an intellectual problem.  ISIS and other such horror groups are not intellectual problems.

The general situation on the planet is worsening day by day.  And the governments of the US and other western countries are ill prepared and ill-equipped to deal effectively with much of this.  They don’t really know what is happening spiritually, and they don’t seem to understand what is happening in a secular sense either.

The first responsibility of any national government is to provide for the common defense of the country – i.e., to keep the people safe, to protect them and the nation from foreign countries and organizations that would do them harm.

That is the primary responsibility.  To that end in the US Constitution, the very first words describing the President’s job duties are these:    “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.”

There are common sense steps that could be taken now:

·         To stop the rapid exponential expansion of Ebola in the US, stop all entry into the country by persons from areas where the disease is rampant.  And quarantine people for 21 days who have been in any way in contact with someone with Ebola.  There is nothing wrong with doing this and everything wise and right about it.  Quarantines have been used throughout history.

·         Real help can, should, and already is being sent to the African countries suffering so from Ebola, help from wise and skilled and organized persons who can put together a realistic program to contain the disease and heal the people.  The risk here of course is in the medical personnel and the soldiers sent picking up Ebola themselves.

·         Reconsider just what the plan is in the Middle East.  The absolutely horrible groups that kill and torture everyone in their path must obviously be stopped.  That is an assignment for all civilized people.  As reported elsewhere in my writing, the goal of these evil groups is worldwide rule.  Sounds like another totally evil leader in the last century who clearly also told people what he was going to do.  Somehow the US and the West and any other nations that can be involved need to take whatever steps possible to stop and eliminate such groups.  This is evil in action.  Conversations and task forces will not stop it.  That is an academic and totally ineffective approach.

·         End the bogus political correctness issue which paralyzes leaders into inaction.  Political correctness never was truth, just a horribly misguided concept.  Truth is what is needed.  And clear-thinking.

·         Close the borders to the US and revert to legal immigration.  Allowing open borders through which all sorts of persons such as members of the terrorist groups can just walk in unimpeded does not border on insanity.  It is insanity.

I think we should close this with the verse God gave Cathy when we were praying about his guidance on the return some time back:

The end of all things is near.  Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.  -  I Peter 4:7 NIV

Another translation of the second sentence in that verse is

Therefore be focused and self-controlled so that you can pray.”

 I like that translation.

What about you?  Are you focused and self-controlled so you can pray?  Are you doing what it says in blue below?  And have you truly realized that the end of all things is near?

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (October 2014)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Friday, October 3, 2014


We’re living in the Last Days before the return of the Lord, and dreadful things are happening too rapidly, things that clearly are in fulfillment of so many of the prophesies in Luke 21, Mark 13, and Matthew 24.  Consider these:

·         WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR, NATION AGAINST NATION, KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM – This is easy to see.  The Middle East situation increases daily in complexity, and now the US and the West is involved in a mess the complexity of which they likely do not understand.  The barbaric behavior of ISIS in particular, a behavior that kills Christians and non-Christians in horrible ways and tortures children, shocked the West into action.  Beyond all the fighting against terror groups, and the ongoing wars in Syria and Libya and Afghanistan and Iraq, there is the on again/off again war between Israel and Hamas/Gaza, and the looming threat of the nuclear capability of Iran.  Outside the Middle East we have Russia taking over Crimea.  Militarily, the world is more unstable than it has ever been for most alive now, those born since WW II.

·         PESTILENCE – Yes, that is here too.  Recently in Dallas the medical world has had to confront Ebola, no longer just in Africa.  They were prepared only in part, and are slowly making their way through this.  As a reporter said, I do wish the CDC and other experts would stop speaking with such forceful confidence as if all is under control and everything is known.  This disease was just discovered in the 1970’s, and all is not known about it.  Initially the CDC said people could only be infected by contact with fluids from an infected person.  Now the warning is to stay at least three feet away from such a person.

(As for Africa itself, I have in the past several times been in Liberia and Sierra Leone and I know those countries do not have the means or wherewithal to deal with the rampant spread of this disease there, at least not without great help from other nations.)

Ebola is not the only such frightening pestilence in the US today.  There is a terrible mysterious disease making its way around attacking children, paralyzing children. One thought is it may have come into the country through the porous southern border, but that is not really known.  It is an unknown disease.

·         FEARFUL EVENTS – Well, if the wars above and the horrible diseases noted are not fearful enough, there are fearful events related to the wars.  The behavior of ISIS in particular in the Middle East is terrifying.  Recently a town of 12000 was surrounded by ISIS.  We have learned that in that town every three or four houses graves were dug.  The plan of the residents was, if ISIS broke through, for the men to kill the women and children, and then for the men to kill themselves, all in order to avoid being taken by ISIS.

