The world doesn’t need religion, any religion. It needs Jesus Christ.
Jesus did not bring religion to earth. “Religion” is man’s creation.
Belief in Jesus is not a religion. It is truth.
It is simply recognizing truth.
Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to earth. He brought a way for people to God, the only
Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God. That Kingdom is a government. Believers are citizens of the Kingdom. They are ambassadors of the Kingdom. They are soldiers of the Kingdom.
A Kingdom is a government.
And the King is the absolute ruler of the Kingdom. What he says goes. It is not a democracy. Citizens of the Kingdom have no vote. And thank God for that!
Soon, very soon,
Jesus is returning to collect his believers. The Kingdom of God is on earth right now
inside those people who are true believers in Jesus. The rest of the world, as the Bible tells us
and as our own eyes and hearts tell us, is still under the control of the evil
But very, very soon Jesus will begin taking the next steps
to return the Kingdom to earth in power.
First he will take away his true believers, and a seven year period of
judgment and hardship on the earth will ensue.
Following that there will be a giant battle between Jesus and his
heavenly followers and those following a man of lawlessness known as the
anti-christ. It’s not really much of a
battle as the Lord just destroys all the opposition with the sword in his mouth
– the Word. And thereafter he sets up a
government from Jerusalem.
To put the capstone on all this, the Bible itself is the
book of the government of the Kingdom, with the policies and truths presented
and taught not just through rules and laws but also through parables and
historical occurrences.
[NOTE: All of this
about the Kingdom came more to my mind this past several days after hearing of
the death of Myles Munroe and his wife
in an airplane accident. Myles was a
brilliant preacher, a man who had received a great deal of revelation on really
basic truths such as the Kingdom of God, how prayer works, and more. He had an infectious smile and bubbled over
with gospel truths he wanted to share. Cathy’s
first words when she heard about the accident were “He’s having a good time
now.” Yes, he is. He wrote and spoke a lot about the Kingdom,
and now he is home with the King.]
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
(November 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin
[NOTE: This
article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so
long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the
appropriate attributions included. We encourage you to do so and
especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do
not have access to computers.]
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