These are troubling and trying
times for many of us. The news is
difficult and unpleasant. The government
and elected leadership are hard to watch and difficult to listen to. The world is full of wars and confusion.
Jesus clearly is coming
soon. Well, that is certainly not
unpleasant. That is the giant ray of
light in all this current world darkness.
We have written and discussed
often the Biblical prophecies fulfilled, all the things that have
happened. Jesus talked about the birth
pains before he returns, and we have experienced them. We are well into them, if we are not even
almost past them. We have moved into
that serious thing he warned of, his very first response when the disciples
asked about the time of his return – watch that you are not deceived. Deception is everywhere, isn’t it? Everywhere.
And we are also living in the period Paul referred to as the falling
away from God. That is so apparent.
Everywhere it seems people call
good evil and evil good. Anyone standing
up for God and his word has a high risk of ridicule and even vicious
attack. Actions and behavior clearly
opposed to God are approved and accepted by government and the courts. The will and values of the people as a whole
are largely ignored. In fact,
individuals who have faith and seek to follow God feel disenfranchised in the
modern world. Hopefully by now most
believers have realized this current world is not their home.
In the global community evil is
running amuck, even as more people become believers in Jesus in places like
China and Algeria. Terrorist groups are
growing and committing horrible acts. Our
established government often seems to ignore it all. In some of these places like Nigeria and Iraq
and Egypt, Christians are specifically oppressed and terrorized.
Yet with all this many know
nothing about the imminent return of the Lord.
The majority of individual churches do not teach on this subject! Amazing.
I hear comments from time to time that younger people with children, at
least some of them, do not want to hear of the return. They want their children to have full lives
in this world.
But what a terrible world it has
So what is next? From all God’s revelations, the chronology of
events to come appears to be this:
A general war in the Middle East seems likely to
be very near, with Israel winning in a big way and the destruction of several
opponents (see Psalm 83). I would think
we might see the prophesied destruction of Damascus as part of this (Isaiah
17:1). The timing of this particular war
has been difficult to pinpoint.
A covenant either agreed to or endorsed such
that Israel will be at peace. This and
the next two points occur almost simultaneously.
The return in the clouds of Jesus and the
collection and removal from earth of his true believers.
The appearance on the public scene of the
antichrist, a being who eventually becomes a terrifying leader striving for
world domination. (2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13)
The step by step carrying out of the details of
the Tribulation as recounted in Revelation.
The appearance on the public scene of a world
religious leader, a powerful assistant to the anti-christ (Revelation 13).
An attack on Israel by Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya,
the Sudan, and others, which God will totally rebuff to the shock of Israel and
the world. (Ezekiel 38-39). Note no Egypt or Iraq or Syria. Where are they? Possibly rendered weak or impotent in the
general war noted in the first point.
The great battle at Armageddon won completely by
Jesus, with all of the enemy killed.
Notice I said “all.” The
anti-christ and the false prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire, and the
devil is locked in a pit. (Revelation 19
and Zechariah 14)
Jesus begins rule from Jerusalem using his
followers in the government. (Revelation 20)
Most people living now should see
some or all of this. Believers of course
will be gone from the earth after step 3 but will return as part of the
heavenly host for the great battle at Armageddon.
All of this is near. The return is imminent.
For believers, what an
indescribable thrill and joy if Jesus were to return right now! Or whenever he returns! Until that time we must be about his
business, working to fulfill that which he has called each of us to. If you are not sure what that is for you, as
a minimum you have his guidance in the gospels.
You can be busy telling people about him and the gospel and representing
him in whatever situations you find yourself, always being guided by the Holy
(August 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin
Your Eyes on Jesus!
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