You may not have seen this.  In recent days ISIS or its supporters have on the INTERNET called for sympathizers to find the addresses of the families of American military fighting in the Middle East, to go to those addresses and to slaughter the families.  The military in the US has warned the families, but what are they to do?  Flee?  Go live with parents or friends?  Take in some powerful weapons?  (I doubt the gun control lobby is going to have much influence today.).

·         GREAT SIGNS FROM HEAVEN – I do not know what God considers a great sign from heaven, but we should pay attention I think to the current sequence of four blood moons occurring right at the beginning of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles in two successive years.  The first of these occurred this past spring, and the next one is on October 8.  This is rare and extraordinary, looking at history.  I wrote more on this subject many months ago and can send you a copy if you wish.  Certainly the intensity of dire things happening has increased since this past spring.

·         ONE WORLD ORDER - Believers who know the Bible and have some understanding of prophecy certainly understand the effort and objective of the anti-christ and the false prophet in the last days to rule the world.  (Nowhere in the Bible is it said that their empire contains the entire world.).  Many poo-poo all this, but it is there.  As I have tried to warn in fairly subtle ways, there are organizations on the earth – very sophisticated ones with wealthy and sophisticated members – who work toward this end steadily.  In one or two newsletters I mentioned a couple odd things I have encountered about all this. 
Recently I came across these comments on this that you should be aware of:
·         From the leader of ISIS:  “A day will soon come when the muslim will walk everywhere as a master.”
·         From the leader of Hamas, the group that so terrorizes Israel:  “We say this to the West – by Allah you will be defeated.  Tomorrow our nation will sit on the throne of the world.”
Not just local Middle East groups fighting for local Middle East objectives, are they?  It certainly appears now that the muslim world, in particular militant islam, is the great evil military opponent in the end times.  Not quite like we had anticipated, is it.  Not quite like those sophisticated groups of wealthy people who have worked toward the one-world government have anticipated either, I expect.

  • DECEPTION AND FALLING AWAY FROM GOD – I am not even going to write about these two prophecies since they have been my focus in publications for months.  If it is not readily apparent to you this is going on at all levels of society and life, I suggest you spend some time praying and contemplating all that is underway.

You cannot deny the horrors and difficulties the world faces now and the general feeling of unease so many have.  There is much more that could be written.  If you would like more information, I suggest you read our September 2013 newsletter on our website and more recent newsletters; also, watch some of our videos there or get some of our CDs on this subject.  And encourage others to get on our distribution list.
I just close here with two comments.  First, Jesus’ words in Luke 21:36 (NIV):
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. 
And second, these words that are on all our publications and stationery and that come from God’s words to me at night while I was walking all alone by the ocean:
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(October 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin
[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email: 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I’ve written before of how God has led me through seasons.  It seems to be part of the way he operates.

Certainly some of the seasons seem to overlap, and really they all continue in part.  But if I can simplify a bit, consider:  There have been a season – years – of study and revelation from God, a season of healing and conducting many such services and seeking to bring the truths of the Holy Spirit and the gifts to people, a season of telling people who Jesus is and that he is coming soon, a season of producing teaching CDs and taking all of this on television on the East Coast and on the Internet where it still plays, a season more of writing, and now this current season which very clearly focuses on the return of Jesus.  The Lord has made it clear to me the current message of our ministry is his return.

Yes, of course, I and we continue to pray for healing for those who seek it and we encounter.  And we teach the full power gospel of Jesus Christ and minister with the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in the gifts of the Spirit.  We do all those things whenever called upon.  But the primary focus right now is the return.

The message is the return.

What does that mean?  How does it affect us and other believers?

For so long I wanted to wake up those who attend traditional churches but just do not truly know Jesus in a personal way and have not ever encountered the Holy Spirit, who do not know that healings and miracles are for today, that God is active right now, not just 2000 years ago.  And I have so enjoyed and loved conducting spirit-filled services where the Holy Spirit touched so many, where people encountered God for the first time.

But, important though it is for people to be born anew as Jesus said, for people to know him and to know the fullness of the power gospel, we – all humanity – and God have now moved on to where the message today is the return.  The focus now is the return.  All the other traditional evangelism and the anointed spirit filled healing services, though they are wonderful and do continue, have in essence moved a tad behind the message of the return.  Why?  Because Jesus’ return is imminent.  Because people must be in a right relationship with God to be ready.  Jesus warned us to be alert, to be on watch that we may be ready to escape all that is coming on the earth (Luke 21:36).  Already we have seen evidence of what is coming, and it is not attractive, is it?  This current world is not very appealing.

