The majority of Americans and indeed all people are not serious Christians, not born again, not spirit filled. They are easily led astray by the evil one who is working nonstop in these last of the last days to take as many as possible to the Kingdom of darkness and eventually to the Lake of Fire where he will end up. Just look at these events of the last few days, including some bizarre happenings in the natural world:
- Newly elected congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in a rant called the president a “m…f…,” a term not ever used in any decent public or private conversation. Well, she is a Muslim, a Palestinian. What kind of people would have ever elected her to Congress and given her a position of authority? The answer? People who have no idea or understanding of what is happening today. People whose minds are blinded by the devil.
- The Grand Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest city, has been plagued by locusts in recent days. You haven’t seen this on the major news channels have you.
- Our colleges and universities are turning out many with a lack of understanding of the USA and its history and a lack of understanding of the horrors of other systems. Though socialism has failed everywhere many young people now strongly push for it, including some of these newly elected lost members of Congress and many of the political far left. They can’t see the truth. They are blinded to it.
- More and more transgender stories are coming to the fore. The extraordinary ability of the devil to mislead has never been clearer. A senior psychiatrist at John Hopkins University and former head psychiatrist at the hospital there says that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.” He goes further to say that all such people “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’” As a final warning, he notes that the idea that “one’s sex is fluid and a matter of choice” is extremely damaging, especially to young people.
- Earthquakes continue to be announced with frequency…many in recent days greater than category 6 have happened in different areas of the world. And the general weather continues in a most unusual form. California continues to suffer from natural calamities. Hailstorms in Saudi and Swaziland. Waters turning red in Malawi and Indonesia. It is undeniable to any alert observer that things are changing rapidly.
- The Canadian prime minister continues in his unfortunate push backing things of the far left – such as backing a new Canadian coin commemorating the 50th anniversary of his father’s decriminalization of homosexuality and his steady backing of all things Islam.
- Many countries throughout Europe continue their fall into the pit. It is now illegal to speak against Islam in Sweden. Everyday citizens see their culture disappearing and the crime level rising. On the opposite side the leaders of Austria and Hungary have rebelled and are taking steps to try to protect their countries from the danger of uncontrolled Muslim immigration and violent Muslim clerics in their midst.
- The first day of the new Congress in Washington, a bill was introduced to do away with the Electoral College, a fundamental attempt to destroy the amazing constitutional design of the USA. Without the Electoral College, the presidential elections would all be controlled by the far left, far liberal states of California and New York which have enormous populations and always vote overwhelmingly liberal, leaving most of the rest of the country subject to their lost views.
- Russia, Iran, and Turkey move ever closer together. Remember, these are the countries that invade Israel in the Ezekiel 38-39 war, likely early in the Tribulation period.
(January 2019)
Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin
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