Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I’ve written before of how God has led me through seasons.  It seems to be part of the way he operates.

Certainly some of the seasons seem to overlap, and really they all continue in part.  But if I can simplify a bit, consider:  There have been a season – years – of study and revelation from God, a season of healing and conducting many such services and seeking to bring the truths of the Holy Spirit and the gifts to people, a season of telling people who Jesus is and that he is coming soon, a season of producing teaching CDs and taking all of this on television on the East Coast and on the Internet where it still plays, a season more of writing, and now this current season which very clearly focuses on the return of Jesus.  The Lord has made it clear to me the current message of our ministry is his return.

Yes, of course, I and we continue to pray for healing for those who seek it and we encounter.  And we teach the full power gospel of Jesus Christ and minister with the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in the gifts of the Spirit.  We do all those things whenever called upon.  But the primary focus right now is the return.

The message is the return.

What does that mean?  How does it affect us and other believers?

For so long I wanted to wake up those who attend traditional churches but just do not truly know Jesus in a personal way and have not ever encountered the Holy Spirit, who do not know that healings and miracles are for today, that God is active right now, not just 2000 years ago.  And I have so enjoyed and loved conducting spirit-filled services where the Holy Spirit touched so many, where people encountered God for the first time.

But, important though it is for people to be born anew as Jesus said, for people to know him and to know the fullness of the power gospel, we – all humanity – and God have now moved on to where the message today is the return.  The focus now is the return.  All the other traditional evangelism and the anointed spirit filled healing services, though they are wonderful and do continue, have in essence moved a tad behind the message of the return.  Why?  Because Jesus’ return is imminent.  Because people must be in a right relationship with God to be ready.  Jesus warned us to be alert, to be on watch that we may be ready to escape all that is coming on the earth (Luke 21:36).  Already we have seen evidence of what is coming, and it is not attractive, is it?  This current world is not very appealing.

The message is the return.  People who consider themselves believers need to know.  They need to focus on the Lord and to take whatever steps they need to take to meet Jesus’ warning about these times.  And those who do not know if they really are in a right relationship with the Lord need to seek the Lord with all their heart, to ask him to come into their lives, to be their Lord, to forgive them.  The time is short.  Jesus is coming.  The sooner the better, I say. 

Let’s repeat the words of the disciple John in the next to last verse in the Bible:  “Come Lord Jesus.” 

Amen.  I say amen to that.  You should too, if you are ready for that.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(October 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

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