The message is the return.  People who consider themselves believers need to know.  They need to focus on the Lord and to take whatever steps they need to take to meet Jesus’ warning about these times.  And those who do not know if they really are in a right relationship with the Lord need to seek the Lord with all their heart, to ask him to come into their lives, to be their Lord, to forgive them.  The time is short.  Jesus is coming.  The sooner the better, I say. 

Let’s repeat the words of the disciple John in the next to last verse in the Bible:  “Come Lord Jesus.” 

Amen.  I say amen to that.  You should too, if you are ready for that.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(October 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

 [NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

                                                  P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Saturday, September 27, 2014


It is time to stop compartmentalizing life, putting God and church here, government there, work over here, sports and clubs somewhere else, and so on.

We need Jesus in our public square.  We need God and his truths and commands and guidance everywhere in our lives.  We need people who truly know the Lord to speak up on issues and to speak out whenever groups and government leaders and teachers and religious leaders and whoever else are going in directions opposite that of the Lord.  It is time.  It is time to be counted.

We need to be bold, bold as lions.

We need more Christian troublemakers, people who will not allow the Lord to be mocked, to be misquoted in the media and by high officials.

We need bold Christians who will stand with power, God’s power, against the evil one and all he is trying to do.

We do not need mousey Christian diplomats we see so many places, people who in essence are just quiet and somber and move about not ruffling any feathers.

When you see your hometown newspaper or television station or mayor or councilman or congressman or whoever taking a position clearly not that of the Lord, not of God, don’t let it slide.  Speak out.  Write a letter.  Go to a meeting. 

When you are at a neighborhood party, or a business gathering, or any other such gathering of people, and you hear Jesus being mocked or dumped on, you can’t just stand there.  You can’t.  If you cannot find any meaningful way to interject yourself into that discussion and stand up for the Lord, you at least must get yourself out of there.  You can’t just stand quietly.  It’s your future we are talking about here!

Jesus summed this up in Luke 12:8-9:
“Also I say unto you, whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God.   But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.
Jesus is about to return.  He made the point several times in several parables that when he returns he should find believers out there doing what he intended (e.g., such as the parable of the talents in Luke 25).   We can’t be found ignoring or abusing whatever he has given to our charge.  We are supposed to be out there.
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                     (September 2014)
                                                                                                        Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It has been a constant theme in many of my newsletters and other writings over several years now that most Americans just do not focus on what is happening in the world and the “bigger picture,” preferring to keep their attention on their jobs, their families, their homes, the annual vacation, their favorite college and pro sports teams, and more such.  Over and over I have been shocked at how little people know about what is happening in the world.  And when I talk about important spiritual things – in particular the imminent return of Jesus and the fact that so many Biblical prophecies of events to happen just before his return have now in recent years been fulfilled – I find the same thing.  Little interest by most.  A clouding over of the eyes and mind.

It’s a “don’t bother me” approach to life.  It’s an “I’m just not interested.”

Well, that all is about to stop.  We are marching down the path to the return of Jesus.  The signs are unmistakable.  And we are watching key elements in the world of Americans fall apart, and gigantic threats arise.  Eventually even they will have to realize something is happening….at least let’s hope so.
Consider the list:

·       The prophecies regarding Jesus’ return are so rapidly fulfilled or being fulfilled.  In Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13 you can read his own words.  And then read words of others elsewhere in the Bible.  I’m not going to repeat all I have written on this in numerous documents.  Suffice it to say we are way past the beginning of birth pains, to use his words of the signs of his return.  We are deep into the wars and rumors of wars, the rising of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  We see the outbreak of horrible diseases that threaten the world again and again, like Ebola as the current version of that.  We have reported on the shocking increase of great deadly earthquakes and hurricanes and such in the last century and in recent decades.  We see the oppression of Christians in many lands.  The generally accepted estimate is that about 100,000 Christians are killed each year for their faith.  Events in the Middle East are pushing that total up rapidly.  And with modern technology we have seen the preaching of the gospel taken throughout the world.  The Bible has been translated into virtually every language, so much so that now translators focus on small ethnic groups that do not have a written language (they create a written language for them and then translate the Bible into that).  Jesus’ words that the gospel will be preached to all the world and then the end shall come is surely near fulfillment.

