Wednesday, June 29, 2022

*WATCHMAN WARNING! : Who are those who never get into the Kingdom of Heaven, never get into the New Jerusalem?


Focus on these words from the very last chapter of the Bible:
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. – Revelation 22:15
These are the Lord’s own words in the last chapter of the Bible.  
Except for the word “dogs,” these words are pretty clear to our modern day.  That word “dogs” refers in the original Greek to ungodly people with impure minds living in immoral ways. 
Jesus does not mince words.  He was crystal clear in the gospels about what it takes to be in the Kingdom of God (to be saved), about how many do not find the way, about how even some people who say they have done great works in his name may not be known by him and will be ordered away.  He talked to Nicodemus about the need for a person to be born anew – born of water and the Spirit.  He talked later in the same chapter emphasizing the phrase “believe in him.”  Elsewhere he spoke of the need to do the Father’s will.  And of the need to be like little children, e.g., to have that innocent true faith of little children.  Paul in his words said a person must confess Jesus is their Lord and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead.
Now here at the very end of the Bible we see Jesus saying flatly these are those who are outside. 
Ultimately, you are responsible for your own relationship with Jesus. No one else can handle that for you.  Parents, friends, ministers can help along the way, but in the end it is you and Jesus.
And as possible you certainly should do all you can and all you are led by the Holy Spirit to do in helping God the Father lead others to Jesus – your family members, work associates, neighbors, and so many more.  The fact remains, as Jesus said himself, no one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws that person.  We of course do not know who the Father will draw, but we surely can pray and ask the Father to draw specific people to Jesus.  And we can do our part in getting the message out about Jesus, about who he is, and about his imminent return.
                                                                                        June 2022
                                                                                        Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465



Wednesday, June 15, 2022



It was a terribly hot and humid day many years ago.  Cathy and I had been spending all day searching for a place to move in the Wilmington area.  Long had we wanted to live near the coast and this was our opportunity. 
About four or five in the afternoon we were back in the middle of Wilmington near the famous Riverwalk.  We stood hot on the street corner and saw a small store across the street selling cold drinks, so we stepped out to cross.  Cathy had seen it first and she was already several steps ahead of me.
As I walked in the crosswalk, I saw a disheveled, dirty man carrying an unkempt bag over his back coming towards me.  He looked tired and down and out, and I just knew he was about to ask me for money.  But I was so tired, so wet from perspiration and the beating down of the August sun all day, and I just didn’t want to stop.  I wanted that cold drink and I walked determinedly right past him.   
About two steps past the man, I suddenly had a revelation.  “That was an angel!”
I immediately turned around.  He was not there.  No one was in the crosswalk.  He had just vanished.
It had been a test.  And I said to myself, “failed that one!”
Wonder how many times in life we encounter people God puts in our path that we are there to help, and we just pass them by?  Wonder how many times that person is an angel?  This time, he really was.
Please email or print and send copies of this to whomever you would.

To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here:  JNMI
     Order from Amazon by cicking here: AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their efforts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!
                                                                              June 2022
                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465



Tuesday, June 14, 2022



We are living in the times of an intentional effort not only to bring down the economy but to destroy many aspects of the culture and society we have come to know as America.  The apparent end goal is to bring America down to the point it will willingly join in with a one-world government currently being orchestrated by the UN in its 2030 agenda and the World Economic Forum in its "great reset."
You as a believer in the Lord and one who reads our newsletters and other writings know there is much more to all this, of course.  You know that the move to the one-world government is part of the day by day move towards the beginning of the Tribulation period.  It is the one-world government the antichrist comes to lead.
But this progress toward that government is very hard for all believers and many others to take.  Watching the destruction of the economy and society by intentional actions of the president and his cabinet, the UN, the World Economic Forum, and others is pretty disturbing.  So is watching Congress just sit back and observe this all happening.  We have to wonder just how deceived they all are and whether they even recognize what is happening.  And we have to believe that many in the media and other groups who seem to be going along with all this are also deceived.
My advice to all of you still is to keep your eyes on Jesus and go forward in all he has called you to.  And certainly stand up for truth whenever you can.  God is truth.  Jesus is truth.  Always ask the Holy Spirit to orchestrate your days and arrange any encounters he would have you have.
                                                                                     June 2022                       
                                                                                     Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
Please forward copies of this to whomever you would. 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!:
     Order from our ministry by clicking here:   JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price of just $10 per book!  Many give this book to others as part of their attempts to reach them with the truths of the gospel and the truth of Jesus’ imminent return.  Give copies to those you would, to those the Holy Spirit leads you to!


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518
tel 910 395 1465


Monday, June 6, 2022


Back in 2017 and 2018 we sent out a series of GOD MOMENT emails, accounts of clear and obvious direct involvement of God in our lives.  Most of those described specific divine healings or miracles.  I think we all surely need the encouragement of those wonderful events today in these difficult times, so we will again be sending out a GOD MOMENT periodically.

My thought is to begin by focusing on encounters with angels.  Most believers love to hear about real life encounters of people with angels.  I expect some of you may even have had such an encounter.  Remember, we know from Hebrews 1:14 that God has sent his angels to serve those who will inherit salvation – in other words, all you believers. 

You likely all know about the dramatic encounter I had with an angel in the car accident in Beverly Hills many years ago.  If not, you can read that account by going to our website and clicking on TESTIMONY in the menu column.  Or you can read Appendix 3 of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! 

The angel in the car accident appeared in human form.  Often that is the case.  But now I am going to tell you of the time I encountered three angels not in human form but truly ethereal.  They were white and translucent.  I could see through them.

This is how it all happened.  I was in another city and was to speak at an evening service.  The music leader was leading the praise and worship, and I was sitting on the front row as I always do so I am ready to go up when it is time for me to speak.

It was a joyous time and people were singing and praising God.  As the music and singing continued, I looked up and there right at the podium stood an angel.  He was just as I have described.  I could see right through him.  He was about eight feet tall and he may even have had one arm on the podium.  Yes, he had arms, although I couldn’t really distinguish much below his waist.  The white just went down to the floor and was in a way “flowing.”  There were two more angels on the stage.  One further back and one to the right by the door off the stage.

When I saw the angel by the podium, he looked directly at me and smiled!  Then he suddenly motioned with his arms that the podium was mine, that it was ready for me.  Both arms were pointing at the podium.  And so I went up to begin.

I do not remember when they disappeared, but it seems to me they were not there when I got to the podium.  At least I could not see them anymore.  I did not say anything about the angels to the audience.  

A few days later I was back in our office when the telephone rang.  It was the music leader who had been there that night.  He called to tell me that he had been contacted by a couple from another city who had been at the service.  They had come with their young daughter.  The reason the music leader called was to tell me that the couple said when they got home their daughter had told them about seeing the angels!  How wonderful is that!

I don’t know how many saw the angels that night.  It may have just been that girl and me.  But it was one great moment of encouragement for me to say the least!

God bless you all.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  He is never going to lose any of you.


Please email or print and send copies of this to whomever you would.

To get  copies of our book   WAKE UP AMERICA! JESUS IS COMING SOON! :
     Order from our ministry by clicking here:  JNMI
     Order from Amazon by clicking here:  AMAZON
Or contact our ministry by calling 910 395 1465. If you are ordering ten or more copies all to be sent directly to you, contact our office directly for a greatly reduced price!  Anyone who has already purchased ten or more copies may purchase future copies at a greatly reduced price. 

                                  Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465

