No, the Antichrist has not been revealed yet, nor the False Prophet. And the Tribulation most assuredly has not begun.
That said, we are clearly in the very last days before the Lord’s return. Whether those last days are literally just days or a very few years we surely don’t know.
But the events of our recent weeks have brought the world much closer to being ready for the one-world government of the end times. Throughout the planet governments have taken steps to cajole, encourage, and really force people to stay largely isolated in their homes or at least really separated from others.
In the USA we are all following those shelter in place rules, with so-called essential services still operating with ever more detailed rules (such as grocery stores having one-way isles, cashiers separated by Plexiglas, numbers in store at any time very limited, and so on.). People either are trying to make delivery orders for groceries, or pickup orders, or go at the least crowded times.
In many other countries though this is all much more difficult and problematic. Consider the third world nations, such as much of Africa. Or consider more modern nations with a lot of developing/third-world characteristics, such as India or Pakistan. Large numbers of people, huge numbers of children, no real social network to provide food for large numbers, and no real way for people told to shelter in place to get food!
It is a Franz Kafka or Orwellian novel in practice. In Kenya people must stay at home. We understand that the man of the family may go out for two hours a day to get food. But if he is one of the average people or lower income people, how does he get it? He can’t go out to work in some basic labor way, or to trade things he might have, maybe to sell a few crops he might have. How are the children to eat? I see that there was just a riot in Nairobi over food in the slum areas there. Take this thought to the world’s second largest nation which has a huge young people population, India. And just consider all the others like the highly populous Pakistan.
It is one thing to tell Americans to shelter in place. It is another to tell people in many of the world’s nations to do that. It is almost a sentence to starvation for some.
And in all this there is the obvious question of why this is indeed happening in the first place. In most of Africa and many other nations of the world, there up to now is little coronavirus. It might be better to come up with some in-between policies for now rather than force the people into starvation mode. We are all still learning what this mysterious disease is.
It should be apparent to any observer that human rights are being willingly given up by the people in America and throughout the world. The economy of the world has largely been shut way down. The planet has stopped all the hubbub. I saw that the actual normal wobble or vibration of the earth has slowed by this lack of activity.
In the USA the population has willingly given up jobs and work, has given up rights to assembly, apparently by recent actions of some local police even the right to petition. People are told not to travel, not to visit others. They are told what they can buy in stores and what they cannot. They are allowed to walk around their local neighborhoods, at least for now, but in many places parks have been closed and even beaches of all things! In other words, places are shut down that allow people to get together.
If you were planning a way to have far greater control over people, what better way than to isolate them and separate them from one another. While some of these restrictions may be necessary, I hope you are well aware that what we are witnessing is a trashing of the Bill of Rights and of individual freedoms that our ancestors fought so hard to preserve.
So we move steadily on. I don’t know exactly what the next weeks and months will bring regarding this coronavirus disease, but I expect it will be highly unlikely to see societies – including the USA – return back to the full “normal” we had before. No doubt handshakes and hugs are a thing of the past.
There are out now all sorts of proposals, including a frightening one to develop some type of identification program so anyone who has survived the virus or maybe tested clean would have a card that permits them to move more freely than those who do not have the card. Sound familiar? Remember the mark in Revelation, a mark a person must have to buy or sell?
And there is talk of having a vaccine that everyone has to take. Really? Yes, really.
Timewise, the Tribulation will not begin until there is an agreement of some type signed or confirmed with the Jews, with Israel. That agreement must be of a type that Israel believes brings real peace, for they then turn to living in unwalled villages (e.g., they don’t feel threatened). This signing or confirming as described in Daniel 9:27 has not yet taken place. When it does the seven year Tribulation begins immediately. The Antichrist sometime after that eventually moves into Jerusalem and at the midpoint of the Tribulation takes up residence in the Temple there. And thus begins the Great Tribulation, the worst time of wrath being poured out on earth. There are several scriptures that make the point that believers are not appointed to suffer wrath, so I certainly expect us to be gone with Jesus before this Great Tribulation. In fact, I expect us to be gone anytime from now up to the start of this Great Tribulation.
By the way, the individual who is responsible for the signing of that agreement in Daniel 9:27 is the Antichrist. So if you are here and are paying attention, you will know the Antichrist at that moment.
The Antichrist and his key assistant the False Prophet work steadily for more and more control on earth as they move to the one-world government. It is pretty apparent we are seeing steps in that direction now, despite the good intentions of many. While we all should recognize the health challenges people face today, we still must all do all we can to see that individual liberties are preserved and restored in the coming months. Sadly we have now already seen just how easy it is for those to be quickly taken away.
April 2020
Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
[This article should and really needs to be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information). It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given. We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]
We are obviously living at the time of the return of the Lord. Still most people on earth don’t know about this, although from news reports it is apparent that quite a few are getting concerned about just what is going on in the world.
Please get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! now and give it to all you know who you don’t think understand where we are in time or don’t know the Lord! Give copies to those you care for. It was a lot of hard work over many years to develop this book. It’s writing was the fulfillment of one of God’s specific assignments to me given many years ago.
The book is here and the time of the Lord’s imminent return is here. This is one way you can help God lead people to Christ. You should not in any way care what other people think of you at this time. Who cares if they ridicule you when you give them a book, or ask if you believe it? The only person’s opinion you should care about is that of the Lord.
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