·         The world currently is witnessing a horrible group of killers in the Middle East like it has not seen for a long time, certainly in the lives of younger Americans.  There was a murderous epidemic back in Cambodia in the 70’s under Pol Pot, when intellectuals were killed (e.g., included anyone who wore glasses) and certainly the number killed passed the million mark.  The US and the West did nothing then to stop that---but remember, there was no Internet, not much live reporting, and the people in the West just did not see the details.  Now they see the butchering in the Middle East, the lopping off of heads and putting out of eyes, the killing of men, women, and children.  This cannot be allowed to continue because it is a threat to all civilization and because of just plain basic human decency. 

In fact, the Middle East is nothing but a collection of wars – major wars.  Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel – Gaza, and rumors of wars, a la Iran.  It will take nothing for the entire region to go up into a massive war.  In our recent newsletter for September I described the coming wars prophesied in the Bible. 

·     The people of the US are ever so slowly waking up to the realization that its current government seems not to know how to deal with the events of the Middle East.  The national government seems to approach everything from a political standpoint, as if it is all a game.  And its media supporters have done that also, almost as if they cannot tell the difference between the computer games played by everyone under forty and the reality of real, living, breathing horror of today.  The approach to the Middle East of clearly not having a plan and step by step talking about a strategy and cautiously pondering is not reassuring.  More and more, I see now media not just from the conservative side growing frustrated at a lack of knowledge and strategy and commitment and, most importantly, leadership in the national government in Washington.  And just yesterday, various leaders clearly spoke out with opinions far afield from that of the elected leadership in Washington as concerns the war against the highly evil terrorists in the Middle East.  Who is in charge here, or really, is anyone?  Good questions.

·         Turning to other fronts, in case you have not noticed, food prices are shooting up and the economy is not improving despite the announcements of Washington and some television networks (notice how so many you know who lost jobs have taken none or are working at greatly reduced income levels).  And the national political scene seems to focus over and over again on some societal issue of a tiny minority group, making that the focus of the entire gigantic American government and society.  In case you all have forgotten, a democratic system of government is one run by the majority, not the minority.  The US government has been stood on its head in recent years.

Related to this the society seems to deal with almost inane issues, such as political correctness, while the giant issues of the Middle East wars and terrorism and the open border with Mexico  and all the inherent risk there to the country and the general collapse of the economy gets lesser attention. 

·    I am reminded in thinking about this of my time on a school board many years ago.  There were people of all types of backgrounds on the board.  Good people.  But some had had no training or experience in being administrators, in running a large organization, in establishing priorities.  One in particular I recall liked all the possible projects up for consideration as part of the proposed annual budget.  I pointed out there was not enough money to do them all, that we had to prioritize and pick what we could do in the budget.  But, he said, we have to do them all!  He could not make the necessary decisions.  He could not recognize it was impossible to do them all.  He had no executive or administrative skills.  We apparently have that in Washington today.

·         Even in the pop culture of our society we see dramatic change.  The NFL is treated by millions with absolute reverence – from the deep speaking announcers to the millions of men and some women who just seem to focus overwhelmingly on this money cow.  That is what it is, a money machine for the 32 owners, most of whom are invisible.  Now some players in the NFL are being arrested for bad behavior, and this hard-nosed NFL apparently does not know how to operate and deal with it all.  Now, perhaps the top sponsor of the NFL has indicated its dissatisfaction with the league.  Wow!  I wonder how so many of the true sports nuts of this society will be able to handle all this.  So many escape into sports and avoid the real world in which they live.  They won’t be able to much longer.

Well, that is enough.  Change of a monumental type is underway, and the King of all creation is soon to arrive.  Governments and structures are breaking down.  And Americans as a group are slowly waking up to it all.  Most have lived oblivious to the world most of their lives.  It is an extraordinary time, a terrifying time for some.  For those who know Jesus, the joy of his soon arrival far surpasses all that is happening here now.  Their focus is on being ready, being alert as Jesus’ warned…and on doing whatever they can to help in others being alert and ready too.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                   (September 2014)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


We live in a time right now when a group of butchers known as ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is carving its way through parts of Iraq, destroying and driving out Shiite Muslims, Christians, and others whom it considers apostate or infidel.  As you know from the sparse news details of the actual battles and incidents, Christians and others have fled to the mountain tops.  There are now so few Christians there, as compared to just a few years ago.

And is the world speaking out?  Some.  A little, in newspapers.  Why not more?  Every civilized nation and leader should be speaking out boldly!

Just as the world in the past should have spoken openly against horrible actions and leaders and perhaps by doing so may have averted the terrors that followed, such as that of the Nazis in WWII and the evil regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia in the killing fields, here we have an opportunity to act.

Speaking out boldly and publicly is important.

But even more important is acting boldly.  The West which in the past has prided itself on its “high moral road” cannot avoid taking real serious strong action to stop and to destroy this butchering group. 

