Friday, November 7, 2014


All of us look to help from others at times.  Some of us are just downright open and forthright and even aggressive in seeking help.  Others of us hope that those around will notice our need for help, or will respond to our quiet pleas for help.

There are times in most people’s lives when this need is very real.  Perhaps the death of someone very close.  Or the time when your career you had so long worked on is falling apart – maybe you lose your employment.  Or maybe a serious illness.  Or the rejection by someone you had counted on for life, like a spouse.  Or perhaps even some mental illness – especially depression in this highly active world.  Americans are not good in recognizing or dealing with mentally ill people.

Sometimes help may come.  Sometimes you may receive feedback and help from a few.  Sometimes you may in fact receive a great deal of help. 

But there are real times in life when it seems no one understands.  And I do mean no one.  Especially when the issue has to do with human relations, a troubled or even dangerous relationship, there are times when others just cannot see.  They are not close enough to see, the problem never manifests in front of them so they can see.

Yes, Virginia, there are times when there is no one on earth to help.  It really is true. 

There is only God.  If you know how to reach out to him God surely is enough, if you do so in time and if you can hear from him and recognize what he is doing or wants you to do.  If you are dealing with a dangerous situation especially you may have to take some bold action, and unless you have a  really close friend to bounce your plans off of, one who can empathize even though not understanding, you are alone in the human world.

There is only God.  Let’s be honest.  In all that really matters, in truth and meaning of life and future hope and such, there is only God.

The title of this piece fits individuals in the quandary I have mentioned above.  It also fits larger groups at times.  What about the Jews in concentration camps in WW II?  What about the people in the path of horrible terrorist groups in the Middle East, people who are just being eliminated? 

The message in this short piece is to get busy working on your relationship with God.  You need to know him.  You need to be able to go to him and get answers.  You need to be able to hear him.  And getting to that position takes some time and effort.  Don’t put it off.  It is your lifeline to truth and hope, your gateway to the Creator. 
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                             Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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