Saturday, February 2, 2019


We’ve talked about the apostasy, about the falling away from God that Paul noted would happen in these last days.  We’ve looked at all kinds of terrible examples of that.  But now the government of New York, the governor of Virginia, and the Board of Education of California have all given us monumental examples of evil, of apostasy.

And we ask – are these real citizens of America like us?  Where did they come from?  Who are they?  How can they have this kind of thinking?

This is horror of horrors.  The state just approved the abortion of babies right up to birth.  Murdering full term babies is just fine with them.  To celebrate this mass murder decision the new One World Trade Center was lighted up in pink.

Evil doesn’t get any worse.  It can’t.  The people who made this decision are obviously horribly misguided.  2 Corinthians 4:4 applies to be sure, that the god of this world [the devil] has blinded the minds of nonbelievers.

Not to be outdone the state of Virginia’s legislature is considering a similar horrible abortion bill.  And to top it all off, the governor made some horrific statements right out of old horror movies.  He noted that should a baby at this late term be aborted and in fact be born alive, the baby could just be kept over here on the side while the doctors and parents debate the situation.  Debate what?  Killing the living person right there.

No nations of the world are worse than this.  This is pure unbridled murder, pure unbridled confusion and ignorance and immorality and lack of knowledge and understanding of God and his commands and truths.

Yet there is still more:  A picture from a college yearbook has just surfaced that shows the Virginia governor dressed up either in blackface or in a white sheet.  This picture has evoked such a reaction among the political world that there are now serious demands for the governor to resign, and maybe that is appropriate.  But not just for this picture alone; much more so for his terrible views of abortion.

You can’t make all this up.  This is horrible.

So the California Board of Education is working to put into its curriculum in a few months the teaching to all children that there are fifteen genders in human life.  Fifteen.
Further, the curriculum notes that it is impossible to tell the gender of a baby because the baby can’t talk and thus can’t tell adults its gender.

Once again, 2 Corinthians 4:4.  The devil at work in people who have no knowledge of how to protect themselves against him.

You know where we are.  In the last of the last days.  Spiraling away.  So much more happening to write about - in the USA and in the world - but this is enough, isn’t it?  This surely makes the point of where we are in time.
                                                                              (February 2019)
                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by John Newlin


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P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465      

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