In the Bible at times God instructed Moses and Joshua to take bold action to destroy an evil enemy – destroy!  Get that absolute evil out of existence.  And that is what ISIS is.

If you cannot recognize ISIS for what it is, I pity you and I suggest you retreat to a time of prayer and seeking God.  This is evil.  Yes, there really is good and evil even though so many seem to have forgotten that.  It is not clear if the leadership of the US government understands that.  But this is a time for action, not for discussion.  You cannot discuss with the devil .  You have to take action.

Help us God not to ignore your people.  May this country go forward boldly as it has in the past. 

Pray for strong moral leadership for this nation and for other nations.  This empty falling and just letting things happen must end.  Evil unchecked will gobble up everything in its path.  There is more evil out there beyond just ISIS, but it surely has made its case for us.  There is no doubt it is evil and must be stopped.

May God bless you all and guide you to pray as you should and to act as you should.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(August 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin
[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Thursday, August 7, 2014


These are troubling and trying times for many of us.  The news is difficult and unpleasant.  The government and elected leadership are hard to watch and difficult to listen to.  The world is full of wars and confusion.

Jesus clearly is coming soon.  Well, that is certainly not unpleasant.  That is the giant ray of light in all this current world darkness.

We have written and discussed often the Biblical prophecies fulfilled, all the things that have happened.  Jesus talked about the birth pains before he returns, and we have experienced them.  We are well into them, if we are not even almost past them.  We have moved into that serious thing he warned of, his very first response when the disciples asked about the time of his return – watch that you are not deceived.  Deception is everywhere, isn’t it?  Everywhere.  And we are also living in the period Paul referred to as the falling away from God.  That is so apparent.

Everywhere it seems people call good evil and evil good.  Anyone standing up for God and his word has a high risk of ridicule and even vicious attack.  Actions and behavior clearly opposed to God are approved and accepted by government and the courts.  The will and values of the people as a whole are largely ignored.  In fact, individuals who have faith and seek to follow God feel disenfranchised in the modern world.  Hopefully by now most believers have realized this current world is not their home.

In the global community evil is running amuck, even as more people become believers in Jesus in places like China and Algeria.  Terrorist groups are growing and committing horrible acts.  Our established government often seems to ignore it all.  In some of these places like Nigeria and Iraq and Egypt, Christians are specifically oppressed and terrorized.

Yet with all this many know nothing about the imminent return of the Lord.  The majority of individual churches do not teach on this subject!  Amazing.  I hear comments from time to time that younger people with children, at least some of them, do not want to hear of the return.  They want their children to have full lives in this world.

But what a terrible world it has become.

So what is next?  From all God’s revelations, the chronology of events to come appears to be this:
·         A general war in the Middle East seems likely to be very near, with Israel winning in a big way and the destruction of several opponents (see Psalm 83).  I would think we might see the prophesied destruction of Damascus as part of this (Isaiah 17:1).  The timing of this particular war has been difficult to pinpoint.
·         A covenant either agreed to or endorsed such that Israel will be at peace.  This and the next two points occur almost simultaneously.
·         The return in the clouds of Jesus and the collection and removal from earth of his true believers.
·         The appearance on the public scene of the antichrist, a being who eventually becomes a terrifying leader striving for world domination. (2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13)
·         The step by step carrying out of the details of the Tribulation as recounted in Revelation.
·         The appearance on the public scene of a world religious leader, a powerful assistant to the anti-christ (Revelation 13).
·         An attack on Israel by Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, the Sudan, and others, which God will totally rebuff to the shock of Israel and the world.  (Ezekiel 38-39).  Note no Egypt or Iraq or Syria.  Where are they?  Possibly rendered weak or impotent in the general war noted in the first point.
·         The great battle at Armageddon won completely by Jesus, with all of the enemy killed.  Notice I said “all.”  The anti-christ and the false prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire, and the devil is locked in a pit.  (Revelation 19 and Zechariah 14)
·         Jesus begins rule from Jerusalem using his followers in the government. (Revelation 20)

Most people living now should see some or all of this.  Believers of course will be gone from the earth after step 3 but will return as part of the heavenly host for the great battle at Armageddon.

All of this is near.  The return is imminent. 

For believers, what an indescribable thrill and joy if Jesus were to return right now!  Or whenever he returns!  Until that time we must be about his business, working to fulfill that which he has called each of us to.  If you are not sure what that is for you, as a minimum you have his guidance in the gospels.  You can be busy telling people about him and the gospel and representing him in whatever situations you find yourself, always being guided by the Holy Spirit.

 (August 2014)
                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

 [NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

                                                  P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

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