Friday, October 3, 2014


We’re living in the Last Days before the return of the Lord, and dreadful things are happening too rapidly, things that clearly are in fulfillment of so many of the prophesies in Luke 21, Mark 13, and Matthew 24.  Consider these:

·         WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR, NATION AGAINST NATION, KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM – This is easy to see.  The Middle East situation increases daily in complexity, and now the US and the West is involved in a mess the complexity of which they likely do not understand.  The barbaric behavior of ISIS in particular, a behavior that kills Christians and non-Christians in horrible ways and tortures children, shocked the West into action.  Beyond all the fighting against terror groups, and the ongoing wars in Syria and Libya and Afghanistan and Iraq, there is the on again/off again war between Israel and Hamas/Gaza, and the looming threat of the nuclear capability of Iran.  Outside the Middle East we have Russia taking over Crimea.  Militarily, the world is more unstable than it has ever been for most alive now, those born since WW II.

·         PESTILENCE – Yes, that is here too.  Recently in Dallas the medical world has had to confront Ebola, no longer just in Africa.  They were prepared only in part, and are slowly making their way through this.  As a reporter said, I do wish the CDC and other experts would stop speaking with such forceful confidence as if all is under control and everything is known.  This disease was just discovered in the 1970’s, and all is not known about it.  Initially the CDC said people could only be infected by contact with fluids from an infected person.  Now the warning is to stay at least three feet away from such a person.

(As for Africa itself, I have in the past several times been in Liberia and Sierra Leone and I know those countries do not have the means or wherewithal to deal with the rampant spread of this disease there, at least not without great help from other nations.)

Ebola is not the only such frightening pestilence in the US today.  There is a terrible mysterious disease making its way around attacking children, paralyzing children. One thought is it may have come into the country through the porous southern border, but that is not really known.  It is an unknown disease.

·         FEARFUL EVENTS – Well, if the wars above and the horrible diseases noted are not fearful enough, there are fearful events related to the wars.  The behavior of ISIS in particular in the Middle East is terrifying.  Recently a town of 12000 was surrounded by ISIS.  We have learned that in that town every three or four houses graves were dug.  The plan of the residents was, if ISIS broke through, for the men to kill the women and children, and then for the men to kill themselves, all in order to avoid being taken by ISIS.

You may not have seen this.  In recent days ISIS or its supporters have on the INTERNET called for sympathizers to find the addresses of the families of American military fighting in the Middle East, to go to those addresses and to slaughter the families.  The military in the US has warned the families, but what are they to do?  Flee?  Go live with parents or friends?  Take in some powerful weapons?  (I doubt the gun control lobby is going to have much influence today.).

·         GREAT SIGNS FROM HEAVEN – I do not know what God considers a great sign from heaven, but we should pay attention I think to the current sequence of four blood moons occurring right at the beginning of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles in two successive years.  The first of these occurred this past spring, and the next one is on October 8.  This is rare and extraordinary, looking at history.  I wrote more on this subject many months ago and can send you a copy if you wish.  Certainly the intensity of dire things happening has increased since this past spring.

·         ONE WORLD ORDER - Believers who know the Bible and have some understanding of prophecy certainly understand the effort and objective of the anti-christ and the false prophet in the last days to rule the world.  (Nowhere in the Bible is it said that their empire contains the entire world.).  Many poo-poo all this, but it is there.  As I have tried to warn in fairly subtle ways, there are organizations on the earth – very sophisticated ones with wealthy and sophisticated members – who work toward this end steadily.  In one or two newsletters I mentioned a couple odd things I have encountered about all this. 
Recently I came across these comments on this that you should be aware of:
·         From the leader of ISIS:  “A day will soon come when the muslim will walk everywhere as a master.”
·         From the leader of Hamas, the group that so terrorizes Israel:  “We say this to the West – by Allah you will be defeated.  Tomorrow our nation will sit on the throne of the world.”
Not just local Middle East groups fighting for local Middle East objectives, are they?  It certainly appears now that the muslim world, in particular militant islam, is the great evil military opponent in the end times.  Not quite like we had anticipated, is it.  Not quite like those sophisticated groups of wealthy people who have worked toward the one-world government have anticipated either, I expect.

  • DECEPTION AND FALLING AWAY FROM GOD – I am not even going to write about these two prophecies since they have been my focus in publications for months.  If it is not readily apparent to you this is going on at all levels of society and life, I suggest you spend some time praying and contemplating all that is underway.

You cannot deny the horrors and difficulties the world faces now and the general feeling of unease so many have.  There is much more that could be written.  If you would like more information, I suggest you read our September 2013 newsletter on our website and more recent newsletters; also, watch some of our videos there or get some of our CDs on this subject.  And encourage others to get on our distribution list.
I just close here with two comments.  First, Jesus’ words in Luke 21:36 (NIV):
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. 
And second, these words that are on all our publications and stationery and that come from God’s words to me at night while I was walking all alone by the ocean:
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(October 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin
[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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